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asian nose job 2

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I couldn't agree with you more about this whole forum feeling like an adverstisement for VIP. Undoubtedly, Dr. Lee is quite skillful but there are a couple of people on here that i feel are outright advertising for this clinic. I won't name anyone in particular and i'm sure they know who they are. It seems like this one particular person always know "how Joann is feeling" and wanting to prove that there's no other clinic that is better than VIP for some reason. That's quite odd.
Anyhow, VIP is not your only option people. There are other skilled doctors in the Abujeong district. I went to a doctor a couple of doors down from vip and i'm so glad i did.

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People say thank you because they are thankful to someone, people say thank you to vip because vip did a good job for them, i say thank you to vip because they helped me, i am really thankful, i really appreciate what they have done to me, i am really thankful deeply from heart and that is true

before i had my surgery, I hate myself, i didnt like my nose at all and for more than 20 years, i was living in a state like that, if it was not vip, dr lee and joann, i will not have a transition that i like, and i would be still in that state and will be unhappy for the rest of my life,, so tell me how can i not be thankful to them??

maybe u just need to learn to appreciate what other have done for you!! i haven't spoken to you much, but i have seen your face, i think you look nice!! and i dun think you can get a better plastic surgery anywhere else. please dun do this anymore, there are so many pple out there who really and truly need a plastic surgery like myself, it really hurts when i see someone attack VIP like this.

i dun think anyone were hired.
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hey thanks for the tips. im pretty sure i wont be able to do everything in one trip. it will be alot better to take my time and let everything deswell if im gonna do everything at different clinics.

i was wondering if u know whether or not a genio can give someone a shorter chin, plus shape it into a v as well. my chin is slightly sqaure.

by the way checked out ure one month post op pics, looking good :smile:
how is ure tip and the swelling?
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hey i would love to know some of the clinics u are suggesting. i too would like to see other clinics and doctors being talked about on this forum. it would be alot more helpful. there are a ton of skilled doctors in korea, china, and japan so i would love to know more.
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Hi! first of all thank you for sharing your experience, may it be good or bad. I actually prefer hearing more of the bad things of stuff so then you can prepare how to deal with it and stuff. Although, I think it has been established in this forum that Dr. Lee is great and VIP clinic is great as well, I think its more beneficial for future VIP clients like me to know the whole side of the story. Id rather know the negative side rather than the sugarcoated side of story. Id rather hear both negative and positive side which I did from your review.

As for the people who has private messaging her saying that they did experience the same negative experience at some point or another, I dont think thats very fair and honest of you. First, you are not bashing the clinic entirely, and you are not giving a bad reputation anyways so saying some bad stuff that did occur should not hurt their image. It can also possibly benefit them because now, if someone from VIP is reading this forum, they would know what to improve in their services.

So to everyone, please share whatever experience you had, may it be good or bad. we, the future patients, are very thankful for it
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@Intherighthands: From your previous posts, I saw that you were also a sensitive person and I am sorry if you were hurt by what I shared on my experience. I think I have always said that Dr Lee was skilled. I am grateful that he has tried his best and I don't think any other surgeon could have done better. As I said the nose is beautiful. I just need to wait until my face is de-swells to see if I am comfortable going in public. As, my face is currently disproportionate.

To all the others, I realize that sharing my entire experience may make people consider another surgeon. But really, Dr Lee is the best in Korea (that's my opinion after the homework I did and after discussing with him in real) even Jay Lee, the assistant of Dr Jung, said I made a good choice (he also said he would not recommend rib cartilage to his patients, but I think it is because Dr Jung is less of an expert in that), so for the assistant of another surgeon saying so, it must be that Dr Lee is very good. The rhinoplasty specialists, Dr Jung, Dr Lee and the Dr from O and Young (I don't know the name) respect each other and they reluctantly would retouch the work of what another did.

For those considering VIP, if you choose rib cartilage, Dr Lee is the specialist. I read on Cozycot that Koreans know about VIP.

@taeyang123: Don't run away, Dr Lee can do a very good job for your nose.
@jenstar11 : So, it was your spot on the 8th of June, Joann said the girl cancelled for personal reasons.
Also, I do not want people to think that there is in one side those who decide not to go to VIP and those, on the other side who decide to go to VIP.

I'll repeat myself, Dr Lee is the best, let me tell you why:
-he gives rhinoplasty lecture conferences to other surgeons
-he has been trained under Dr Toriumi (who I do not recommend, but he's a researcher and an expert in rib cartilage techniques) and another American doctor (I forgot the name) specialized in rib cartilage rhinopasty
-he is specialized in rib cartilage and specializes in Asian noses
-he is humane, attentive and meticulous : he tries to give you exactly what you asked for.

Please, do not misinterpret my posts, I shared my experience in details, but I believe Dr Lee is the best.
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its ok angleplane :smile: dun worry about too much about your nose and other parts, i saw your face at vip, your face look really fine and pretty!! i have no problem going to public at all, i just had problem seeing my friends.. hahah :smile:
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bisousx: Thanks a milllion for sending me pictures, so nice of you! I think you look great and it really made a big difference even though it is subtle...(does that even make sense?) I hope you stay happy w your nose.

intherighthands: What a transformation! Before surgery you looked cute, but now really handsome! I think you should be really satisfied! Thanks for being so generous in letting us see pictures!

migookinamja: Thanks to you as well for showing a little video clip of your nose! Also another great looking fox!

I do hope everything goes well for everyone who have had their nose done recently. And thanks for sharing! It really helps alot to see pictures in deciding. I´m now certain that paranasals will be a positive thing for me.

I don´t remember who also had their eyes done at VIP, if my memory is not totally off i think someone posted that they were going to as well as their nose? If so any pictures available?
I have my heart set on eyes, nose and paranasals.
Also I´m a girl so any girls who recently had their surgery are welcome to send me before and after pics to [email protected]. I can send picture if you want in return, but for natural reasons only before pic.
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Nice. Is he scared to lose you, now that you're more beautiful?

Maybe I should ask for a raise, too :roflmfao:
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Angleplane, dont feel bad for what you wrote. You were writing your own experience and everyone is entitled to that. Thanks for your honest input. It is greatly appreciated
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2/26/2011 for the pic of me in the brown sweater according to the file info
8/31/2010 for the pics of me with long hair
and some misc pics also about a year or two old.

so about a year or two difference according to the data attached to the original photos (right click, properties, details, and scroll down to the 'date created') idk if the cropped versions have the correct info though

maybe i looked a lot younger cos i used to turn up the webcam contrast to hide my acne lol :S

yeah, i wrote the signature after i got asked the same question about 5 times lol :S

1. my skin seems the same as before
2. the skin on my nose actually seems a bit better than before. before, my pores were squashed together, which made me get acne cos oil gets trapped easily. and the blackheads would stretch the pores. now my pores are open cos they have been pushed outwards from beneath the skin, so the oil escapes easily and i dont get many blackheads. so my pores seem smaller than before. i used to get pretty bad acne on my nose.

yeah, waiting for it to deswell sounds like the best option if you go to different clinics

the surgeon can shorten the chin
apparently they remove a small slice and reattach it so that it is a bit shorter.
giving the chin a v shape would probably be considered a seperate procedure though.
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Another forumer and I went with JW clinic, it's about 3-4 doors down from VIP. It was recommended by my friend's friend who is currently a plastic surgeon at BK. The clinic was bustling with patients, all locals from what I saw. When we were there for our consultation, we saw so many people with beautiful noses after they took down their masks. One of the receptionists recently got her nose done too and had tape all over her nose the day of our consultation. When i saw her 5 days later, her nose was so pretty without the tapes. Her's was a primary. We saw another guy who had a primary as well and his looked so good.
They have 4 or so doctors there, each one specializing in different areas of P.S.
Dr. Suh is the nose doctor there so he's the only one that does rhinoplasty. He speaks fluent English and was very patient with all of our concerns during the consultation. I don't want to advertise or anything but he is a very skillful doctor and perhaps that's why he has so many locals going there. My case was a very difficult revision case and I am surprised with the result Dr. Suh gave me, in a very good way.
I stayed at their clinic for 3 days before going back to the hotel. They cooked porridge for you and their aftercare was very good. All the nurses were very nice and attentive. We also got complimentary hairwashes as well. I also had my mandibular reduction done at JW but by another doctor. Overall, I highly recommend Dr. Suh.

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Theres sooo many great 'local' clinics that are do amazing work. The only thing is they may not have an english interpreter and they dont really have 'after care' but if you want to know some of them, let me know i can email you a few that ive bookmarked :smile:
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