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asian nose job 2

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Hey vivi,you're so helpful & informative!glad i found you here!
So you'd did nose job with rib,correct?does it painful?(from the incision they took out the ribs) and how long after can you resume to normal activities?
and does ' i dont need to worry about the future.' means it'll be less maintained than silicone?

Cuz i really dont want to go back and forth for nose surgery,I want to do it once and right!

Ha.angelababy :kiss: i'd heard somewhere as well that ribs is the thing to do if you want to get a nose like her.

and So sorry if i'd repeatedly asked qn about this silicon-ribs thing, >< hope you understand my dilemma here (i'd arranged my surgery in early dec)

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I think I am so ready but yet so unprepared!!!
I guess thats my character, always till the last minute!!

I cant wait for it seriously. I will definately update my experience here.

It will be perfect if we can meet up!! Can you try to fit your date so we can get to know each other!!!!

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I also want to remind people that there are some other types of cartilage grafts besides rib that are much more commonly used in nose jobs and much less complicated.

I myself have an ear cartilage graft in my nose. Taking the cartilage from my ear added only about 5-10 minutes to my surgery time. I think I mentioned in my "blog" that I was actually awake while they took the cartilage out my ear... that's how simple it was! AND I think it looks great - you can judge for yourself in the pictures from my other posts.

I think the most commonly used natural grafting material is septal cartilage from inside the nose. This doesn't even require any additional incisions or procedures/recovery since they're already inside your nose for your rhinoplasty.

For those of you considering cartilage grafts but are wary of the invasive and comparatively complex/complicated nature of rib surgery, ear cartilage and septal cartilage are two much more common and less complex alternatives.
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Giving my honest opinion based on research and speaking with people (doctors, friends, patients) and telling people what to do are not the same thing. So what if I believe that rib is the best material for Asian rhinoplasty? This is my opinion, and it's not like I expect people to agree with me. I'm sure many will disagree, but that's fine. I respect other people's opinions, but I don't have to agree with them. I'm entitled to my own opinion just like anyone else, so why do you have such a big problem with it?

Ear cartilage is very weak and shaped irregularly, so it's not used on bridges. It also has the highest rate of absorption out of all the cartilages. However, it's mainly used on the tip. Using implant on bridge and cartilage on tip is pretty standard in South Korea (they don't really use implant on the entire nose anymore). I barely had any ear cartilage left when I had my revision. Most Asians don't have enough septal cartilage unlike Caucasians. Some might have enough for the tip, but not for the bridge. I agree that septal cartilage would be more ideal than rib. I would have preferred septal cartilage, but I didn't have enough, which is the case for most Asians.
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Yes i'm leaving Vancouver on dec. 21 so i'll be there on the 22nd
That's cool, brah. They all have their pros and cons. It's up to the individual to do their own research instead of going on forums and getting spoon fed bits and pieces of information.
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Hey everyone, I just deleted my pictures from that photobucket site. If any of you want to see them and didn't get a chance to, feel free to send me a private message on here and I'll email them to you!

Also, I'm pretty sure I'm the only Korean person on this message board who lives in Korea and speaks Korean, so I'd be happy to do any translating of websites or looking around websites for certain information if any of you need it. I have a national ID number so I can register for all these different websites, too~ and I'm a member of all the Korean plastic surgery message boards (they're HUGE! with like 500,000 members who all share tons of info) so I can let you know what Koreans say about certain clinics or doctors in case you're interested. Lastly, since I live in Seoul, I can answer any questions you have about various neighborhoods or hotels or what's the best way to get around for whatever you need. Let me know if I can help any of you! :smile:
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that's a very kind gesture. thank you. :woohoo::yahoo:

could you do a quick search on the korean board for reviews of dr jung at the shimmian clinic and see what they say?

also, i plan to stay at Artnouveau City II in Gangnam. It's close to gangnam station and the clinic and i think the hotel just opened this year. are people in that area more likely to be able to speak english (idk if it's a common tourist site or not). are there lots of places to eat and shop around there? how difficult will it be to order food if i can't speak korean? i don't wanna be stuck eating at mcdonald's if i can't order food =(

what is the weather like there in april? what kind of clothes should i pack?

also, how do i use the subway? do i have to buy a pass each time i go? what will happen if i ride "for free"? will i get fined?

also, are there any highly rated clinics on the korean boards that provide english services?

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About Dr. Jung and Simmian: in full disclosure, I've met him. I actually had a consultation with him after reading about him on this message board, so I guess I should describe my experience with him before I let you know what other people say about him. His clinic is very small... only 2 doctors, maybe 4-5 other staff members, and the entire clinic takes up only like 1/4 of a single floor of an office building (most "big" clinics in Korea take up at least 4-5 full floors, with the biggest ones having their own buildings altogether). Well, my consultation with him was very short. I think he was very busy that day because my consultation lasted literally under 5 minutes. Most of the people in the waiting room were foreign, which I thought was interesting. The consultation itself was not "bad" - he was very nice, and everything he said was pretty much in line with what I ultimately ended up getting done to my nose at my clinic. But he was much more expensive than other places and he just seemed so rushed that I didn't feel very cared for. I think maybe he treats foreigners better than he treats Koreans because a couple people on this board have said that they had rather thorough consultations with him...

In any event, he's not well-known in Korea. I had never heard of him until I read this message board. He's apparently very popular with foreigners, as I've been able to ascertain from here. I've searched for him multiple times on all the Korean search engines (Naver, Daum, etc.), though, and there's super little written about him in Korean. Here are a few things I have found:

-a medical tourism blog saying that Jung Dong Hak specializes in rhinoplasties for overseas visitors and foreigners
-one person called him "famous" for doing nose jobs
-a Q&A page where he's mentioned multiple times by former patients (http://kin.naver.com/qna/detail.nhn?d1id=7&dirId=70102&docId=22854162&qb=7KCV64+Z7ZWZIOyLrOuvuOyViA==&enc=utf8&section=kin&rank=7&search_sort=0&spq=0)... someone asked a question about fixing their crooked nose/deviated septum, and the first person to respond recommended Jung Dong Hak because he's an ENT doctor. But the last person to respond said that they got their crooked nose/deviated septum operated on by Jung Dong Hak but that it turned out really bad. This person also complained about the price of the operation having been so high. Then two other former patients left comments on this person's response, saying that they had also gotten bad results from Jung Dong Hak. One of them mentions that they'd already gotten their nose done twice by him and that they still weren't happy.

But yeah, all in all, very little is written about him. I mean, if you search for some of the other clinics or well-known doctors, there are literally thousands of search results from former patients offering their thoughts, reviews, or complaints about them. But the search for Jung Dong Hak came back with less than a dozen hits... there's just not much talk about him in Korea, good OR bad.

Finally, I should say that a good friend of mine who's Korean-American got his 2nd and 3rd nose jobs done by Jung Dong Hak. He's pretty happy with his nose now because it just looks normal and natural after having the first two go pretty bad. But the first revision that Jung Dong Hak did on my friend did NOT look good.

Okay, I hope this helps!

Your hotel: the area around Gangnam station is very bustling and has a mix of students and 30-something year old businessmen. There are a LOT of English schools around the area as well as plenty of chain restaurants and chain retail clothing stores. You should do fine with English. This area has more foreigners than the average Seoul neighborhood.

Weather: in April, it should be pretty warm during the day (about 15-20 degrees, meaning 60s Fahrenheit) and kind of chilly at night (maybe around 10, meaning 50 degrees Fahrenheit). Bring just normal non-winter clothes for the daytime and a jacket or hoodie for nighttime.

Subway: you can buy a pass each time for about $1, but this gets annoying because you have to make a 50 cent deposit each time you do and then collect your 50 cent deposit at a separate machine once you reach your destination. I have no idea why they do this. Another option is to buy a "T-money" card for $3-4 and just load it with however much credit you think you'll need. It's also about 10 cents cheaper per ride if you use a T-money card. You don't have to deal with any refundable deposits with the T-money card.

Other clinics with English services: to be honest, I've never looked into clinics' English services, so I'm not entirely sure. I am a little skeptical of clinics that advertise and cater more to foreigners than they do to Koreans. I feel like Koreans are savvy about plastic surgery and plastic surgery clinics and maybe the clinics that target foreigners kind of try and take advantage of them because they aren't able to do as much thorough research on all the Korean clinics. For example, the clinics that target foreigners seem to charge significantly more money and don't offer a lot of the extensive after-care that regular Korean clinics do.

I'm also a little skeptical of clinics that seem to be well-known and popular among foreigners but are NOT well-known and popular among Koreans. Why aren't these clinics popular in their home market...? Why and how have they become so popular amongst foreigners...? Are they just sort of targeting them, going after them...? Of course, it could just be a simple coincidence and the clinics actually do great work. But I'm a little wary of the fact that these clinics have zero reputation in their own home country.
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thanks so much for the info.

did your friend have to pay for the second revision or was it free? also, may i have your personal opinion about the quality of the work done by dr jung from the pics posted here? http://korea.nose.co.kr/english/recent/recent01.asp
i'm kind of unsure about going to dr jung because there isn't a lot of info about him and his results are too subtle.

and could you post the websites of some of the more famous and well-reviewed clinics and i'll try to email them and see if they respond?

thanks again
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Hey BBgurly, I have confirmed my dates with JoAnn today. I will arrive at Korea on 6th and will have my surgery on 8th. I actually hoped that they can book me in a bit earlier, but they are so fully booked. So from next week onwards they only have 7th, 8th and 9th December available. But anyway, my plan is finally solid set and we will have an opportunity to meet up as well:smile: yeah!!! I can totally understand that ur feelings. I am the same, so excited, so expecting and so nervous as well. Lol
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does it painful?(from the incision they took out the ribs)
(note: i did mine in taiwan) i believe taiwan and korea use different methods to find the rib. Korea uses thing machine thingy to pin-point the rib rib and extract it out, thus your scar will be hidden with a bra on. Taiwan does not use anything to find the rib, they just do the incesion. When i put my bra on, you can still see the scar. So im really not sure if that's the reason why mine didnt hurt to much?? Just because mine didnt hurt, your may hurt. I read another girl who did hers in Taiwan too, and the nurses were moving her from the operation table to her bed (i believe we had the same doctor) and she said it "effing" hurt. I was born with asthma.. so i was quite surprised i was all comfy and dandy.. lol.
The most painful part is going through all the needle injections... =( i felt really sorry for myself cuz i HATE needles. I HATE THEM!!! Dont laugh too much.. u will also feel uncomfortable and tired. IF you plan on walking and going out for shopping, u can wear baggy layered clothing without a bra.

how long after can you resume to normal activities?
You can do things fine, i believe you cant jog or do heavy sports...ermm 3 weeks - 1 month. I dont remember. Honestly i felt normal 1 week later. I have a habbit of putting my hand over my scar part tho.. (putting pressure on it) I think the first 4 days u will struggle getting off your bed (like getting up) cuz of your rib. In Korea they take extra care and i believe (from what i heard so dont quote me on this) they make you stay at least 2 weeks before u fly back. For me.. i left at 10 days... had luggage and all and i flew back home just fine. I had no problems. I was born a sick and weak child. So .. i dunno.. im fine right now.. i guess when the doctors do all those 10 health tests on you, they will let u know if are allowed to do it or not. Honestly, in my opinion.. it didnt feel like a serious surgery to me. Dont take it lightly tho "removing a rib" of course it's a serious thing. (oh yea when the remove it, obviously it's part you don't need or your body uses) But it's worth it.

and does ' i dont need to worry about the future.' means it'll be less maintained than silicone?
Once you survive the rare chance of problems extracting your rib and putting it in your nose without warping. Yes you're fine for life. UNLESS you break your nose somehow. (but using fake material and breaking it u will need to fix that too) or if you want your nose too look nicer, you'll need revision. But if you mean will it get infected extrude through your nose. The answer is no.
if you love how it looks u can live with it for the rest of your lifetime there is no complications if you found a good experienced doctor who has worked plenty of times on Rib. Again, if your looking for high or (european) noses, you need to understand silicone expands and hardens whereas rib absorbs. For me, i already have a mixed look cuz my have huge eyes, so my medium size asian nose is fin for me. Again, even if my nose shrink a bit more, i'd still be happy.
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Your laptop will be fine at the airport as long as you don't drop it or let it get stolen. It's kind of a bulky extra item, though.

When I was in the hospital for a week, I rented a laptop. It was something like $10 a day and came preloaded with music, movies (mostly Korean, some foreign), and games. I'd definitely pay that any day over bringing my laptop from home overseas.

Some of the hotels, even if they don't have wifi, will have an internet enabled desktop computer in the room. at the place i stayed at it was free to use. less nice places will have one in the lobby.

Sightseeing isn't a bad idea either, though I don't know what you'd go to see.
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Would rib be a good choice for someone who only wants minimal augmentation? I only want about 1.5mm added to my bridge. I heard rib was mainly good for people who needed a lot of augmentation.

A little history: I had two rhinoplasties with a silicone implant almost 2 years ago and I didn't like the result because the implant was too high. The implant sizes were 3mm and 2mm.

I want a revision to refine my nose bridge and give it some definition. My bridge has scar tissue from the silicone implant and is basically kinda wide and round. I am hoping an implant will give it sharp edges and definition.

Another question - those of you who have had revisions after silicone implant, did the doctor remove the scar tissue? Is that risky?

Thanks for any help!
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HI KoreanBoy

Really glad to see someone who is in Korea and can read korean :smile: thx for having given us all these informations :P

May I ask your opinion on Banobagi clinic?
Im considering double eyelid surgery there since that's the only place where I see patients with beautiful outfold parallel eyelid. And what about their rhino? Since I can't read korean so I guess they only do silicone..
And do you by any chance know how much do they quote for both procedures please?

thanks in adcance!!
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are u planning on having a 3rd operation? Yes the thing with silicone is if it's too high.. it will not shrink anymore. It will only DESWELL, and then other the next years it will stiffen and expand more (or as my friend calls it... unpinch itself?) So.. u guys made me measure my nose height LOL. I measure 2cm-2.2cm in height. Note: my doctor left my natural bone, So he just build it ontop of my natural bone.. however.. i can prety much tell u my natural nose is quite flat... my nose now i think it's quite HIGH. But just comparing with my friends.. i would say its medium height. Its a really nice size but if it absorb maybe 0.5cm more... it'd be nice too. I dont know if Rib can give u a pinched or sharp or pointy nose... (cuz for me i never seen it before..i guess those who use Rib ask for natural look) so i cant say from my experience if Rib can give you that look. Rib is the only natural material that can give u the most, since ear cart. and septum (septical cart.) is sooo tiny.. (used for ppl who already naturally have height or just to adjust tip look) yes rib can add 1.5cm height onto your nose.
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