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asian nose job 2

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Hmm.. What has it got to do w age now?

Well, i dont mean tat its ok to photoshop, but yes, its like this!

But u know y am i not angry/upset/negative about it? Cos feeling tat way doesnt make a difference in how my nose looks now. In short, my nose is done, getting better each day although i hope e tip deswells faster.

E reason y i commented on this issue was because i wanted to clarify tat VIP didnt make up the good job they hv done by showing photoshopped pics. What they did, at least to my b&a was to make it look less swollen as the pics were taken 10days post op. to b fair, i cant think of another way of how they could get b&a for their site since most patients r nt willing to b featured, of course they had to tamper w pics of ppl who gave consent rite? N i reiterate, i do not agree w the photoshop part. Its more of like i empathise w them.

N if because some of us r less critical of the photoshop part, causing ppl to change their mind about which ever doctor, then its jus too bad n I dont care. Cos its ur nose n not mine.

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lol yeh its their noses not ours.. chillax! u shld be sleeping by now! ;p

we dunt get paid here so dunt waste our time. lol

anyone want some coffee?
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for those who had pm-ed me for my pics, they are posted on pg 583 on this thread. hope my sharing is helpful to those to need it. btw, i think my nose looks better now then the last pic that i posted on pg 583. *shy* =p shall post it up someday.
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post it up now! ;p
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Upset wit me but not with them huh...lol.. Btw i wasnt talking abt anyone in particular least of all U. And I read ur previous post nd I understand thatbu did not condone it. I was just making a general statement there..

What I meant by age is that there r a lot of 1st timer/young ppl here who deserve the right kind of information. VIP is misleading them (and us) by showing photoshoppe result so its irresponsible for us with experience (not necessary u) to say its ok.

Btw I saw that this is ur third NJ (or 2nd) and I'm happy that U finally got it right. I didnt get it right the 1st time either and how I wished that this forum existed when I did mine so I get the right kind of information.. See what I meant?
What I meant by age
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@megoreng: Thanks to your kindness instruction. I think you have a successfully done with your knew nose even only few weeks PO of revision.
@ To all forumers: I think my experience does not help anyone in here if you don't understand what I try to point out some important thing in PS field. At first I feel guilty not contribute my part by silently reading info. But it turns out I am wrong. Thank you for all your info and continued to discuss so keep this forum with interesting subject. I do care for all of you and good luck to all. I am sorry for not making myself clear enough. Age is make a big different. That is very true too.
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Not sure if she did it in this clinic or not but they do have her picture on this website but it's in Chinese if you understand ? http://www.aiskzx.com
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i completely agree, i think ppl dont get how big of a deal it is for a clinic to photo-shop their pics. i respect vip alot but the photo-shopping is unacceptable. they should juss wait for their patients noses to deswell, and have them send in a photo when their 6 or 7 months post-op so it will be acceptable enough so they wont have to even edit in the first place.
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heres the link to the plastic surgery clinic she went to. its also in chinese.


her pictures are posted on the website.
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filler are great if you get a great doctor however understand that some fillers last 10-20 years and is hard to remove.
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I have reservation of injecting filler too when VIP suggested it for revision, to make my bridge higher. Filler is either temporary or it would melt and spread to other areas which would be difficult to remove later.
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