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asian nose job 2

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18 is still to young for a nose job because your cartilage bone in your nose may still be growing . And because of that when you get nose job implants it may shifted later on so you may need another nose revisions. 25 and up might be a good candidate.

But hey i'm not an expert so my best advice is to consult and ask a plastic surgeon . Actually there is a member in here who had his surgery at 19 so if you really want a nose job go for it ! But please please researched thoroughly :sunnies
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well considering azn_kid just confirmed that her slideshow pics look more true to life and considering that vip's frontal pics of her nose look NOTHING like how her actual frontal nose looks ...its pretty safe to say at least with this particular photo they definitely did some tampering.

this is not to say they arent good (Because again we have real live proof of people who are completely satisfied with their results) but its definitely a dishonest and misleading practice.
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i can understand photoshopping skin or whatever to make it look better but it is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE to photoshop the actual result of the nose. that is FALSE ADVERTISEMENT.

its different than say a cosmetic ad because people go into it knowing that the ad is photoshopped but with clinic results we expect them to be a true testament to the real outcome.

do not like this shady business practice one bit.

if the result is not good enough to be posted without photoshop then they shouldnt post it up at all. why mislead and lie to the consumer with a fake picture??? shame on you vip.

with that said yes they have produced some happy patients like kains etc. but my theory still stands. even with the "good" results seen by actual live patients that style is totally different (in my opinion) than the perfect barbie cookie cutter style that they have on the website.

i study a lot about doctors styles because i truly believe no matter what is said during the consultation or whatever each doctor has a certain style and the end result will still be a reflection of that style no matter what you tell them during the consult. the style of the real patient results vs the results of the patients on the website are not the same to me (again to me they are not the same. some of you might think they are but i digress..)

i dont care if clinics practice money making moves like advertisement etc. but faking the results like they did with azn_kid is really not acceptable.

they of course will probably deny it and say "oh its just the lighting" BS. that is some serious photoshop.
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can u link me to the pic of keizo fukuta and the korean docs? he probably did train them because jewelery and verite clinic have very similar drastic styles.

how oldr u? why 2 years? and do u live in the states?

dawn yang looks scary i think its better to maybe be male version of angelababy... lol
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I'm not able to opened the link but yesterday I can see her photo, did they delete it already? Btw the result is amazing! Azn_kid.
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...photoshop can do anything.! have u seen some before & after photoshop pics ud be amazed..so when u say "i dont think they can do much improvement from the original photo" its not the reality
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yep they deleted it they obviously read these forums and didn't want to be caught for their shady false advertising.
by deleting the pic they are inadvertently admitting that they photoshopped the pics (not that we need an admission of guilt from them anyway because the truth is obvious)

Members of VIP clinic (Since i know you guys read this forum) you should know that false advertisement is a huge violation of consumer rights it is a crime it is illegal and punishable by law. i dont know what the laws in korea are but given that they are a modern society i would assume there are legal parallels to usa. if this were the united states what you guys are doing would definitely be grounds for prosecution.

some of you may think im over reacting but this is a very serious matter. we as patients are vulnerable enough we do not need to be sold false photoshopped images. what respectable honest clinic would do such a thing? this is is such a shady business practice one of the worst ive ever seen. vip if you are reading eventually this kind of business practice will backfire on your clinic in the long run. best to stop now and start being more honest to your patients before you get huge backlash.
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Hold on for second my friends! Relax and take it easy.

I have not been done any PS with VIPP yet.

In my opinion about PS, base on what I actually have seen on results of real person who had done PS in different clinics myself (not in Korea). I don't just look at pictures if they are nice or not. I am comparing the outcome of their technique at different angle. We have a chance to know the actual person from the web that is solid proof. Photo of passport being taken is real proof of identity right? Not photoshope or touch up at all. But if you try to get a shot with different photographer then you will be surprise how lighting affect to you face.
I found this is interesting subject to discuss. :thinking::rolleyes:
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ok guys relax, they take my pics off the sites not buz they scare people find out, it a misunderstanding between me and them, i'd contact with them last night that why it gone by this morning, plus like tianna said when i do research i dont really look at pixs on the site i rather see real person
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@asianmodelboy: Wow! That is strong statement my friend!! Are you living in the perfect world? Have you ever done any PS yourself yet? Would you mind share with me the truth web that honestly and dare to advertise their real own work b4 & after just 12 days PO ?? Especially in USA , the law taken over seriously - big time. I love to know.
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Tianna: any form of advertisement which is misleading to the public is illegal. If it is photoshop then they should have a disclaimer saying it is not the true image of the actual work done. It is not a perfect world, correct, thats why we with our imperfect face pays a lot of our hardearned money to those professional to make it better and the photos in their web influenced our decision. I think asianmodelboy is justified in his statment.
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@azn_kid: If I had result like you, Bisousx and Kain, I would be proud myself to let the world know because it is successful done. If you look at all celebrities, they have so many PS to get involve with their live. They have well spent with PS and at no doubt qualified expert PS but they got unexpected results. Did surgeon or clinic face the law? Do you ever hear any? I don’t live in US so maybe something I don’t know.
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Huh?! Looks different from ur pic :wtf:. Even the forehead looks slightly higher compared to before pic.. Anyway, i like ur actual results. You look great! Just wish dat i have a high nose like urs.
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