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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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I have exactly the same problem as you, when are you planning to head over there?
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So I did quite a few surgeries together back on July 6th. So far everything turns out fine. I'm super happy with my new nose. Face shape looks good from the side, but front view could have been more dramatic change. I asked for a nature look and all my friends feel that my face get slimmer, but not like a really V. I guess this is not a bad thing. I do not look fake at all at least. My overall look also improved, I feel.
Now I have this problem with my eyes. From the first day after surgery I noticed that my left eye lid looks a little higher than the right. I thought it is swellon. Then after one month, I kind of feel that I would need revision in the future.
Now it is almost two months. Somehow my left eyelid suddenly swellon like crazy! SUPER SWELLON! I don't know whether it is due to allergy to make up or just generally weak immune system. It just look so ugly as you could imagine. This is really strange. For the past two months even though my left eye looks slightly different from the right one, at least it looks good and nature. What is going on? I'm a little freaked out. I don't know whether this means a surgery failure or whatever.
I want to fly back to seoul right now! But I also don't know whether it is too early for revision and I don't know whether any doctors would be able to do anything while my left eyelid is swellon like this. I honestly don't trust these doctors, to be honest. They want to operate, because they want money after all.
I remember while I was still in Seoul. I went to well known clinic which is said to be great with revision and the doctor told me he could operate on me, and revise it right then. And he also said the accuracy would be 95%, because of swellon. And he strongly encourage me to do it at that time. He said 95% is almost 100%. I was like, no, if I want a revision, I want 100%. I don't ever want to have a third time surgery with my eyelid.
What should I do?
Has anyone experience a crazy sudden swellon after two months of surgery? Again, 3 days ago everything was fine. Swellon is normal level, not even noticeable.
Please help! And please also recommendations for eyelid revision! I'm considering IOU, TIEUM and REAL.
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I'm at 2 months after my revision. I wouldn't think of a second revision because my ptosis is not really bad. If I don't point it out then people wouldn't notice it most of the time, they would just think that I'm a little tired/sleepy.
I don't blame dr Kwon entirely because my eyes still look pretty with makeup on, but I feel that he should have told me honestly that my ptosis wouldn't improve.

Also, my epi scar is VERY obvious if I don't use concealer. In fact, on the right eye the bottom inner corner looks like it is pulled downwards, while on the left eye, the skin around my inner corner looks brown like it is a burn.

With makeup on, the scars aforementioned look less scary but the shape of the right eye's inner corner still looks weird.

On the bright side, my eyes look much longer after 2 epicanthoplasties :smile:
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I had eyelid surgery at BK about 4 years ago and I am unsatisfied with the results. I asked for a higher fold, which is what I got, however, the scar is visible when I close my eyes, and when I'm not wearing makeup, my eyelids look swollen. When I wear eye make-up, my eyes look nice, but I would like to have natural-looking eyes without having to wear make-up.

I am planning a trip to Seoul either later this month (September 2013), or October and I am looking for a good clinic/surgeon for my desired results. I know this thread is on "revisional eyelid surgery", so I apologize for the slightly off-topic question.

I would like to have revisional eyelid surgery without lowering my crease, but reducing the scar and correcting the depth of the crease (my creases look too deep). However, I also want to have Lower Epicanthoplasty (lowering the bottom outer corners of the eyes), as well as Love Band (alloderm method). I would like to do all these procedures at the same time and would greatly appreciate any advice on which clinic/surgeons to consider. I think I've narrowed it down to 4 clinics, but I have not heard anyone mention the last two on my list:

1. IOU
2. Teuim
4. Grand

Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advice for the advice! :smile:
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Good luck and let us know how it goes! Ps: the last 2 is not good for eye revisional surgery
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Thank you for the reply itsumobaby! I think I will replace ITEM and Grand with Wonjin instead. I will keep you all updated on my consultations, surgery, and recovery! Wish me luck! :smile:
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I will wish u best of luck, My Korean friend found me a doc who is good at eye revisional surgery but only popular amongst the local u might want to check at out!
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Thanks if you can pm me or let me know the doc who is good at double eyelid revisional surgery. I am leaving for Korea in Oct. Your soonest earnest reply will be much appreciated !!!:biggrin:
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That's fantastic itsumobaby! If you don't mind sharing who the doctor is and what the clinic is called, I would really appreciate it! Thank you again! xoxo
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Hi do you mind giving me the details too? I am still a new member so I cannot receive pm. Please talk to me on kakao! my id is lovepeacejoy! thank you! :smile:
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Hello everyone! Just a heads up- In case some of you were planning on having your consultation/surgery done at Teuim, I just found out that Dr. Kwon is dealing with some health issues and so the clinic will be closed temporarily. I don't know how long it will be closed for, perhaps indefinitely.

Let's all pray for Dr. Kwon's healing and recovery.:shucks:
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