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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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U wanted to find out more from me but not answer me when I ask u stuff? Thats very nice of u..
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why would i ignore ur posts? lol....scroll up please...i did respond ...maybe u missed my post :P
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Which clinic did u went for consultant? I am gg for my primary one.
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Sorry it was not shown on my phone yst- probably the app of purseforum was not made very well, I only saw the reponse of u to all others but me. Deeply apologize about what I said, mainly because I get a lot of inbox everyday asking me abt post ops and opinions- once I answered, off they go without a thank you! 😡
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Yes epi made eyes too close to each other so it was weird.
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Hi lovergirly,

I could not help but to write to you. Simply based on my personal opinion, if you are looking for magic epic, I believe dr Kwon is the right doctor. I have seen 2 real fantastic epic cases. Also generally, teium epic is focused more on upward cut rather than outward cut. Outward cut would make yours eyes closer to each other. I believe you know that dr Kwon created magic epic? ;)

I agree Dr Kang is very good doctor, believe both in primary and mostly revision. However I do not know his skills on epic. Since you are not focusing on your double eyelids, you make the right decision in choosing the doctor specialized in what he does. If you are looking for eyelid cut or revision, I definitely think dr Kang is a better choice.

Nevertheless, don take our suggestion as final decision because if your eyes are ruined as a result of our suggestion, who would you blame? Do note that both dr Kwon and dr Kang have some bad reviews. Consult both doctors and make a decision based on your comfort zone. Cheers
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Well, I am in seoul now. Here are the questions I made to dr Kang, IOU:

Is revision surgery dangerous? Will I turn blind?
No it is not.

After revision surgery, any complications in the future?
Generally for most people there is not any but for very complicated cases there are.

Is it unsafe to do revision surgery at 6 months?
Usually at 6 months, major swelling is gone. Safe to do surgery.

However incision surgery needs one year recovery? Too soon for surgery?
No. At 6 months is no swelling ok to do surgery.

Will there e any scars after surgery?
No..mostly corrected during surgery.

Do I need fat graft every year?
No. Fat graft around eyes are quite long lasting.

Any food that cannot be consumed after surgery?
No..you can eat anything except don smoke and drink.

Any food to consume more?
Fruits, vegetable. I showed him my sinnech and he highly recommend it.

How long is recovery period?
80% swelling is gone after two weeks. After 6 months, very nice. After 1 year full recovery.

I am afraid of injections needle on my eyelid?
You will be put to sleep for 5 mins. Injection will be done at that time. No feelings.

With so may surgery done, will my eye muscles become weak in the future?
No. It is not related because I am doing deep line corrections for you. Muscles won be affected.

I want to retain my eyelid height at 7cm but reduce the depth.
Yes it can be done.

Do I need fat graft?
No you don't need fat graft in your case. Your fats looks good. (Please note I did fat graft 6 mths back :smile: )

I like Dr Kang Very much. He is young and good looking too. Very nice, warm and friendly.
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Teium seems like a good choice for epi. I don't think Dr. Kwon invented the "magic epi" method though. He gave it this name, which has become popular. But it's probably a good sign that he is known for it.
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Hi Snowcup,

I saw that some people claimed dr Kwon invented magic epic and some said not..but at the end, his epic results are indeed solid.

I believe every doctors do have positive and negative reviews but not very objective to just penalise one dr for one screwed job. I read this before "any doctor who does not have any negative surgery is the one who has not done many or enough surgeries. Even the best surgeon has experienced at least one failed surgery" I believe luck plays a part.

Having said this, Teium is getting bad reviews lately due to homgkongphoney incident but not eye related.
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While surgery may be okay to do at 6 months, unless there are complications, I think it could be early since the final results haven't fully expressed yet. "Safe" doesn't mean "optimal."

It does seem like you have a hard decision. I hope the doctors you consult with will be honest and not recommend re-surgery if your results seem good for the stage you are in.
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I agree 100%. :smile:

Surgery is always a risk, regardless of the surgeon. And patients are not always objective about their outcomes.
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I like dr kang too after the consultation, he seems very skilled and pretty honest. But the thing is, after a forum member ( I am not going to announce her forum name in public unless you PM me to ask me in private) told me after her revision surgery with dr kang, which is 4 months post op, her eyes are still incredibly swollen. This has scared me and given me second thoughts... I am not expecting dr kang to be a magician but at least not this...?
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Hey girl,

I know you are very worried and concerned for your revision surgery but you shouldn't have quoted that forum member example. Imagine the agony of seeing this message while waiting patiently for swelling to go away. That person probably kindly shared with u her updates. I know u meant well by warning people. Think abt that person who asked for your photo in that ID thread. .that person was not sensitive right?

I know who u are talking abt..and this is not very cool... :sad:

Sorry to say this...
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