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asian nose job 2

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Sure thing ^^
Please do take care of yourself and hope you have a speedy recovery:biggrin:
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i can't imagine that your changes would be so drastic that you have no resemblance to your old photo?

even if you changed your eyes, nose, jaw and everything you'd still look somewhat like the same person?

to anyone who might be going to korea in august,
i might not be on the forum for a couple weeks while i think about some things
but i wanna go to korea sometime for a consultation in august, maybe september
in case anyone wants to talk to me on msn my msn is cosmgirl08 [at] hotmail.com
maybe to share hotel or to arrange travel details just let me know
(or just pm me)
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i guess u didnt take a look at HHer review yet and i will be in korea in sep 19
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hey j franc :smile:

how many mm was your bridge augmented?
you can already tell that it's only a subtle change, even with all the swelling?

i'm glad to hear that rib looks a lot more natural than silicon :smile:

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hahah it sounds like you're healing SO fast!
i'm really glad to hear that you are already so comfortable with your nose :smile: now, we just need you to get back your old smile asap!

if you don't mind me asking, why do you need muscle relaxers? is it for your nose?

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thanks for the info cindy :smile:

oooh very nice! free paranasal :P
hahah it's a bit scary that you woke up with a procedure that you didn't ask for... :sweatdrop:
but if you end up liking it, then hurray!!!

do you know how hard your nose tip will be once you're completely healed?

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My rib is sometimes sore, even though it doesn't hurt. Dr. Lee was going to write a prescription for me but I forgot to get it. He said that taking painkillers won't help after a certain point in time, but the muscle relaxer would.
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updating with some pics

from the same day as my last post (~1 month post-op)
and if you look around my imageshack account, you can find other pics which show the asymmetric swelling which started to show up after the first week (the two sides of my nose deswelled at different rates)

~3 month post-op
swelling went down on the tip by a lot

got a haircut XD. you can see that there is still some swelling left. the implant looks straight if you cover up the bottom part of my nose. but the bottom part is more swollen on my right side which makes it look a bit uneven.

sorry i dont have a better camera.
imo, my nostrils are a tiny bit too wide (by a few mm) but its okay, cos alarplasty is an irreversible procedure. i think the tip will be a good size once the tip deswells. my left side of my tip is smaller than my right side. but once both sides are that size, it'll look good

do you guys think i have granny lips from the paranasals? D:
i cant stop staring at my lips now
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Hey Kain,

Does your swelling vary day to day? Sometimes up, sometimes down? Do you have any control (I should say ability to make it worse) over it?

You look like a bad ass without being intimidating which is I guess what us guys want for our surgeries. If I told the doc what was really in my subconcious mind I would have ended up with HyoMin's nose :smile:

You shouldn't have told us about the g'ma lips. I can notice something's up with them but I don't know if I would have noticed if you hadn't told us. Are you going to use that last pic for your passport?

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um, thanks guys XD

swelling doesnt vary by much as far as i can tell. i think its just the room lighting and the contrast setting on my webcam. imo, the pic taken on 7-14 is closer to what the tip looks like irl (the tip and alar wings have better definition). the resolution of my webcam is pretty low so turning up the contrast and 'sharpness' makes things seem less bloblike.

edit: looking at the last pic again, it does look more swollen than the pic from 7-14. idk if its lighting or what, cos i look different in the mirror than in that webcam pic

i think avoiding sodium and drinking lots of water can help with swelling. i cant rly monitor my sodium intake though, cos my mum cooks for me

the last pic isnt for my passport. i just wanted to draw a line down the middle so that i could make it easier to see the symmetry

but i was hoping i didnt have granma lips D:
at least its better than it was before surgery though. i guess if the implants were smaller by about a few mm it would look better but im fine with it
thanks for being honest though

um, thanks lol. before pics are in the same post as my 1 week post op post, which is linked in my signature
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I've been reading through all the posts the last few days!

I am having a consultation with Dr. Lee next week. He recommended to get rib cartilage for nose and genioplasty!

Reading the reviews has been very helpful! The only concern I have is being able to return to work within 2 weeks. I hope it will okay? :smile:
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