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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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I had problem with Dr. Kang fron IOU. He botched up my surgery and I had to get it fixed. He also refused he did anything wrong saying the problem will go away. Later he changed my medical records saying I had the problem before.

I tried to get my eyes revised with Dr. In Chang Cho from BIO formerly Bandoeyes and he did doctor switching on me. My surgery is much worse than before and I have medical complications now. They are two different shapes and sizes and I have jagged scars. My eyes look worse than anyone's picture on this forum. I went to several doctors but no one can fix it. I feel like killing myself. Dr. Cho treated me so badly. I was allowed to see him only once after surgery and then had to go through his secretary who was difficult to talk to. They lied about the whole thing and it was a nightmare. I spent 8 million won and the normal price is 6 million for basic revision surgery by this doctor. When I woke up a young doctor was doing my eyes and was arguing with Dr. Cho about what surgeries he did. After surgery Dr. Cho told me the past is the past so I should not be angry. Instead he got mad at me because he thought I was not speaking to him respectfully. After weeks of harassing their office Dr. Cho said he would revise some of it, but it would be not like before. After 6 months they decided not to help me, and I was only able to receive half my money after weeks of arguing with them. He seemed to think just because they did surgery they get money either way. I heard from other doctors that Dr. Cho never gives refunds, and they could not believe what Dr. Cho did to my eyes, and cannot understand why anyone would do such surgeries.
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I'm so sorry this happened to you.

Sometimes plastic surgeons in Korea purposely change something to not match your other features-- so that you can come back for more plastic surgery on your other features to match the first one fixed.

On the other hand, I've seen a lot of people who received DES and their swelling was causing their crease to look super huge, but it went down by almost 80% after time. I can still see bruises on your eyes, so it's safe to assume your eyes are still swollen and maybe you should wait a bit before getting too analytical on yourself. I know personally that after I get surgery and I'm still swollen, without healing completely, I over analyze myself and jump to conclusions that my surgery looks horrible.

Just please give yourself some time and I hope everything turns out well for you
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May I ask which clinic is that? I'm looking for revision too
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DEPENDS. Too little skin cut is an easy fix. Too much skin cut will be difficult to reverse. Ptosis correct over done will make your eyes look like it's in a constant state of shock and that is either permanent or extremely difficult to reverse. A good doctor will err on the side of caution whilst trying to achieve the maximum results you want.

I have been to Korea twice now for surgery. I can personally confirm that getting a consultation isn't difficult and many times you can just walk into the clinic and ask to see a surgeon. Nonetheless, PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCH and make a top 3 list of clinics + their doctors you want to consult with, email them to schedule an appointment, and take notes during your consults. INBETWEEN, drop by to as many clinics to see what else can be offered to you.

In all honesty, my top 3 clinics included all the BIG NAME brands and I ended up going with a clinic that I passed by in a taxi because I got lost looking for my AirBnB! lol The point is, DO NOT limit your options by going through DocFinder and paying a deposit up front before you have your consults. Even during your consults, NEVER allow yourself to be pressured into paying a deposit! [EDIT: until you have already made up your mind!]

PS. I needed revision on my DES that I originally did in Thailand. They were uneven and wonky (one side was bigger than the other). I thought this could not be fixed and so I lived with it for 5 years and actually learnt to live with them... It's been almost 6 months since I had the botch Thai job done and it still surprises me when I look into the mirror and see symmetrical eyelids. If you need revision, DON'T LOSE HOPE YET!! :smile:

All the best !
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Dr. Kang from IOU is whose surgery I was trying to fix. He lied about everything he could do to help me. He was not experienced enough and created permanent problems. But Dr. Cho from BIO made it so much worse when he said he could fix it. But he let some young surgeon who did not bother to get better instructions do the wrong surgeries on me because Dr. Cho did not write good enough notes. I heard them when I was coming off of anesthesia when Dr, Cho was coming off of his break.
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Hi Unhappy,
I am so sorry to hear what happened to you. I am really angry to hear how irresponsible those Korean doctors are to foreign patients like us. You have to do something to sue them. Charging 8 mil for eyelid revision is ridiculous and greedy. I myself consulted both of them before and didn't like them at all. Cho quoted me 6.4 mil for my revision and ptosis correction. I am so thankful that I didn't choose him. I eventually went to another doctor and paid only 2.5 mil and am very happy with my result.
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His secretaries name is Rang Yang not Rang Ahn or something like that . It's not her fault I had to deal with just her but she was not helpful, but I think she helped me get a refund just to get rid of me (after many weeks) because he would have left me with no money. He acted like I was cheating him! Like he was being too nice to me by giving me some money back. I needed the money to get it fixed but I already spent all of it to reverse what I could but it is impossible. It will take many more surgeries and it will not be as good as before his surgery. It is not fixable.

It's hard to sue foreign doctors. I heard a lady tried to sue another clinic and she lost. She was rich and I am not. I was lucky to get half my money but that was hard to get. I even told him I would not say anything if he gave all my money back but he did not care. I feel so abused.
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Sorry to hijack this thread I don't have enough posts to start my own. If anyone can tell me the name of the mongolian line procedure? I have these a line slanted disgonally downwards under each eye. I don't think its eyebag because its not a bag......I just want to know how to reverse the lines. It makes me look my age haha
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Epicanthoplasty is the procedure used to remove the mongolian FOLD. I am not sure which lines you are talking about but perhaps it is within the region of the epi. If you find out the exact answer, do share it as I am sure others would like to know!
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Do you guys know the name of the line under the eye? I have two diagonal lines under the eyes. It's not an eye bag its beneath the eye bag. I am considering using fillers but I heard that using fillers for parts close to the eye is dangerous because it can go into the vein and go into your blood and then to your brain which can kill you? Anyone here done under eye or around eye filler before?
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