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asian nose job 2

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Now that your nose is taken care of you can focus all your energy to take care of the new comer. I think your B will be just fine. Don't let yourself stress about it. Just take your folic acid, and prenatal vitamins and your baby will just be fine. Happy Happy for you.

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grats on your new baby :biggrin:

i think reiyuna may have given the contact info to joyanz, and i think she logs on more often than reiyuna does. so you can pm her

what is your hotel budget per night?

btw, 250 000 000 kw is about 250 thousand usd :smile:
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Haha I forgot that most of you guys only come to TPF for the nose job thread.

If you say "Sofa King Banned" out loud you'll figure it out.

Kayrider was probably banned bc TPF has a few rules about members attacking other members.. for the most part, you can express your opinion as long as it's in a respectful manner. So either someone reported him to a mod, or a mod was monitoring the thread.
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Cool now we have another adjective for HHer. I was getting bored of the "OMG you're so gorgeous", we can just call her sofa king hot!

For cheap stays in gangnam try airbnb.com they have dorm like rooms for $15-$30 a night. This is the site where I got my apartment that is closer to VIP than the officetel. I cannot guarantee the quality of any place on there but it's nice to have options.
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Is she going to VIP for that? I what's the cost of that? FYI when I got my rhino quote it was 3.5 million KRW, when I added lipo of love handles, upper/lower abs, and moobs they charged me 7 million and "upgraded" (no choice) me to general anesthesia. I remember asking Joann about lipo and remember the price was around $6000 USD :nuts: Dream also has different docs for soft tissue and nose. I can't comment on the job the soft tissue guy did (obviously) for a couple of weeks.
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jesse, did you ask me about my friend's photos? i don't remember if i sent them to you or not, so many people have asked me~ let me know, i can send them.

also! let me know if you go ahead & do rib. i REALLY don't want to, but VIP tells me that since it's a revision, rib... but other clinics say that i don't HAVE to do rib. and silicone is fine. =(
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how exciting it is to have another addition to your family.
we're all so happy for you!!
it's natural to have a million worries when your pregnant but babies are surprisingly resilient and a lot tougher than our society makes them out to be- i'm sure you already know that :smile: so stay positive and try not to worry. there's no end once you start worrying :smile: everything will be fine :smile:

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haha i'm definitely looking forward to eating my way around seoul :smile: for sure i'll keep you guys posted!!! how is your nose healing?? i know it's been deswelling rapidly, any other updates?? :smile:

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i'm not sure where she's going to go. i was thinking maybe vip since i'll be there already... but i don't know anymore!! hahah i don't want her to end up paying a lot more because she's forced to go to vip when she can get her procedure done else where for a lot less:P $6000 for lipo is A LOT of money!!!

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yes it was me :smile:
i'd love to see your friend's pictures.
and i'll let you know what i decide as well :smile:

why don't you want to do rib?

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Hi jesse00. Rib wasn't a super drastic change for me. Just tell dr lee u dont want it too drastic. Thats what i told him. Its just beem 6 days for me and i say my nose the other day when the doctor allowed me to take a peak while he was changing my dressing. Dr lee said he made mine a bit higher coz my cartilage was weak so i might have more absorption. But i was still bo that drastic for me. Oh and i used sineech pre and post op. I think it really helps with the swelling. I saw a couple of other patients with the sineech box as well.

I was hesitant about rib as well before. I had silicone before and the implant shifted. From what i see in my nose and the other patients at vip haf autologous materials for rhino, it looks more natural than silicone in my opinion. I had silicone for 2 years and for some reason if i take a photo it alway looks "shiny". And now that im recovering from my rib rhino, my nose doesnt feel soo "heavy" compared to when i was recovering for my silicone rhino.

Its soo hot in korea now!!! Bring comfy clothing
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