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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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Yes upper lids. But it still stays good after six months.
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please help ... i am scheduled for surgery at teuimps and now i am getting scared :sad:

what type of eye surgery did she get?? how did her eyes get messed up? and most importantly, who was the doctor? (there are 2 there)
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Hi to those getting surgery this summer in Korea please note that there is a nationwide electricity shortage and there are huge efforts to conserve energy. Last time something like this happened there were blackouts. It may be worthwhile to double check that the clinic has back up generators.

Would anyone know if IOU has one? I will call to find out but in case anyone already knows the answer...
Thank you.
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When is ur consultation date?
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Korea has closed one nuclear generator for the time being and government is limiting the use of electricity to prevent blackouts which happened previously when there was electricity shortage. Department stores and other places will conserve energy by decreasing air conditioning and there is a big effort to conserve energy.
I think the big clinics have back up generators but not sure if smaller clinics have contingency plans.
I'm sure this won't be a problem since the government is taking measures but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask.
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Hey girl, my mind is more or less set to go to teuim. One girl from forum is going to consult on 1st july and will book her surgery date on 2th. I have passed her 300 000won for deposite and she will help me to book. My consultation date is 10th july 3.30pm.prefered surgery date is 11th july. Both of manage to get a better rate. Care to join to fetch a better rate?
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hi, the kind of fat grafting they had is different. they probably had fg to prevent readhesion..which is different from fg for sunken eyes. i would consider a fg successful if it stays for years. if its just few months, its really just another temporary filler.
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hi... thanks for the offer but, i have already booked my surgery :smile:
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Just to be precise, I did fg because I had sunken eyes...:smile:
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Hi guys, I'm going to have revisional surgery on my upper lids. But this time, my Dr wants to do fat injections which I know little about. It's to prevent extra creasing which always happens to me. However, when I look at my lids, they are not hollow and seem fatty to me. He never mentioned that this was temporary, but reading some posts here, it doesn't sound permanent. Does anyone have experience with this they can share?
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After fat grafting, fat should not be reabsorbed, that is, usually it is hoped that it is not reabsorbed, and the skill of the doctor (usually it's hoped that's not reabsorbed) and the skill of the doctor is precisely to make sure that this doesn't happen.
Sure, it can happen that in the early months it's a bit reabsorbed, but if the surgery is performed well, this should happen minimally.
For example, on me the fat remained the same...:smile:
Then, I think it's best to talk with your doctor to make sure that the result you want to achieve is clear to him.
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