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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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Thanks. Yeah, cried a few times myself, but I am more calm. The crease did drop a biiiit since week 1 so am hopeful. I have a question though. My eyelid does not seem all that swollen. Is it internal swelling then that causes the high crease? Why did your sutures come out? Did you get non-incisional?
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It was done thru iincisionalbut i tthink I was ttoo sstressed then or cried too many ttimes, the fold came undone .. Just wait uuntil 6 months before any revisio.. It will keep changing until then hhopefully for the better :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey everyone, this might be a silly question but after doing your first DES and if you aren't 100% satisfied with the results, would you go back to the same doctor to have it fixed or a different one for revision? I wouldn't say I'm completely dissatisfied with DES from my first doctor, just a slightly uneven ptosis that I wished he can fix.

would also like to ask, how does ptosis revision work? Would they have to do anything to your eyelids? I'm assuming no because its the muscle inside the eyelid that the doc should be working on right? The ptosis on my left eye is stronger than my right so my left eye looks awake while my right just looks sleepy.. my eyelids are even though.. lol
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Do you have a picture you can share? I guess for me it would depend on how bad it is and if the doctor is known for revisions. Also, it would have to be free if I plan to go back to the same doctor. I'm just speaking for myself on what I'd probably do.
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Thailand does a lot of high creases but a lot of botched jobs come from there too. Maybe try Taiwan?
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Hi Guys.
I had non incision double eyelid on one eye at Oscar clinic.
6 months later I have something on it looking like a mole.
The clinic said my skin made trouble with the thread therefore I will need to go back for revision and probably do incisional method this time.
I ll be visiting many clinics for 8 days and will keep you guys updated. Even they offer free revision I m really scared of scar now and that it gets worse.
The girls in our group had very nice eyes after going to braun clinic but now they have couple of changes and after care was horrible to another friend so I will skip the clinic this time.
Have you ever heard of duhan clinic , swan, ysenb, secret , jayjun ,cheongdamu or before and after for revision?
Thanks for your help in advance.
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Don't worry, your crease will definitely get narrower in a month or two! It looks good from the photos to me.
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Which doctor done yr double eyelid?
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  • 1 month later...
Hi girlie..i just discoved this forum looking for eyelid revision. I know this,thread is old but hoping to find a dr that can fix my messed up eyelid by Dr. Charles Lee in LA a few years ago. I didn't know how many girls were victims of his until I read this thread and god knows how many more. Would you please email me because I'm new and I can't pm you. My email is [email protected] I would,really appreciate it..thank you
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Hi girls..I'm new here and live in the states. I had my eyelids surgery a few years back by Dr. Charles Lee and he messed up my eyelids big time. My lids are way too high, unnaturally rounded and badly scarred. I don't know if they can be fixed at this point. I would appreciate any of you girls who have or had similar problems to please let me know which drs you would recommend.
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