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asian nose job 2

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Hi azn_kid. VIP clinic quoted me 7700+800$. But there are Koreans on this forum who are saying that they did the same surgery für 2800$. I know that the korean clinics charge the foreigners more... but 5000$ more? I feel like I've been ripped off...
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Hi elleah. VIP clinic quoted me 7700+800$. But there are Koreans on this forum who are saying that they did the same surgery für 2800$. I know that the korean clinics charge the foreigners more... but 5000$ more? I feel like I've been ripped off... How much are u paying for ur nose surgery?
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No worries! Yes by day 3 I had the energy to go out. Day 1 and day 2 all I wanted to do was sleep. I should have brought a baseball cap to cover my face a bit. When I go out, I put on my mask and my hood :P But my hood is super big so I'm sure I look a bit...aggressive! I'm going to go out tomorrow and find myself a cap! And yes you should def see Seoul! There's tons of shopping and cafes. I got my hair done a day before my surgery. Just becareful at places like Myungdong. It gets super crowded!

I really like the place I'm staying at right now but I think I'm in the business area of Seoul so with my mask on, I kind of stick out...a lot!

Best of luck to you!
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Hey Tinggal,

How are you liking your new nose and eyes? My eyelids are deswelling but I'm still a bit puffy below my eyes around my cheek. Haha thanks for the words of wisdom about taking off the cast! I'm curious to know what my new nose will look like. I'm scared but excited at the same time :P My cast is coming off on the 31st! At Regen they gave me 3 day supply of pumpkin juice. Today I bought a whole box! I'm also using this creme I got from the states that's supposed to help with bruising and inflammation. I think its working well. I hope your new nose and eyes are beautiful and def let me know how it's going :smile:
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Hi knowsnose,

I paid 16m won for v line, nose revision and fat graft.
Hmmm, i am stilled very swollen right now thus am not comfortable with sharing pics now :P

Yes I went out shopping, in fact i've been going out everyday since day3 post op....:lol:
I believe walking helps because no bruising at the moment.
Hope it will stays that way.
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Hey inLprime, I know how you feel because i am ripped off too :cursing:
My korean gfs went for same surgery at the same clinic as me, however the prices they paid are totally different from me, and in big gap too :shrugs:
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are u kidding????? i thought vip was an overall expensive clinic for foreigners and locals. i know getting things like ear cartilage and silicone are generally cheaper then getting say rib for the nose. do u mind if i ask what u and ure friends had done and the differences in price between u guys? :sad:
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Hi inLPrime: what procedures are they getting done? The price ranges from just under $2k to upwards especially for revision cases. Revision cases have been known to be challenging due so I can understand the extra cost...my quote is under $10k for paranasal implants, Deviated septum with rib graft revision. What are you getting done? I'm leaving in less than 3 wks to VIP. Excited! : )
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Im want to do a rhinoplasty with rib cartilage tip + rib cartilage bridge
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Hi Elleah, I am going on 11th Jan which is also about 3 weeks. But i'm not firmed on which PS clinic yet. Where are u from? Singapore?

@misosoup : sure, no problem hope your swelling goes down soon!

@Kain: Thanks for sharing your b&A, you're looking good! like daniel wu!! haha..
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Hi ak212 - the cream you are talking about is it Hirudoid Cream?
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Hey! No its not Hirudoid cream but I just googled it and it sounds good! I'm going to try and pick one up. Hopefully they will sell it at Olive Young since there's one close by me. The cream I'm using is called Arnicare gel. It's homeopathic medicine I picked up from the states. My non asian friends who had rhinos before recommended it to me :smile:
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Hi knowsnose: I'm from San Diego. I'll have adjust to the Korean winter >_<
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