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asian nose job 2

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That hotel is like a 45 minute walk from VIP. I did it several times and it was pretty nice to get out and walk.
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My doctor is in Korea :sad: he mentioned that i should go to a local doctor and get some antibiotics and see if it helps, im currently having antibiotics jab & oral medication for about 5 days im still going for the antibiotics jab & taking oral medication everyday,it did subsided a bit but the bob on the top of the bridge its still obvious. My tip is fine thou, but it is weird that my nose reject the silicon only 5 weeks later & i like my new nose before this thing happened :sad: i really there is no need to fly back to Korea to get the implant remove ..
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A lot of surgeons can remove the implant. You dont have to go to Korea for this. When i removed mine it took only a minute. But like I said, you have to decide if you want to let it heal without replacement or try again. I did not know at the time that I could replace my implant so I just took it out and waited in misery with my original nose lol.
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Thanks, Kain. There is also a Nouveau City opposite Renaissance. But I think I am fine with Renaissance now because the cab fares are not expensive, about 4 t0 5000 won each way. I will stay at Renaissance again if I should come back.
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You walk 45 mins? You must be a guy, hahahah! If I should walk 30 mins, I think my family will laugh at me so much and will me me a joke for years, hahahah! Ok, I 'll be serious - thank you for the tip.
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You have to be careful, ask the doc if there is any infection. If you have to take it out by any doc, it is easy, after 3- 7 days you can be ok already.
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Bisoux is right. Check with your doc.
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Hey everyone! I'm a 1st time poster here but I'm actually in the process of catching up with my reading so as to avoid asking any redundant questions (currently up to March 19th 2011). At a quick glance I only recognize Kain's nick here- good on you for your consistency in continuing to share your experience & wealth of knowledge. Also, Congratulations to you & everyone else who've had successful nose jobs- it's unfortunate that there seems to be more unsuccessful stories...but I guess the quest for beauty can be a long, ongoing, costly (& painful) journey.

I just wanted to know if any of you who have had Rhinoplasty, have come across resistance from your partners (or close loved ones)? My partner has been great in supporting me through EVERYTHING I've been through; major family, financial & medical problems, but he draws the line at having my nose done. He's even threatening to shave his head if I do! =/ He said he can't & won't stop me, but he's extremely against it.

I plan to get my nose done in Jan/Feb 2012 & I'm excited, but at the same time this tension is giving me grief. For those of you who have been in similar circumstances, how did overcome your loved ones protests? I'd really appreciate your responses.
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hey i dont think i can say that i have been through the same thing, buh juss my advice, if this is something that will make you happy and something that has been on ure mind for a long time and have made careful thought about, i dont think he has the right to tell u not to go through with it. he doesnt have to support it buh i dont think he should judge u for it. there is nothing wrong with wanting to fix an insecurity u have as long as u have made a smart and careful decision.

hope this helps and good luck with ur rhinoplasty journey :smile:
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I recently made the most horrible mistake of ever touching my nose. Granted, I have a typically flat Asian nose but worked very well with my face. My secret desire was to enhance that part and be more beautiful! Not in my wildest dream, my post ops nose is unbearably huge and the bridge is so unnaturally tall! It changed the distance of my eyes and made me a completely different looking person!!!!!! I look in the mirror and I want to cry. This has severely impacted my life. I won't go out and just gave up my dream job! Now I am hoping my current boss can let me work from home for another 2 week
S or so. I lost so much weight because of it and I just don't know how to face the public nor my friends.
I made up my mind, I will have the rib graft removed from bridge and tip so a complete reverse of what was done.... Have anyone ever had that done?
If anyone is considering rib graft... DONT DON'T DON'T!!!! Looks so unnatural and it's freaking hard as rock! I am 3 weeks and 2 days post ops and not one day I don't regret. This is not worth it, I was too naive. I just hope I can undo what I did soon. I warn everyone ....to think over over and do minimum... And always ask if it's reversible or what happens if u don't like it. I will update my journey back to my pretty face.... This new face does not look anything like me.... It scares the **** out of me! I pray and have faith!
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That is true. I never had it infected but from what I know if it's not natural material, you must remove it before it does more damage. I urge u to go to see either a plastic surgeon ASAP or even go to emergency room. Infection is not something you wait. Please go very soon!
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I'm so completely sorry that you feel this way about your new nose. Where did you get it done?

Since you are only 3 weeks, could the height just be due to swelling? Did your doctor say specifically how much height increase you received from the rib graft?

I haven't done my nj yet, but I'm so scared that I would look worse after. Your post is helping me reconsider what I really want now lol so thank you. I too have a a nose that "fits" my face, but it is far from "perfect". I do just want a very slight increase in bridge and a less wide nose base and a slightly pointier tip.

Did you show your doctor pictures of noses you liked? If you did and if you trust your doctor, it still might be due to swelling. I read a couple of posts on either this or the first nose job forum, that others were devastated with their results, but eventually changed their minds. When you reach enough posts to private message, would you mind sharing your before/after pictures? Maybe members from this forum can either reassure you to stick with the nose or to remove the graft based on those pictures.
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Hmmm so that's why i see alot of deformed looking nose on Dr. Jungs nose revision due to silicone contraction . i always wondered how their nose end up looking so bad. But i didn't know that infections can scar and deformed the nose like that http://nose.co.kr/eng/ . i'm guessing alot of those patients waited to long to get it taken care of and didn't take any antibiotics to stop it. :cool:
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I frankly didn't tell anyone thinking it 'll be settle but boy was wrong. I haven't had courage to see the guy I was dating before I under went this terrible mistake. So I wish I had spoke to people but at the again, it's your $ and your body..... U should do what you is right for you. Just pick the right surgeon and do the minimum as possible. You can always revised to something more drastic later on. This is the best advise I can give you. Choose wisely .... No rib graft !!!!! It's so unnatural looking. Try to get very minium height in bridge.... Work the best and tell surgeon front view is more important than profile. I seen so many people b4 And after pictures.... Profile is beautiful but they never show frontal view!!!!

I am never against plastic surgery (even now) ... Just pick the right surgeon who knows beauty that works with your face!
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i can't imagined what you must be going throug sammielee. Sorry to hear about it. But like other members before you they didn't like how huge their nose was at the beggining until 2-3 months later. So i would give it another month for the swelling to go down. And if you really want the swelling to go down fast drink lots of pineapple juice and walk alot . And no spicy foods !:smile:
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