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asian nose job 2

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Yes, the host was very informative and less gimmicky (Tyra). I totally disagree with the two audience members who were interrupting the doctors and other conversations. Sure, 12 yrs old is too young for surgeries, but that's the parents' decision.. They made the doctors look like butchers, without considering what effects bullying has on a young child. Also, I feel like people who are vehement about what others do with their faces/bodies for the purpose of their own beliefs just don't want to see others looking beautiful. But that's OT.
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I'm sure Tyra had her nose done as well. LOL. Maybe other body parts too... I don't think wanting a taller nose or nicer tip, nostrils, etc or bigger eyes, or getting jaw surgery etc is any of their business. I want to get my eyes done too but I want to make mines more slanted! I have double lids and round eyes but I prefer the slanted look...and I'm asian. I think a lot of white and black women get surgery to make their eyes more slanted, or "pulled up" when they get their eyes done. IMO, this is surgery to imitate an asian look, in other words make them look more asian. When I mention this to people who criticize asians getting their eyes done, they go all quiet or get pissed off and offended. Why would you be offended by that? LOL. I mean come on, unless you're a racist, there's no need to be offended by it.
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Well there are ideal proportions to the face that are universal for all race and cultures.

But people have to remember that what is considered beautiful today may not be what was considered to be desirable in other times. Today, people want straight noses, but perhaps there was a time when noses that were more "hooked" were popular? That's just one possibility.

Asians don't get surgery to make them look white or black or whatever else, they just want to enhance their features.

But I'm not naive enough to believe that's what every Asian going into surgery is going in for; there might be those who want to look more white or more black or more whatever.

Yet I don't see anything morally "wrong" with that if such a person was brought up in a competitive environment where surgery is necessary.

Either way, each person's face is different. A good surgery should be able to balance out all the less-than-perfect features with the already positive, but untouched features. It'd be foolish to ask for Tom Cruise's nose to be put on my face, just because he was once the world's most bankable and sought after actor.
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hey i watched some of the show and u look sooo pretty :smile:
wat a big difference the before and after were. i thought ure surgeon was so cute haha.

anyways ppl need to stop looking down and critizing others for altering their appearance by going under the knife, when ppl are constantly altering themselves when they tan, dye their hair, wear contacts, go to the gym, or curl or straighten their hair.

don't we all wanna feel good about ourselves and look our best?
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Hi guys :smile:

I wanna ask if anyone has any idea how much nose filler would cost in Korea or other related information such as experiences, recommended clinics/hospitals?
I have been doing research regarding the price on the internet for a long time but I haven't been able to find a price quote for nose fillers. If anyone has done it or knows the price I would really appreciate your help!

I will be heading to Seoul next month and I really look forward to getting it. Thank you ! :smile:
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booo none of the links work :sad: haha do u mind posting before and after pics on the forum?? or through email :smile:
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HAHA omg i saw that!!! tyra banks is such a HUGE hypocrite. first of all the girl looked tired cuz of her eyes and i think they were uneven. and the conclusion tyra banks jumps to is tht she wants to be white.... really????

funny how she didnt seem to mention she got 2 NOSE JOBS, and probably breast implants. juss go see her pictures as a child, and u all will agree with me. and what does she call tht?? maybe she wants to be white too then. she is such a phony.
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Dr. Keizo Fukuta?
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If Tyra Banks really object to people changing their natural looks in any way, then she shouldn't put on loads of hair extension or get a nose job.

Its everybody right to want to make themselves look better and she shouldn't be so negative about it. Or make the asian girl feel worse by having so many people in the studio agreeing with her.
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@dulce_de_leche i think i mentioned this website before http://www.veriteclinic.jp/progress/eyes_n_b.html by Dr. Keizo Fukuta.

Most of the website is in Japanese unless you know japanese and not sure what materials they used ? But his work is pretty impressive .

But im not sure if @AsianModelBoy is talking about the same doctor . since i googled in Dr. Fukuda and didn't find any search for a Plastic Surgeon named Dr. Fukuda
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I tried to measure it and it is actually a little over 5 INCHES. The scar extends from the scalp next to upper 1/3 portion of my ear and stops about 3-4 inches from the very top of my head. It's HUGE :sad: but my head is still very swollen and tender to touch so once the swelling goes down I'm sure the size of the scar will also go down. But a portion of the scar, about 1inch long and 0.3 inches wide is very raised and very red still and I think it's going to be a permanent bald spot :sad:

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Like azn kid and bisousx already mentioned, uti doesn't mean that VIP is unsanitary or that they don't know what they're doing. Uti is actually really common and whenever I don't take care of myself physically, I start showing symptoms of uti. But I made sure to chug down as much water as possible after the surgery and I was completely fine :smile:

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I actually can breathe so much better as well :smile: but for me the issue wasn't so much a deviated septum (though I was told that I had a very slight one) it was having a lot of fatty tissue inside the nose blocking my airway. But the difference in my breathing is like night and day :smile:

The issue of Joann and dr. Lee being married or being close friends actually is an issue. Especially if the doctor performs a procedure that he personally doesn't think is necessary based on the recommendation of someone else.

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Having an ear cartilage tip + silicone bridge will give you a nose tip that FEELS
and moves more naturally. A consultant from one of the clinics I visited in Korea allowed me to feel her nose and it felt really soft! She was able to move her nose tip from side to side and upwards as well.

Septal+ear tip will give you more structure and definition but your tip will be significantly stiffer.

It sounds like you want a pretty dramatic change and if so, ear cartilage alone may not be enough to give you what you need. I have septal+ear and my tip is really stiff :sad: I can move my tip side to side pretty well and i can even push it upwards a tiiiiiny bit and in most cases stiffness doesn't bother me. The downside that ive noticed so far is kissing and snuggling. I feel really self conscious whenever I jab other people in the face. And I'm not just talking about heavy duty making out but even giving little pecks on family member's cheek gets me paranoid :/

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Exactly what I feel...That's the reason why I decided to remove all the grafts and get back my natural nose. This is really something I didn't know until I had my nose done. Well, I know that my nose tip would be stiff but I couldn't imagine how unconfortable it is to have a fake nose on my face...I can move my nose tip from side to side though.
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