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asian nose job 2

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i remember asking him about his paranasals before i got my surgery, and i know he mentioned them somewhere in the forum because that is how i knew to ask him about it.

they do both sometimes. it depends on your facial structureand preferences really. if you have a weak chin they are more likely to recommend a genioplasty.

just by having a thick columellar strut, your columella can become thicker. so you can ask a surgeon about that.
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o0ooo thankkkkssss :smile:))))))
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i used goretex for the bridge and the surgeon used cartilage from the ear and inside my nose for my tip. i wanted a really high bridge like dawn yang (some singaporean bligger who denys claims of plastic surgery) ... i actally had a make up artist do my make up for the show, she put awy too much illumiating foundation crap or glitter YUCK!!! IHAD TO POWEDER IT DOWN!! i looked so fake on the show!! but check out my fb pictures :smile: i look heaps different!!also considering this is 3 weeks after surgery!!! :smile:
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hehee its actially all make up my dear ;0 its really not shiny in real life :smile: considering i had a crazy korean lady attack me with glitter and all her chemicals beforethe show!!
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thankssss!!!finallylyyyy some one niceeee!!! Some of the comments on you tube are soooo meannnn!!!:sad:
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no i actually agree with you dear...i do look older..itsl ike my baby face is gone..butthats in part to hte chin implant....which was done like a week and a half before the show!!!! and my nose was done 3 weeks before the show!! so i still ooked quite swollen...its gone down now!!im a bit lazy to post up pictures...but i will later on once i figure out how to use this forum!!:biggrin: hehee or you can fb me :smile:
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im 21 now dear :0 yayssss legal in america!!:biggrin: ahahaha
wow you guys are soo nice on this forum.... people are sooo mean on youtube..some idiots even made accounts just to abuse me on it....
ido look older and i was looking for htat sohisticated look, i do quite admire the eurasian look but i always tell people im full asian and thats what i am and im not gunna lie if you know what i mean? :smile: im pretty honest and open enough to come on to a show for free....
i was still very swollen after my surgery but this is me now hopefully my facebook link works....i have some pretty insane privacy settings


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im not sure what a alarplasty is butthe docter did not cut the sides of my nostrils and only cut the collumella (how to spell??)) and worked on the tip!!:biggrin: so your definetly right about that there!! im sooo bad a t figuring out how to post pictures in so ill post it in links!!!

this is me last year before any surgery http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=459290828020&set=t.646268020&type=1&theater the other girl is my sister :smile:

this is me in march this year after my eyes and i hadnt done my nose or chin yet http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=165834000145659&set=t.646268020&type=1&theater

this is me now a couple of weeks ago (4/5months after eyes, 2/3 months after nose and chin) http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150333845778900&set=t.646268020&type=1&theater


if you cant see the pics ..im sorry i have some crazyyyyyyyyy privacy settings on facebook!!!
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HEIDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's me ;)

YEAH! I assumed it was makeup, because your whole face was really shiny~ Not in a bad/oily way.. but you were SUPER glowing ^_______^I was like woowww, she has reallyyyy perfect shiny skin ^^;;

& Someone else asked me if the avatar was me, NO! It's my thinspo hahaha. If my body ever looks close to that, I will be sure to post photos. LOL
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Heidi has your bridge went down or is it still swollen ? and i too love that eurasian look . Since you had your surgery do people often mistake you for being Eurasian ?
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i don't think we were being mean on the forum . i think some of us were just offering our honest opinion. i would rather be told the truth by friends than have them lied to me that i look good. Anyway what matters most is that your satisfied with your looks . And i agree with everybody that you look better after plastic surgery
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All I can describe is WoW :woohoo::woohoo:You look like a Korean Actor!!!!
Anyway I'm New to this forum here :smile:
I'm still considering between these 2 clinics ;
VIP or Banobagi
for Ear Cartilage Surgery + I-Shaped Silicone.

I have a short, flat, bulbous button nose & I hate my nose!
I really want to enhance my nose slightly longer and I want to have a eurasian looking nose like dawn yang. But I don't want to use L-shaped Silicone.

Really need some good advice from you guys :smile:

By the way, what is the different between ;
Ear Cartilage + Silicone Bridge Surgery
Septal cartilage + ear cartilage + silicon bridge Surgery???
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Yeah she had a tired look on her face pre-op. Now she looks so alive and fresh.
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