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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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Is he the dr Lee from Beverly Hills aesthetic in gangnam?
Is he a licensed plastic surgeon? I had a couple things done by him including fillers almost 4 years ago and I still have the bad results left
Is he still around? I believe the website was something like art clinic...
Did anyone else have filler or V line performed by him and ruining the face?
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Hi Bermuda Lee,

I am seeking a revision due to a bad eye job from Dr. Charles Lee in LA. I am finding it hard to trust or know where I should go to get a revision because of my bad experience and want to go to Korea.
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Hi kkttyy
its Dr charles lee from Bevery hills. his clinic is called Enhance something like that. He is licensed. He is super good marketing himself. I wish i could have consulted more surgeons.
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vvvn: I got reversal epi surgery with Dr Chung in 2014. He is a good doctor, really took his time to explain to me and also showed me his published article which shows how he pioneered epic reversal. I had a botched epi and DL done in nov 2013 (not by him). He has reversed that epi for me. The only thing I have to say is he slightly overcorrected my epi by 1 mm. Now I am considering getting epi again to get that eye shape I like. But if you hate how your eyes look with epi, he can certainly reverse it for you.

By the way, does anyone know if an epicanthoplasty specialist in korea? I am a bit hesitant as it will be my third operation in the epi area (botched epi --> epi reversal -->want epi again) thanks in advance!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello everyone,

I was on this thread a few years ago while searching for a plastic surgery clinic for my ptosis correction, epi, lateral epi, and full face fat graft.

I did a lot of research and had it done at Girin. They did an ok job and I was happy for a while, until my non-incisional ptosis correction came off and my eyes looked sleepy again. Also, I did not like the way the lateral looked. my eyes just look droppy. :sad:

So..... I am back on this thread again. I am travelling to Korea in 3 week time and I just started my research again. what a dread! :sad: these are the clinics I plan to visit:


However, some of them actually don't speak English and I am looking around for a translator who doesn't get a cut from the clinic I plan to visit. I have had some bad experiences with translators the previous time and now I am more careful. Does anyone know someone who can speak Korean and English? Really need some help here.. :sad:

Anyway, feel free to add me on kakao: iammichy to chat!
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Hey Kokokiki, thanks for sharing :smile: Well I don't wish to reverse my epicanthoplasty entirely, I just want to make my inner-eye corners more symmetrical than they are now and hopefully improve on the scars. I'm not sure if Dr. Chung would be able to do this, but the before/after pictures I've seen on his site and on this forum do look promising.

Do you have any visible scars from Dr. Chung's method? Also, did you have to hire a translator while you were there?
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:heart::heart::heart: thanks for the compliment. The chin came from my momma but my eyes and nose are owed to Dr. Seo from MVP lol

There are a lot of you girls in the same boat needing revision and having regret about your primary surgery procedures and too many to reply individually. All I can say is that I HAVE PERSONALLY BEEN THERE MYSELF and you need to know that you can fix that but you need to do lots of research, then find a doctor you've met face to face who knows EXACTLY what you want and whom you TRUST based on the research and knowledge you've acquired from reading, reviews, and meeting other doctors.

Secondly, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder (you). One of your posts says your crease line is too high, but I personally know girls who want as high of a crease line as possible (so they still have their crease showing with thick eyeliner on. Those girls might look at my photos and think "oh her crease are too low" or there might be some girls here looking for revision because their crease is too low... lol If you look at my pre-op photos and see how messed up my creases were beforehand maybe you appreciate your results. I am sooooooooo thankful that I have symmetry back in my eyes!! Nonetheless, if you've read this and if you still can't find happiness and you still like you NEED revision then make sure to COMMUNICATE next time exactly what it is you want for your results and your (good) surgeon should be able to advise you if that is achievable or if they personally think it won't look good etc etc. I wanted more of my EPI cut but my surgeon was adamant that it would be ugly and he even showed me in the mirror how an extra 1mm from both eyes will make my eyes look too close together!! I was surprised that what I wanted would have been a regret if my surgeon didn't warn me against my own choices.

Thirdly, what the doctor wants, ISN'T always the right decision. My surgeon explained very clearly what he was going to do, to what extent, and why then what he didn't want to do and why - THIS IS GOOD; this also coincided with other high ranking surgeons and their reasons. On the flip side, I have also met other surgeons who felt like I needed fat grafting or a new hairline and I LAUGHED at them because I know they are just trying to make more money off me and hell there I have never had any problems with my hairline before korea and I don't plan to have any after korea either. Another example: My sister went to Teuim who suggested she needed Epicanthoplasty and that's where I confirmed they give EVERYONE a cookie cutter answer which is des, ptosis correction, and epi. It's a joke!! She didn't need the epi procedure because she had beautifully shaped epis to begin with! With all this said, YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR YOURSELF what you want and don't let other people may it be friends or doctors make you feel unsure of yourself. YOUR BEAUTY comes from WITHIN. Your face and what you look like should be ONLY for YOUR OWN satisfaction and not for other people to decide.

Lastly, please don't beat yourselves up about your first choice. My first choice was a terrible decision as well which had me living with wonky eyes for 5 years!! The sad part was that I had done so much research and waited 2 months to book the head of plastic surgery in Thailand who gave me blaeroplasty not knowing that Korea specialised in double-eyelid surgery and not just blaeroplasty-for-old-people. In life, we learn. Learn from your first mistake and try not to repeat them the second time.

And btw, going back to how "your outward beauty should only be for your satisfaction" stuff... I didn't have trouble getting boys with my pre-revision ugly face.. yes even after they saw me without any make up :P and guys you wouldn't want a superficial guy anyway! SO YES, if my point wasn't made clear enough, I am telling you girls that WE NEED TO LEARN TO LOVE OURSELVES and only fix ONLY what WE personally and truly refuse to live with.

I hope this helps. Sorry I don't check pf often enough but you can look at all my documented experiences on my very unprofessional (lol) blog and contact me on kakao if you still have questions.
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I had an overdone ptosis repair. Now my creases are too high/thick, uneven and the eyes look buggy. Somehow, it caused fat loss above the eye as well.

I read about a procedure called "levator muscle advancement" which can apparently undo the "shocked" look (bug eyes) from bad ptosis repair surgery. However, this surgery seems to be very uncommon. Is this offered in Korea? And are there any options to lower the crease other than fat?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone has great results for double eyelid and lateral canthoplasty in Bangkok? I'm planning to fly there in end May but have not found many good reviews on any particular clinic.
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hey girl how u been? :smile: Ure skin is looking whiter than before. Share your secrets? Ive started to lose my paleness being in the sun and I refuse to turn rice paddi brown! lol

Also Thambar don't go to Bangkok when you have much better options in Korea. And if you do decide to go to Bangkok avoid the Yanhee hospital like the plague. The botched me up on my nose, my chin and my jaw reduction years ago
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I am hoping to get a revision for DES this summer, but I am having trouble deciding where to go.
Teium or MVP???? It's really hard to decide.

So far, I am leaning toward Teium because there is a lot of feedback from forummers about Dr. Kwon and he seems like a safe, reliable choice, but the only problem is I am unsure about how good he is at giving parallel creases. If you had a parallel crease from Dr Kwon let me know whether he achieved a good outcome for you.

MVP is appealing cos so far the information I have read is positive from smitten kitten and curiouscat. If other people on this forum have had some experience with MVP good or bad please let me know especially for double eye lid revision and ptosis correction. So far not enough information on MVP.

Thank you
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I just had surgery done at MVP, currently 6 days Post Ops. Can't comment on the results yet as I'm still very swollen due to multiple procedures done, including facelift, face lipo, revision eye surgery ie. Ptosis correction, lateral and epi, chin surgery, lips surgery and nostril correction. MVP post ops care is great! From the point of consultation to surgery till aftercare, so far my experience has been very gd. I must say Ellen is really fantastic, can't really find a word to describe her - always happy, jovial, warm, caring, honest, direct, sisterly...
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Thanks for getting back to me. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Deciding on where to go is really hard.
I have some questions for you if you have time and are willing to share:
Which doctor did you choose for your eyes?
Did you ask for tapered or parallel crease?
What kind of outcome are you expecting dramatic or natural eyes?
Why did you choose MVP?
Keep us updated with your progress. Take care
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