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asian nose job 2

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welcome girl; im on the 5th month approaching 6th. according to many comment that my nose looks much better now and personally think its getting nicer every day. but tip is still a little swollen.
i cant move the tip at all.

@bbgurly: hotmom how did u manage to move the tip?? are u sure we can?? i used ear for tip btw.. it feels HARD n stiff like ROCK. i dunt think i can ever move it again? no?
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while i have nothing against you girl; i totally understand how u feel about being suspicious. i was like you too before my surgery. i even thought townstory , bbgurl and some others were hired. LOL my sister and i were listing out n checking out those profiles and their posts!

to be honest; after my surgery with vip; and came back.. i totally understand WHY many here post gd reviews and some even too good that i hardly think any lurkers actually believe in them.
i dunt want to harp on this as you have to be one experiencing the VIP treatment to understand.

well i believe me and many others would like to know how is your experience at JW. you know id walked the entire streets of apugeong. tons of clinics. some even BIGGER and looked more grand compared to VIP so i questioned myself; have i made the right choice?- well not important now anymore.

i noticed JW too i even emailed n suggested to some of you who had mailed me for my reviews. there are also some at back alleys do PS which many here should avoid. please kindly share all you have and will greatly appreciate if you can post some post op pics!

i want to state this ONE MORE time to all out there even i had done plentiful;

there is no BEST material, there is no BEST clinic, no best doctor. it all depends on individual needs !

silicon goretex RIB etc all has their own pepper and salt. all cater for different needs! all priced differently, all has its own complications and effects and one may look better in silicon than RIB or elsewise!

RIB is more for drastic and "damaged" noses- longer recovery-swollen, extra wound on RIB,extra costs, extra this n that. its not for the unprepared or fainthearted. < pls do no expect instant beauty or perfect smooth shapes and priced comparatively with other materials. as it requires a experienced skilled doctor and many more hours in the surgery and many post op care.

if you not up to RIB; pls open your options to many other clinics out there' AGAIN: most major clinics/hospital in apugeong are GOOD. but not many are skilled n experienced in RIB. choose wisely.
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Hey! Best wishes to your consultations, and please keep us informed about your consultations.
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hey i think natural tissues would be better. alot ppl get revision from silicone implants cuz they've reported that the implant shifted either to the left or the right from their nose. hey i would love to know about the local clinics you recommend in korea

plz email me when u have time :smile:[email protected]
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hi, could anyone who had PS at taiwan recently, recommend me any Taiwan plastic surgeons?
i find this thread is too tilted towards surgery done in kr... i'm now considering to go tw; and would like to know if anyone will mind sharing their experiences?

I would truly appreciate it! thanks :smile:
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hey i would love to hear ure consultation experiences, especially about dream. what materials do u plan on using for ure nose?
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hey thanks for the review. I have been in contact with jw regarding breast implants, considering going there for my nose to. do they use rib for the tip at all? or only implants? i would love to see ure post op pics if ure comfortable

my email is [email protected]
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people are mentioning dr kao or something? anybody?
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I just arrived to korea today and have my consultations tomorrow so I can let you know. Did anyone have a hard time finding these places or feel funny asking the hotel receptionists where these clinics were?
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i see.

i define fake = evidence of plastic surgery. that someone can tell you have work done. i wld say i'm someone who would go for more natural results, since ps to me is enhancing my looks but still look distinct and like im born with it; insead of looking too plasticy or worked on.

fakeness to me is unnatural bridge, (distinct ridge/ or shading like thing between the top and the sides--> evidence of implant inserted)
Or unnaturally flat bridge top, or unnaturally straight bridge gradient;

Or overly rounded bridge. If all is natural, then I look at the connection between the bridge and the forehead and whether theres any irregularity…

And then the alars. Some nostrils are too perfectly rounded, or the skin surface at the side are flat (evidence of straight cutting and shaving), and... columella, etc etc… many other characteristics. as well as alars of certain shapes (which i don't know how to describe).

Im not too good at technical terms so I cant describe well, so pardon me. :smile:

Anyway when you look at Korean ps-ed noses, they all have quite similar characteristics (the nose features may be distinct or different, but the worked-on characteristics are quite the same).
This is how you can tell whether the nose had been ps-ed or not…

and i guess this is korea's style of ps... that they has a definite prototype way of doing something. they do tweak the prototype here and there to fit your requests, (...gah, how do i put it) but the 'fitting' is still essentially the same.

thats why kr celebs are looking increasing as similar as ever... (but only a brave few admits to doing surgery.)

well i do see some talented work here and there by a few surgeons; but for the majority of korean after pics, i could tell ps is done.

sigh, im in a dilemma... skillwise and technology wise i would definitely choose korea, but stylewise, i would say tw. cos they would fit it to your face, and change it to suit you; instead korea's style of fitting the prototype way then tweaking it (or so it seems to me).
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i always thought his nostrils looked unnatural. and i don't know, but the forehead connecting to the bridge also has a slight irregularity, anyone noticed.

maybe he shouldn't have gotten it done at all. I could tell he had ps (but its commendable that he admitted to it, and i like him anyway :biggrin:).
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Yes you should visit the SIngapore expat forum.
There is a thread on Plastic surgery in Taiwan and plenty of information
on doctors and clinics.

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yes i can!!

But of course just a little. and yes, mine is stiff as well and I think it should be staying that way. But I dont mind actually!!

Btw, did you do fraxel or PRP in KL? HOw long was the whole procedure for the FCR??

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I didn't do my nose in Taiwan, but since I am in Taipei,Taiwan I could go this weekend to check out some clinics for you. I will ask my friends to see if they know any famous or most recommended clinics.

This will also benefit me, if I should encounter any problems with my nose while living in Taiwan so I know which clinic to go to for help.

I will update you after this weekend or something.
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