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asian nose job 2

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HHer, yes, please let us have the names of some good clinics in Taiwan.

Angleplane, thanks so much for your review. Much appreciated.

Jenstar, can you give me the email/link of the clinic? Thanks.
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If you are considering rib rhino - Dr. Kao and Dr. Hsu.
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Whether this is true or not, when i was at the consultation at April31, the office manager told us that kim hyun joong's nose was revised by Dr. Kim at April31. She said his earlier nose was done by BK and the most recent with April 31st. She even showed us his consultation pictures. I didn't know who he was until I saw Boys over flowers (not sure if i got the title right) while i was recovering from surgery.

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Again, don't take my word for it. I'm just relaying what I heard if anyone is interested because I don't know if what she said is true or not either.

the office manager at april31 also said the main actor from winter sonata and hotelier (i don't know his name--but the cute one), he's really famous, had his nj done there as well. I believe kim hyun joong's nose was done at their office since i saw consultation photos but she didn't show me the other actor's pictures. She just claimed those two had their noses done at their place.

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you can look back several pages..i think it's page 466. I posted all the websites of clinics that were recommended to us there

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I want to get plastic surgery in Korea but am having trouble choosing the clinics. What's the best clinic for rhinoplasty and jaw reduction? I'm looking for a drastic change.

My ethnicity is chinese but I identify with the caucasian culture and very little with the asian culture (maybe only 10%) so I want to change my looks to be more caucasian (as much as possible). I've already changed my legal name from my chinese name to an american name. Most of my friends tell me I act white in terms of personality, interests, if I walked around with a paper bag on my head you'd have no idea I was asian. So that's why I want to get the surgery, sometimes when I write that I want to look more caucasian people say they are concerned and I shouldn't change my identity, but I am trying to get closer to my identity, not away from it. I don't know anything about asian culture, I don't read/write/speak any asian languages, I can't name one asian song, movie, or tv show, etc. I just said I was 10% asian because my parents are asian and I eat the food they cook :smile: But we speak english at home, etc. and I grew up the US in a completely non-asian environment... I feel that I am a non-asian trapped inside an asian body (well face, I am happy with everything below the face). So that is why I want to have this surgery.

I've emailed some clinics and they've gotten back to me (I'll post their responses in a sec) but I'm really confused about which to go to. They are all recommending different things.
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which option do you think is better for me?

option 1:
schedule a few days in korea (would 3 days be enough?) for consultations only.
this will cost about $2500 for me
i might need to hire a translator to show me around

go back home and take a lot of time to think about it further
then go back in the future to do the surgery

option 2:
schedule about a 3 week stay in korea
the first 3 days or so, do consultations. then choose the best surgeon and get the surgery and recover the next two weeks.

i guess the only difference between option 1 and 2 is that option 1 will be about 2.5k more expensive
also im not sure if its necessary because im sure i want to have some kind of surgery but i dont know the details yet

does anyone here do surgery help services? like translating, showing people around? and if so what do you charge per day or for a few days?
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I got a response from Shimmian:

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I got a response from Romian romian.co.kr
They also gave me a before/after simulation
They didn't fix my pig nose but the after picture doesn't look that bad and I like how it looks (more than the one that oz gave me)
But they just do these b&a simulations with photoshop right? So it won't actually look like that

does anyone have experience with this clinic? their website is only one page?
and not much info

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nope only FCR. FCr is about 1.5 hrs..
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I got this response from Migo (en.migochina.com/clinic/migo-face.html) navi-kr.com[@]hotmail.co.jp
and she attached me a bunch of before/after pics of other patients from their clinic

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Shimmian (nose.co.kr) says:

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i think its tricky. most ppl will want to visit KR as they are so called better for asian noses. since you wish to look more caucasian, maybe you can try those in the states? why not states? why kr? but if for certain reasons u choose kr; just ask for the Caucasian features but;

tricky as in ; usually a doctor will want to balance up your overall profile; if you having majority of a asian face; not advisable to side towards the Caucasian. overall profile may not turn out balanced.

no offence but i personally think you should stick to an asian look, well, u can talk eat sleep like a Caucasian with an Asian look there is nothing wrong with that; it works. but if you deliberately change your Asian face to Caucasian+ already installed Caucasian personality /culture; it may turn out as a " tried too hard to be" effect on the overall. JMO

i have chinese friends who live in states their entire life and they are proud and happy to have the Asian face. they are Caucasian at heart. thats perfectly fine. to some people- it can be an interesting mix.

i suggest a short trip to visit and consult various doctors first on your requirements and think more before doing something so drastic.

im sure many translators can be hired in korea. some of the doctors/nurses can speak basic english.

take your time to read through this thread and you may be clearer which clinic to visit in kr if your concern is english speaking places.

you can post up your pictures here for opinions if your comfortable, many here will be gladly to help.

maybe beefsoup can advise you better; she had similar done. and those who had visited banobangi< those 3 girls?
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