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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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Thank you again for being so thorough and aiding me in coming to a decision. I am glad that so far your folds have not gotten deeper; please keep us updated. I'm glad you and others haven't just disappeared after getting surgery because that's really where the answers come from... and that this forum isn't just a big mass of pre-surgery people scouring for information (guilty).
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Hello! Were you doing an eyelid lowering revision?
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Hello! How is your recovery going? would you recommend getting the eyelid lowering revision to someone else? I have the same problem.. too high fold.. =(
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Hello! Were you able to have a revision yet? What is the issue you are having now? Any information you can provide would be great!!
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How much are you all paying for revision surgery and ptosis correction?

I need a revision really really bad. My former surgeon didn't realize that I had ptosis, and now my eyelids are extremely asymmetrical after my initial surgery because of the weakness in muscle on my right eye.

I might also get double eyelid surgery because of how thick and hooded my eyes are.

I don't think I want epicanthoplasty though.
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I would recommend dr Kang if you want to lower your eyelids with an overhang. He is very good at that and its his specialty. I didnt necessarily want to lower my eyelids. I was correcting ptosis and revising eyelid/eyeline because left and right eyes were uneven and also excising skin which had loosened over the years. I also had to get fat graft for sunken eyes.
Dr kang said he would not lower the line or decrease the size of the crease. However the outcome so far is that my crease was lowered and my eyelids are smaller than before. He said it is about 20-30% smaller. I'm not sure why my crease is lower despite him saying he wouldnt lower it. I am guessing its because of his method of creating the eyelid (see snowcup's explanation) so inevitably it becomes smaller. I think it is also due to this reason he can't excise too much skin and also have an overhang over my lids.
Everything looks very natural but too natural as if nothing was fixed. I still have ptosis and still waiting for final results and my eyelids are getting smaller each week as the swelling decreases (I'm 5 weeks post op). I'm worried its going to get too small and my eyelids will go almost all under the overhang. I still have the unevenness in both eyes and the lines are uneven in many ways. My fat graft did not stay much.

It may be too early to tell the final outcome but as of now the only definite outcome is that my eyelids are smaller than before (and this was not necessarily the intended outcome for me).

In summary if you want small crease with overhang then I think dr Kang can definitely deliver. For me keeping the same size and not lowering did not work.
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Hi Weick,

Sorry to hear that your eyelid is lower than originally intended. You mentioned everything looks very natural. May I ask if you have any improvements in your depth? I know it takes a while to see depth improvement but just want to know if you already see that improvement? I have not seen that yet.
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1) I used very good anti wrinkle products and massage it many times daily for a few months.
2) Hmm.. no I did not experience any sharp triangle shape therefore cannot give any advice.
3) You should consult with doctor and you need height increasing surgery. The good news is this is a much easier surgery than lid lowering.
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Hi. My lines are still deep. It's a little better because the lids have less swelling now (but still swollen). It looks even deeper because the lids retract from the line and because of the overhanging skin it looks like my lids are sliding in and out from the line and looks deep. I'm not sure if I'm explaining it correctly. It's definitely less deep than the first one or 2 weeks but still on the deep side.
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Thanks a lot for sharing the tips. For the anti-wrinkle product, may I know which brand did you use? Also do you know which doctor is good at lid height increasing? Other than Dr. Kang, I wondering who are the other top eyelid surgeons in Korea. I may also want to reverse the epi. With this epi it actually makes my eye looks smaller. I would rather have a parallel lid which would make my eye look more natural.

Please don't worry too much about the depth, in 3 months you may begin to see the result of the depth. In 6 months, you shall see the final result. Healing takes time.
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Thanks a lot..My depth is like yours too. I kinda of freaked out today after reading all the posts regarding height decreasing as it recovers. I am no longer swelling much only during 1st 2 hours in the morning. I am not having ptosis anymore... wondering if I should be concerned abt my height now.

For the 1st time after my surgery I am experiencing bad anxiety again. On tenterhooks whole day.. these eye surgeries really drive me nuts!
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I use kiehl double strength wrinkle filler for 1 mth. ..after that I switched to sk2 wrinkle specialist. Both are very good. I massage the wrinkle very often during initial weeks. Literally like every 1-2 hours. Personally I m pretty amazed by the before and after results.

If you read thru earlier posts, some people went to Dr Chung or Dr Ahn (not sure of spelling) for epic reversal.
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Thanks a million for sharing all the information. I will check them out.
Also i just want to let you know that although your eye may not look that swelling in the afternoon, but there is still internal swelling and healing going on under the eyelid. I hope you will get the beautiful eyelids you want soon.
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Everyone watch this link about the documentary of many patients' lives are being destroyed by ID hospital, revealing the secret of the lies of dr park- his promise for being the surgeon of the surgery but swopped someone else to do the surgery instead! And when the surgery failed the patient was offered a very small amount of money and forced to sign an agreement for not spreading the words out!! This is exactly what happened to me!!!
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