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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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Thank you for your post, Shanghai 1930. I take experiences like yours very seriously when considering this; it really is very difficult to get big/dramatic work done on the eyes without having negative side effects. It doesn't look like one can get the best of both worlds. I guess it just shows that even conventionally great work by an esteemed physician may not result in an appropriate effect for the individual -- I understand how you feel; I definitely would not want the "surprised" look either.
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did you go with IOU? who did your revision? was the revision ruined or the original? i remember you said you had bad eye surgery... where?
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I was kinda disappointed when you said you havent seen much result abt a week ago. glad to read that you like your result now! =)
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I have a friend who went to item for revision and there wasnt any improvement.
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sometimes it takes quite long for him to reply, and sometimes he just never receive it. my friend tried to email him a few times but no response and so i helped her to send her email and it got through . so maybe try another account or something.=)
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EXACTLY!!! thats what happened to me! I would give anything to get my eyes back. not everyone suits dolly eyes. i look so much younger with monolids. I took the hard way to realize i cannot accept drastic changes, i thought i could. i also cant shut my eyes properly now. sigh.
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same, i look like im shocked even when im just looking at something normally. i cant even close my eyes properly due to shortage of skin =(
for your eyebags, i think you should wait a little longer like maybe 1-2 years? because grafted fats will absorb, not all of the grafted fats will survive..plus, as we age our fats will deflate..maybe by then you might even need another fg procedure. well thats just my opinion..its just better to avoid another surgery =)
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you are having triple fold because you lack of fats on your lids and that is also the reason why your lid is thin. Actually fatty lids makes our eyes more youthful if you noticed.i used to have fatty lids and i thought thinner lids are better and somehow my bloody doctor removed alot of fats from my eyes) i wouldnt advice you to use tape since you have thin lids because by removing the tape everyday, will make your triple fold worse. from what i read, it seems like you have ptosis. double eyelid surgery might solve your ptosis and even triple fold problem(if its bothering you) and in the mean time have a pretty double eyelid...BUT do not take eyelid surgery lightly. **** happens..and thats what has happened to me.
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i really really honestly don't care I love change! :biggrin: i love drastic change... eyes not closing is only a problem if your eyes get dry but there are eyedrops... ^^ besides i've heard people say sometimes i sleep with my eyes half open... and i have plenty of skin xD so i don't know if it makes a difference...
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okay... thank you ^^ and i appreciate the warnings i'm not ignoring them... actually the only thing that i think is a risk is if it makes me really have a weird "surprised" look... i've been trying to stretch my skin away from my eyes so that i could see what it might look like... based on that... i don't think i have a huge risk of that so i'm glad ^^ but you never know til you see the results...

thank you for telling me not to use the tape, i won't use it since it might still be a long time til I get my eyes done so I don't want to risk it... and yes i think i have thin lids... they're not paper thin but pretty thin... maybe i'll think about fat grafting to my eyes as well... if you say it helps. and yes i have ptosis and triple lid (it's mostly noticeable in one eye more than the other so that also makes my eyes a bit asymmetrical...)
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oh well, if you have plenty of skin then most likely you would still be able to close your eyes after surgery. just make sure your doctor doesnt remove TOO much. because once its removed...theres no way to stitch it back. good luck =)
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Hi Isumobaby,
May I ask how many eyelid surgeries you have been through? From what I understand, you had you first surgery at Migo, which was badly done. Then you went to IOU for revision, is it correct? Are you not happy with your revision outcome? Are you looking to improve your eyelids more? Can you please clarify as I am thinking of going to IOU to improve my left eye which is a bit unnatural compared to my right eye. Do you recommend IOU? Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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okay thank you ^^ yes i'll try to make sure... i think the extra skin might be what causes the triple fold but i'm not sure...? no wait... i am so stupid... xD you said it's the lack of fat... i forgot!!but... i'm sure the doctor will know best ^^ i will find a good one!
okay good to know.. i'm sorry they ruined your eyes :<
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