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asian nose job 2

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can we go topless? ;p
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u mean we actually can?? lol like ever?

RIB @4th months +
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maybe u r wolverine
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sorry care to enlighten us what had you done at vip and reviews n results please thanks :smile:
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OUT OF RECOVERY less than 24 hrs?? WHo.. i mean..WHAT ARE YOU? lol
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i emailed bano bagi, vip and [email protected] and so far only banobagi replied with the following:

We checked your pictures and here are some recommendation for you,

1) Rhinoplaty with silicon implant, price is 3,200,000 Korean Won.

2) Zygoma reduction needed price is 5,500,000.

We introduce the motel near our clinic and give 50% discounts for 5 days maximum, so you will pay $30 per day.

The $30/day is probably in usd right? i was thinking vip would probably b better since i really need alot of elevation in my nose bridge and rib shld b a better alternative to achieve that, more over they provide the transportation and lodging and it's less for me to worry. but on the other hand it also means more costs, and they haven given me any details so i cant really count on that for nw.

and i'd like to ask people who have experience with the four season, is it feasible to go in january? i checked korea weather and it says that the average is -2.5. I rmb seeing somewhere that it was really cold in 2011's winter. Living in country with summer climate all year round, i'm worried about adaptibility issues. After reading hher's review that it'll b terribly painful, i'm questioning hw i'm gonna change and i think im gonna have to withstand pain and cold whenever i need to bathe right.
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Anybody have surgery with Dr. Kenneth Kim in California? He is also partnered with Dream in Korea. For some reason, my gut is telling me to skip korea and just go to him. But the risk is if the consultation doesn't go well and if its wayyy to expensive that I will waste a trip and then have to go back to Korea another time. But then again, korea is now having a 10% tax on all plastic surgery as of July 1st, so maybe its not so cheap anymore, yeah? Thoughts????anyone?
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1)expect price for rib rhino to be more costly;not only at vip.

2)where r u from and how long r planning to stay? ;
for a gd recovery for rib rhino;u need slightly longer time average 7-10 days at least.id stayed for 2 weeks. but its always better u can stay longer.healing n post op takes time.
but if u r going for silicone/goretex u need lesser. about a week or less.

3)i went vip during last winter; abot -10 to -14degs;it was very cold and will be very very cold if you are not used to winter.
but you will get used to it within the 1st week and realised its actually quite "fun". lol people get cozy and have a nice steamy hot beef rib soup and galbissss!!!

some say colder is better at healing. idk.

4) there is heater almost everywhere in any buildings. including offictel and shower room. you dont have to worry about that. you only experience the coldness if you r outdoor but, you gonna wear some thick clothings so i guess its pretty okay.

5)hher's review mentioned hella extreme pain, even i had been thru it personally felt really painful after reading her review. lol

it is very very painful only during post op cleaning nose.

no pain during surgery unless you have weak veins for needles (prolly need more pokings) but those r "needle small pain"

no pain after surgery just aches on chest wound(for rib rhino)especially at lying down and getting up. minor aches here and there . once in awhile u get sharp pain tho, like someone stabbing u with a screwdriver ( no big deal)

the only painful is during POST OP CLEANING NOSE session "8/10" pain. well, we survived. but i tell you; nothing beats having a laser facial session on your face.<<(9/10)

dont ask me whats 10/10 thats maybe someone pull your tongue out while u you r awake.
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Jesse, are you scheduled for surgery at VIP for a revision or primary?
I scheduled mine and cancelled immediately after 1st consult for many reasons.

I then went to see Dr. Suh, Dr. Paik & Dr. Oh. 2 docs recommended rib cartilage to tip and implants to dorsum. 1 doc recommended leaving my medpor and goretex alone and he will use dermis (taken from buttock) to add a layer to cover tip and to give a slight projection. I know I wont have drastic results with this method. Just so you know, I have goretex on my dorsum (a thin piece) for 3 years now and I have not had complications such as infection or redness. My bridge looks very natural and I like the height so I dont need to augment it. I just need tip work.

My advice to everyone is keep your options open and allow yourself at least 2 days to see 3-4 doctors before deciding.

Today, I went with a gal from the forum for consultation and another doctor (who has never been mentioned on this forum) also recommended rib on the tip ONLY and silicone with temporal fascia on the dorsum for a natural look. The doctor did not try to upsell additional procedures. I did asked whether I needed paranasal augmention and he said yes but optional. neither the doc now the consultant tried to sell additional procedures like fat injection forehead or chin. Oh, the nice thing is this clinic offers to pay for our accommodations - 5 days.

Oh, one more thing, the price at the clinics I mentioned above are lower than VIP. You are looking at $5-7K. I think VIP price quote takes into account lodging, aftercare, and food.
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yeah..I am taking my sweet time....haha. I just want to do it right this time ..if you know what I mean.

I prolly extend my stay to end of the month...so yeah,....will give you a buzz when I return from Busan.
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Currently, I'm scheduled for surgery at VIP for my primary...

Did the doctors specifically mention why they don't use rib for the bridge?
I'm actually leaning towards gortex as well... since it has a really low infection rate.

Which clinic are you leaning towards?

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confused about what to use for your nose? some opinions id found;


and again: rib rhino is major and requires lots of experience and i believe thats y many surgeon did not recommend them.(not skilled enough and difficult)- it is used for more drastic/ severe/damaged/ revision cases.(should be the last resort/or ppl who wants to avoid foreign implants which has the highest rate of infection so fdar comparing the different methods)

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Goretex implant vs. rib graft vs. ear graft
extracted from link:After all the expert answers the one that should impress you is Dr Jack Gunter's from Dallas. He is the true rhinoplasty expert here in the USA. From MIAMI Dr. B
Darryl J. Blinski, MD
Darryl J. Blinski, MD
Miami Plastic Surgeon

dr jack gunter? http://www.rhinoplasty-usa.com/

@perfectangle your dr c spencer cochran in texas? gunter centre? jack p gunter handpicked him. gunter is the expert in rib rhino.
dr lee studied from gunter. does that means he was an apprentice? anyone knows?

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