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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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Hello everyone. I'm a new member here. this is my first post.

I have been reading several forums about revision eyelid since last year.
i had a bad primary eyelid surgery experience in my home country in 2010, which cause my eyes asymetry, left fold is higher than right fold, severe scar, droppy eyes.

i've been reading and hopefully to get some info based from some reviews from the former patients/forum members who were willing to share about their experience, before I fly to Seoul physically.
From what I read online, i found out Dr Kim from BK, most of the reviews in the forum about him are mainly about his bad attitude (arrogant, less attentive), but there are also some good reviews about his work.

For me, i don't mind the attitude of the doctor, as long as i can get a good result from the surgery. So, i put him in my list.

I also found out Dr Cho from Bando eye, Dr Kwon from Teuimp, who were also mentioned by some members from other forums/threads before, I put them in my list too, due to their good reviews.

So, I flew to Seoul in MAy 2011. My first visit was to BK clinic (dr kim), it was my first time in Seoul, but i managed to find BK clinic, thanks to its good location and good subway system in Seoul.
My consultation with Dr kim, very short, less than 5 minutes. He only told me that he can fix my problem, and did not say in details about my problem and what he is planning to do. It's a culture shock, but i thought maybe this is the way korean doctors are.
When I asked how he is gonna remove my old scar, he just told me that he can remove the old scar. His tone and facial expression seemed annoyed, so i did not ask more, even though as a patient, i had the right to know more about what he is planning to do to my eyelids

I must admit that i was lazy to go find out more doctors from other clinics. At that time, i was very tired, just arrived Seoul, and i had limited time for my trip, plus I was not familiar with the location, actually that's my excuse for being lazy !! I should go find out where other clinics, like Bandoeye clinic, Teuimp clinic....

BK charged me to the max , USD 4000 !! Although I felt it was expensive, but I paid, because what I was more concern about is the RESULT, and hoped that Dr Kim can fix my problem.

But, I was WRONG in making this decision. I regret for not having more consultation with other korean doctors when I was there !!

Dr Kim did not fix all my problems, the only thing that he fixed for me was, to remove my excessive fat.

My asymetry problem still there, my right eye is still obviously droppy. What is the purpose of paying so much money for a surgery which my same old problem is still there.
Regarding the scar, now I can still see the old scar (outside of the new incision line) plus a new scar on the new crease.

I was charged to the maximum, but did not get a FULL revision work !

To be fair, his work is only worth USD 2000 for removing the fat and his attempt to fix my other problems , but failed !

Girls, I'm planning for another trip to korea in September, any recommendation (revision eyeild doctors' name) and advices are welcomed ! Thanks !
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Hi Worries,

Doc did a 8mm cease on me. I find it too low for me. Somehow the fats on my eyelids make it seem like monolid when I am just looking straight (no expression). And It is not parallel cease which is what I want.

I cannot wait so long for 6 months. Sigh.. But thanks so much for sharing dear.

I will still recommend girls to do stiching. Revision is such a PAIN

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hi Sad girl,

Thanks for sharing. I can understand how u feel. My primary double eye lids surgery was done locally by a doc who didnt explain much about the operation he is going to do.

We have all the right to know. I was ask to chose stiching or cutting. I chose cutting. And he never explain the kind of incision he is doing.

He didnt tell me what kind of incision he is going to do. is it full or mini or partial. What kind of doc is that.

Waste my sgd3000 and I will never go back there again!

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Hi, "Toheart08",
yeah... wasted my money and my time too, I have to wait till this September (to have 2 weeks off from my work) to fix my eyelids again.

I don't want to make the same mistake, for going back to BK again to ask for another revision. It may be free, but if he cannot fix the problem, free surgery, no thanks !
To ask for a refund is impossible, as I signed their consent form.

Now, I just consider other korean doctors, either Dr Cho from Bandoeye or Dr Kwon from Teiump.

Anyway, all the best for your revision surgery. I made 2 mistakes already.
I hope u will get your beautiful eyes soon. Take care...
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Does anyone have BURNING / STINGING sensation ?!?

I'm getting it constantly. When I first wake up I have no pain. but once I open my eyes I get it constantly. it's been a year. It hurts. I have to take medication almost every day cause I'm in pain.
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hey guys, i just did my surgery 2.5 weeks ago and i realise that he made the fold too small. infact he sew over my previous faint double eyelids. i am really upset and i am thinking of seeking revision. i know i should wait 6 months but i already know the fold will sink even deeper after the swelling has gone down.

my question is:
1. is revision more painful? the doctor has to take out the previous stitches etc?
2. i dont want to go back to the same doctor. I dont thinik he understood what i wanted in the first place. can you guys recommend a good revision double eye lid surgeon??
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same thing happened to me and like you, i just came back from korea too. my eyelids are still small and infact he sew over my previous lids and there is no difference! nobody can tell that i did my eyes. i am so upset.

i totally understand your feelings. i flew a long way, spend money and time and the pain of surgery and ended up looking back to my old self.

its very upsetting!

but now, i am considering a reviison but i dont want to go back to the same doctor. however its is tempting cos the revision is free.

sigh, this is tough and very disappointing.
do you think i should go back to the same old doctor or seek another one and pay!

i did it at a big korean clinic with many doctors, maybe i should request for another eye doctor.
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@rockahella Hmmm ifits big building and many doctor ,is it regen? If its small eyelid can be regen or banobagi. Which clinic r you going to? btw back to update now its 7 days after operation. I tought my eyes will look normal in 7 days but its still look puffy or swelling the doctor said it will go in 1-2 months depending on each person. Is that true?
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Hi naomielly and sadgirl, it was done at wonjin.
Swelling goes off in a month time. if its a very high lid, then its can be 3 months.
My eye swell in the morning but by mid day, its returns to the same eye.

my double eye lid is a very small one and thats why i am so unhappy. i am afriad after 6 months, its back to the old lids that i used to have cos the doctor sew over my previous faint lids.
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is incision more painful than stitching?
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I was also thinking of requesting other eyelid doctor in BK to fix it.
But, I doubt other doctors will waste time do the free job.

What if i get assigned to other junior/trainee doctor, without me knowing when I'm on anesthesia. i read from other forums that it's common in the big hospital that the doctor that u have consultation may not the one who operates the surgery.

I felt more painful (plus nervous) in my primary surgery which was under local anesthesia than my revision surgery which is under sleep anesthesia.
But, when i woke up from sleeping, i felt painful, but bearable one.
the pain level depends on The types of anesthesia, i guess. My eyelid is incision type.
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Hi naomielly,
Which dr did it for u? Was it Dr. Chung? He's coming to Singapore next month, I'm intend to consult him. I've book my flight to Seoul in July, have shot listed item, teium and bk, still adding some clinics to my list.
Do u mind to share with me your photo now?
How much does the surgery cost you in total?
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