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asian nose job 2

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i do not kno the difference but i do know that narrowing the nasal bones (osteotomies) will make the nose appear more thinner and narrow from the front. im considering getting this done for my rhinoplasty cuz i think my nasal bones are a bit wide in the front. but my bridge is already really narrow so im not sure how my nose would end up looking like in the end.
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Im glad you went with your gut cos you're completely spot on about dr.lee of bano. I really regret going with him. I don't even know why I did! I guess it was only out of convenience and based on their lovely b&a models, but when I consulted with him, he hardly said 2 words. It's like he had no opinion and he was really tired of doing mms all day. Now I'm going back for a revision next month, I'm taking out the 2mm silicon he put in my bridge. I'm so scared as I heard revision cases take much longer to heal, more swelling..

Anyone know if there is a good chance the scarring will be enough to achieve the discreet amount of height I want in my bridge? Or will I have to replace it with a smaller material after all? :cry:
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Reiyuna!! So sorry to hear that you aren't happy with your nose. I was hoping it would get better as the months went by.

What kind of revision are you doing? What do you mean, will the scarring be enough to achieve height?

I wish you all the best for your next surgery.
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I don't think scarring will add height in the long run. I had a silicon taken out but now after 2 years, the bridge is still the same old me.
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May I know why you want to remove the silicon? If you want to remove th silicon, it is a very fast procedure, taken out from inside the nostril and the swelling after that takes a very short time to down , don't worry...but I don't know how long it would take to deswell if you put in a new one.
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Hi everyone

I have just come home from 10 days in Seoul where I had rhinoplasty done at BK Dong Yang by Dr Kim.

I am now 10 days post-op and I am THRILLED with my results. I catch myself by surprise every time I see my reflection. I had a I-shaped silicone implant in my bridge and septal cartilage in my tip.

I think my tip is still a little swollen, but I really feel that the majority of the swelling in the upper 2/3 of my nose has come down a lot and I can see how defined the bridge is.

First of all, I want to comment on the staff at BK Dong Yang. The consultants and nurses there were so, so lovely. I went with my family and 5 of us had surgery there (3 x bleph, 3 x rhino, 1 x cheek lipo). None of us speak a word of Korean, so they always made sure we had English translators with us in each of our consultations and also for the post-op care.

I will say that the consultations we had with Dr Kim were EXTREMELY brief. I'm talking...10 minutes. He's not the friendliest doctor I've come across, but he seemed very professional, knowledgable and confident in the consultation. He joked with me a little bit and enquired about where I come from, but the consultation was very brief. I didn't bring any photos of celebrities with me, I trusted his judgment on what he thought would suit my face and features.

The day of the surgery itself was scary, and things move very rapidly, you barely have time to think. I was put under twilight sedation (local anaesthetic and sleep medication) and I think I came in and out of consciousness during the surgery, though I didn't feel any pain. There were moments I felt slight discomfort during surgery, but very momentarily, and I would fall asleep again.

Upon waking up in the recovery room, I felt like I had been punched in the face. My nose felt like there was so much pressure on it, and there was some blood. I immediately regretted it and felt really frightened. I also felt quite nauseous, but nothing too serious. After a few hours, I was discharged and one of the consultants accompanied me to the pharmacy downstairs to buy the medication and aftercare products. She got me a taxi and I went back to my hotel.

I had appointments to come back to the clinic for check ups for the day immediately following surgery, and then every second day after that. Each time I was seen by nurses and translators, but it wasn't until the final day when I had my stitches removed that Dr Kim came in, again very briefly, to check on my nose. He came in wearing scrubs (he must have been on the way to surgery) and came into the room, took a look at my nose and said, "you have a very pretty nose now", and asked if I was happy. Then he said goodbye and left. So it was extremely brief.

After the surgery, I stayed in my hotel room for the first two days, only venturing out to buy snacks from the Family Mart downstairs or to visit the clinic for my check ups. On my 3rd day, I felt well enough to go outside and go shopping as usual. I wore a mask (like a surgeon's mask) to cover my nose. I had a bit of swelling in my cheeks, but amazingly I had absolutely no bruising at all.

I had the splint taken off on the 5th day (I was amazed that there was no bruising underneath), and by the 6th day, most of my swelling was gone. On my 7th day, I went to have my stitches removed and I felt like I looked quite normal (though still a tiny bit swollen in my tip).

It's my 10th day and I'm back at work in the office, and most of the swelling is gone. If there is any left, it's in my tip but it's pretty undetectable. I'm already so happy with the results that I can only imagine how much happier I'll be if the swelling continues to go down gradually.

I would not hesitate to recommend BK Dong Yang to foreigners looking to travel to Seoul for surgery (though I can see that the clinic has fallen out of favour with some people here), and I know Dr Kim may be very abrupt and busy, but he really is good at what he does! My mother had an upper eye lift and rhinoplasty with me (she had a silicon implant, tip work and alarplasty) and she too barely had any bruising. The nurses and consultants there are so, so lovely, I didn't expect them to be so nice and caring towards us. However, given how brief his consultations are (I must stress this point - you really do not get very much time with him, and there are 5 or 6 other nurses in the room with you at the time so there is no privacy), it may not suit everyone's expectations. If you expect a long, detailed consultation, you will probably be disappointed.

Now that I've had my rhino, I'm completely satisfied with my appearance. I only wanted the rhino to refine my nose, but I'm so glad I went through with it. It is a daunting experience, especially because you travel so far to do it and it's a foreign non-English speaking country, but their experience and skill is second to none.

My new nose is now so tall and longer in the tip, and I really do love it :smile:
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Wow thanks for the update!!!! I'm surprised bkdong did such a good job considering they are such a big clinic. Not having enough time with the surgeon would really make me extremely nervous!!!!

When/ what day did they remove the bandages?
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So I am narrowing down the clinics I feel most comfortable with to do my nose (bridge + tip) and also fixing my asymmetrical eyes with non incisional surgery.

I am extremely interested in Wonjin but am having touble find any TPF reviews on it, I just see that it is a popular clinic in Korea.

Does anyone have any information on Wonjin, and their nose/eye work?

They also have suggested that I do surgery for my 'protruding mouth'- they are suggesting 'TWO JAW SURGERY'.. Has anyone had this done? The transformations are beautiful but it seems like a Very intense process with almost 1 month of swelling (says the associate from Wonjin). For this surgery they quote me 10,000,000 KRW.

Does anyone have any insight to this surgery and Wonjins work? If anyone has done work there and has B&A photos i'd love you to PM me and share :smile:

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two jaw surgeries!!!??? that seems a little intensive. a usual protruding mouth can be fixed with braces, rhinoplasty + paranasal implants, or even chin enhancement. although it does depend on what the cause of the protruding mouth is.
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I think her surgeons had the skills but went overboard, too. She doesn't look "natural". Not a good look.
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You actually dream of undergoing a transformation like the 2nd and 3rd girl? The first pic looks fine but the 2nd and 3rd one are just too much. Anyone who walks around the street with a face like that would only provoke others to think that they had plastics. Nobody's eyes naturally bulges out like that.
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i guess she wanted a whole new look but you are right it's not a natural look.. she looks surprised...
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damn peoples i'm flying out to korea next week and i'm fricken scared s**tless! can anyone give me any tips about korea? is it really cold now or still ok??? what about where to eat around gangnam?
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I may be one of the "older" folks here who are concerned with signs of aging. My once round and full cheeks have recently become sunken in and hollow with some nasolabial folds, and I'm actually VERY intrigued by this transformation:


from this clinic: http://www.jewelryps.kr/ (check out their before/after pics)

My cheeks looks kind of like the before picture - cheekbone showing with hollows underneath. I would like a rounder contour like the after picture. Is this from the fat grafting? Does anyone know anything about what they did to these people's cheeks to give them a much more youthful, rested look?

I want!
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