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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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who was the doctor @ designerps?? he did a good job :smile:
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Hi. I got my revisional eyelid surgery, ptosis correction and fat graft with Dr. Kang.

Overall I think I'm satisfied although its a bit too early to tell. My stitches haven't come out yet and my eyes are swollen and bruised very badly.

Dr Kang is very thorough. He answered my questions and addresses my concerns as well as well as going through the risk factors and potential unfavorable outcome. One factor was that if my previous surgery cut out my fat sac (orbital septum) then he would only be able to inject between the skin and muscle which could result in bumpy eyelids.

I felt a lot of pain during my surgery. I woke up from te anesthesia too early ( saw lots of roller coaster colors) but felt the fat withdrawal. I was aware of most of the surgery--felt the fat injection, ptosis correction, smelled the cutting of skin. Everything was bearable even though painful until the end when the anesthesia wore off and I could feel the stitching. Dr Kang put in more shots at that time.

I opened and closed my eyes several times during the surgery and he said the anesthesia sometimes has different effect on each eye so there is a possibility it may come out uneven but the chances are very small. But he still warned me and I won't know until 5-7 days post surgery.

There wasn't an anesthesiologist. When I inquired in the previous consult and through phone calls they said there was one but when I asked why there isn't one they said its such light sleep there was no need. I asked if they needed to measure my weight so they know how much to put it and also no need. I'm generally in good overall health. So I went ahead but if anyone has a health condition then it'd be best to let them know early on. Maybe they call one? They don't ask any health related question prior to surgery which seems to suggest they take the surgery as not as major surgery. My friend who got eye surgery at a different clinic a few months back was constantly monitored during the surgery as she has some minor health condition.

Lastly, I am a neat freak and I was not happy with the operating room. It seemed too cluttered and didnnot get as clean" an impression as in some other hospital grade clinics. There was even a shoe cabinet by the doorway!

I don't mean to sound too negative on my experience. It's too soon to tell. I am crying blood on my first day and hope this is normal.

I know there are many many positive reviews about Dr Kang and despite everything I think he has the experience and it is a very "local" shop which has its pluses and minuses.

I can't see very well now so I will come back and write another follow up review.
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Weick,thank you very much for the review and the precious info for all of us. Really appreciate it and hope you eyes can heal nicely! : )
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ow.. sorry that you felt a lot of the pain.. Yes its too early to tell, I can't see my eyelids after surgery because he put a tape over it.. he can tell that I needed second revision on the 3rd day.. and on the 5th day, I went to surgery straight away.. And I cried blood too, its normal. :smile: All that matters now is your eyes! Hope it will turn out beautiful :smile:
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Hi. I m leaving on 26th July thro to 15th aug.consultations 1st n hopefully confidently decide on which dr to do upp/lower eyelids correction.Don mind to be in touch whilst in Seoul!for exchange n sharing
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wow thats really soon. what kind of correction you are planning to do for upper and lower eyelids correction? it seems like ur new here so you cant pm. anyway here's my email [email protected] drop me an email if you wish to discuss about it =) good luck ;)
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I want to go get my revision too and my eyes is really swollen and it's so bad that I can't even walk out on the street without using eye cream first and eye drop in the morning to calm the puffiness. But the only thing is I currently don't have enough money saved up yet and not being able to walk out of course no one is going to hire me..but I am making a little money day by day online I am wondering who is going to korea first maybe we can go together?
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Sorry, this is going to be an incredible longpost! I had my revision surgery with DrKang last week. In fact, it was straight after my consultation. I stillcouldn’t believe I made that hasty decision but I was on the verge of breakingpoint I simply couldn’t put this on hold any further. I need my life back. . I bought Bromelain and sinnech frommakemeheal.com and I ate them about 3 days prior to surgery. I didn’t have themduring my primary surgery so this time I could use the comparison.

This is my 2nd surgery on my right eyeand 3rd surgery for my left eye within 7 months. Just typing thisstruck fear and sent chill down my spine. I had my primary surgery and left eyerevision by Dr Kwon from Teium. I didn’t want to mention his name earlier becauseI don’t want to cause any misunderstanding when it was my fault to begin with.All I need was ptosis and correction of triple fold to double fold for only myleft eye. I must have gone crazy to even daydream of having super deep dollyeyes like Angelababy! I ended up having double eyelid, ptosis and epic surgery. I look like a doll after makeup andlooks prettier in camera and video but I was very unhappy because I look very fakewithout makeup. My eyes looks like it has 2 deep cut and people could telleasily I did something to my eyes. It is very un-natural so I cannot really blamethe doctor. In fact he gave me what I wanted. I like my ptosis and epic though!They are very nice.

Anyway I didn’t listen to Dr Kwon at that time anddidn’t do fat graft on my left eye. As a result, my left eye suffered fromcomplication and I ended up with multiple folds. It was very serious! I had togo back in January to fix my left eye. Dr Kwon was very upset with me for notlistening to him. However he did the best he could for me. After surgery, myleft eye was left with a deep wrinkle above my incision and he said that’s thebest he could do for me. Luckily I used my own remedy and the scar went awaylike 85%. You cannot really see unless you are literally scrutinizing my lefteye. As time goes, I really hate my eyesas they are simply too deep that’s why I had to seek for revision.

Back to IOU! The clinic is nice and cosy, prettystandard size for small clinic. Iarrived at IOU at 5.30pm straight from airport. Ms Lee took me to consultationroom and we talked for about 20 mins. She needs to understand if I have money,if I can do surgery today (I pre-empted them earlier), my conditions, whathappened and what’s my expected outcome etc.

I met Dr Kang who had completed his surgery at6.25pm. Originally I had contacted a translator and the nurse told me not tobring one during the call. According to grapevine, it is due to commission cutby translator I guess. During the consultation, I speak Korean to Dr Kang sinceI have no translator. I have been learning Korean for the last 6 months for thesake of my surgery. Well, the good news is Dr Kang brought in a male detemologistand his English was really excellent. He translated some difficult questionsfor us. So please save your money on translator. Cheers for dr Kang with such good initiative.

I am happy after the consultation. Dr Kang told methe wrinkle on my left upper eyelid (balance 15%) will go away and I will nothave triple fold. A few weeks earlier, another forumer got triple eyelid 2weeks after surgery with Dr Kang. After seeing her message, I got prettyparanoid and cranky as I do not know understand how she could have gotten this underDr Kang. Maybe she never do fat graft anyway she chose to ignore my question. Ireally could use that info n support.

I showed all my old photos and videos to Dr Kangbecause I want my original eyelid height, depth back. He told me my originaleyelid height is 8cm. After my ptosis was done by previous surgeon, my eyelidis now 7cm. Btw, he told me my ptosis is good… J The great news is Dr Kang can do deep linecorrection and retain my original height of 7cm! Omg! This is the only thingthat’s nagging at the back of my mind for the past 6 months. I goggled andresearched everywhere and nobody could tell me that I can retain my originalcrease height. This is the key determining factor in deciding if I should getmy surgery today. If Dr Kang is going to lower my eyelid, I would ratherdecline the surgery and have it 7 cm and deep rather than low and natural.

This answered my 2nd concern as well since I saw 2bad reviews of Dr Kang re low eyelid height. I believe Dr Kang used to do lowcrease, for the locals, and highly recommend that for his patients but what isso great about him is he is very flexible in accommodating to our needs andrequirements.

By the time we finished our consultation, it wasabout 7.10pm and I had to make a quick decision. My heart was pounding realhard at that moment. I was brought to aclean neat room with locker, wardrobe and washing facilities to change and washmy face. Surprisingly I do not need to remove my clothes. All I need is to puton their bathrobe.

At 8pm, I was brought to the surgical room. It wasvery similar to the one I had at my primary clinic. I saw the cute Hello Kittyon the ceiling. In comparison to my recentsurgery, I must say I am a bit surprised no antiseptic was put on my face. Ihad this at 2 other clinics prior to this surgery. Other than this, it waspretty ok.

The nurses couldn’t find my vein to prepare fordrip and they poked me a few times! Ouch! It was a bit painful and theyapologize for it but I didn’t have the heart to scold them probably also I wastoo preoccupied with my own anxieties!

Dr Kang stepped in to draw the markings around myeyes. I told him to do his best and this would be my last surgery. Out of myconsternation, he said I have sunken eyelids and he didn’t see it duringconsultation earlier. In fact he said my upper eyelid fats are good andsufficient prior to this. If I do not inject fats, about 5 years later, I willexperience sunken eyelid again. I reckon this indirectly implied my fat graft willstay permanent in the near future. He acknowledged my sufferings re my agonyfrom these surgeries and he is determined to ensure this is my last surgery. Atthat moment, I was very touched. Since price was already agreed so the fatgraft was free for me. Wow! How nice right? I was more worried because I havehad 2 upper fat grafts on my left eyelid previously.

I was put to sleep for that 5 mins and was lookingforward to see the hello kitty lights etc but no I didn’t see them. Instead, I saw many moving colors andlightings during the process. At one point, I probably screamed as I could feelsharp pain on my stomach. That’s the liposuction to get the fats. Before that Iwas debating with Dr Kang to extract fats from my thigh as I know fats fromThigh are more lasting than Stomach but Dr Kang insisted it doesn’t make anydifference due to the minimal amount.

They woke me up and during surgery I could feel drKang was using blue laser light to burn my eye lids tissues. I am wondering ifhe had to detach my eyelid from tarsal plate. I couldn’t get an answer on hismethod to perform my deep line corrections. For all my eyelid surgeries, I amthankful I didn’t experience any pain. Having said this, at the end of mysurgery I could feel him tugging my eyelids... It was a bit painful but totallybearable. Think he was injecting fat graft at that point in time. About 10 minsbefore surgery ended, he was chit chatting with me. Asking me where I learnt myKorean. He also informed my politely that the way I addressed him is wrong. Icall him Weesa-nim and it should be Shangsim-nim. This made me laugh then. I could sense that heis really quick, fast, relax and my surgery is simply a piece of cake for him. Hetold me the surgery is very successful, 100% success rate. Wow! I was veryrelieved to hear that.

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My surgery started at 8.20pm and ended at 9.35 PM. InitiallyI couldn’t believe it as my last surgery took 3 hours.

The nurses are very cute. They asked me questions whereI learnt korean. How much does car and house in my home country?

The sad part is I am not allowed to use ice and hotpack for my swelling due to fat graft injections. I used them for my previous 2surgeries and I swear by its effectiveness.

This is my 1st time experiencing this and I was a little bit freakedout. Blood was seeping out constantly for the next six hours. I probably usehalf a box of tissue papers to wipe the blood away. If I had been allowed touse cold pack, I guess this wouldn’t have happened.

Actually after my previous revision eyelid surgery for my left eye, I used coldand hot pack and my fat graft stay solid even after 6 month. Having said this,I could tell Dr Kang is a very careful person. He is concerned the drastic temperaturemight inadvertently cause side effects to the fats. He would prefer we takeevery careful step in ensuring a good recovery for our eyelid. So I chose tolisten to him.

By the way, as someone for low threshold for pain, I am thankful because thisprompted me to ask if “painkiller” is going to be prescribed to me. I amsurprised I won’t be getting them as Ms Lee said there is no pain before orafter surgery.

She told me it is painless but during my primarysurgery, I remember there was slight sharp pain after abt 8 hours wherepainkiller injection probably would have worn off by then. She is kind enoughto provide me upon my request though.

The other great thing I really like about IOU isthey provide eye drops and oilments.
I experience terrible dry eye and conjunctivitis after my left eyelid revisionsurgery. So I already knew these are essential medication. In fact, I wasthinking where to buy the oilment after my surgery. It was a nice throw in!

Post Op Day 1

The nursetook out the big plaster pasted on my forehead and upper eyelid. My uppereyelid looks very swollen. Dr Kang came in and old me I look great. I waspanicky because my incision was very deep. It looks like my first surgery before and I was really worried. He toldme I need to come back 2 days later for my eyelid injection. This is forreduction of swelling. Doctor went out and the nurse injected antibotics intomy buttocks. There were 2 injections andit was painful. The consultant then told me to sleep less than my regular hrsand I should not take nap in the afternoon. I told Dr I am worried about Hytrophicand Keloid scars and they gave me a medicine “Ribaten” meant to eat like 2 to 3weeks when scars start to develop.

Wow I feelvery well taken care of by IOU and I didn’t get such good treatments at theother clinics. No wonder they are named I love u. :smile:

Post Op Day 2

I went formy 2nd review. It was very crowded today. Abt 10 over Korean patients and I amthe only foreigner. I waited for an hour because I have questions for dr kang. Iam also experiencing blur vision since surgery especially my left eye.

I apologizedto Dr Kang for being such a pain and showed him my old photos again n again andhe assured me I will look very natural.

Duringconsult I asked him again what method did he use? The answer was brief. I hadthought my korean was lousy. I drew theeye, muscle, skin, leavator muscle and tarsal plate. Asked him to explain howdid he make it less deep? Did he detach from Tarsal Plate to Leavator muscle?Finally he told me this is a secret he cannot reveal. All he said my skin wasdeeply attached to a muscle so he had to undo and re-attached it to a shallowerposition and the depth was reduced by 80%. It is supposed to be good news butit freaked me out as I don’t want to end up with too shallow eyelids since myoriginal eyelid is pretty deep too. I am so hysterical and paranoid, right?

Did Imention that I was totally freaked out by the fact my upper eyelid and skinbelow incision was very swollen. I couldn't sleep very well. My swell lookslike the first time I had done it and was real bad today. It spread all the wayto my lower eyelids and my upper eyelid is turning purplish due to the fatgraft.

I believe itis important to eat supplements. I havebeen eating the following:

Apple,Grapes, Vitamin C, Cod Fish Oil, Bromelain, Sinnech

Today I wentto the Pharmacy next to BK and bought this Korean Supplements called “afterplus”. It comes with Bromelain, De-swell medicine (bottle drinks) and arnicalgel.

A whole setfor 10 days cost 148, 000 won. After few hours I see immediate effect in theswelling. Pharmacy said this is star products and very effective although it isexpensive! !

Post Op Day 3

I woke upfeeling fantastic! The tightness on my upper eye lid went away. My eyes arevery dry in the morning and it always go away after I consistently use the eyedrops 4 times a day.

Today when Iwent to clinic, the nurse told me my swelling is almost gone and I told her Iam taking this supplement called “after plus”. She asked me to show her and shethen showed the picture to Dr Kang, probably with the idea of suggesting thisto other patients. Dr kang said the arnica gel might cause complication whichhe had seen before in other patients. Hesuggested I should continue only with the drinks and medicine but not the gel.So please take note. I am very sad about this because after 5 applications, theswelling on my upper eyelid is almost all gone. But I decided to listen to DrKang.

Today Ithought the anti-swell injection is on my eye but it turned out to be on mybuttocks. There is no pain at all.

My eyes arelooking good today... today I can actually see 85% of my black iris. I am sothankful to know this surgery did not affect my ptosis.

Post Op Day 4

Upper eyelidswelling went down tremendously. But it turned more purplish now. Remember I hadthis triple fold scar from previous primary surgery. I could see that it isstill there. My depth still looks deep but it is always difficult to judgerecovery based on initial months. This is the painful wait.

I woke upevery morning with blur vision. Applying the eye drops 4 times a day doeswonder. By evening it is all gone.

Fat graftusually caused bruising so if you are not going to have fat graft, you will nothave this problem. I didn’t experience any bruising during my primary surgery.

My diets werevery bad for the last few days with lots of marinated meats. I even had lobsterand squid yesterday. Luckily there is no inflammation on my incision. I thoughtmy swelling were improved version of the previous 2 surgeries. After my 1st revision on my lefteye, the swelling takes quite a long time to settle down.

Post Op Day 5

Today I hadslight sharp pain on my incision. My left eye was quite blurry. Dr kang said it is due to the oilment I usedat night. The stitches are removed today with slight pain but totally bearable. I had one injection onto buttock againand it’s quite painful. I asked dr kang if I need fat graft again and he toldme no.

I saw thatwrinkle scar on my left eyelid is still there and I am worried it will becomelike previous. ..dr kang said it will go away and asked me not to worry sincethis is just temporary situation. Somehow I am not convinced because I had thesame situation before.

Post Op Day 7

Today is mylast checkup at IOU. I told the consultant I need a letter to leave airporttonight. They asked for my namepassport, date of birth, height and weight.

They appliedantiseptic on my eyelid and I had this stinging pain. Again Dr assured me that Istill have big eyes. My double eyelid will look Natural like my oldself. Not shallow but look exactly likebefore.

I am leavingwith a pang of sadness as suddenly I am emotionally attached to the clinic, DrKang and the people. They have been very nice and supportive through this difficultperiod.

By nighttime, my eyes are looking very good with lots of swelling gone. Suprisingly myleft eye is improving better than my right eye! Dr Kang advised that I shouldn’tbe rubbing my e yes for the next 6 months and I told him he is a very kind doctor.

I left forSeoul tonight and the Immigration Officer (male)’s face registered a shock whenI took out my dark glasses. I told him if he was shocked and he said “yes” andwe both laughed it off! J

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Post Op Day 9

The wrinkleof my left eye is gone!My crease height went down to the level I wanted and itis looking really good! My swelling is gone by at least 75%. So happy but I amstill slightly bruised. I can see my big round eyes now. So happy! My swellingimproves better than the previous 2 surgeries. Not sure which supplements helpbut I have a feeling it is “After Plus”.

Please note:-

Dr Kang doesnot encourage people to share the cost in forum because he is often put in adifficult position. I am paying less than what’s quoted in forum because I amdoing deep eyelid correction only. Toput him at ease, I am not sharing the cost but I paid the same amount as myprimary surgery.

I tried mybest to pen down a very detailed post. I would appreciate it if there isn’t anyrepetitive question. For this purpose, I have deactivated my PM.

I won’t becirculating my photos. Thanks.

Since I haveexperience with both Teium and IOU. If you are looking into revision surgery, Iwouldn’t suggest Teium as Dr Kwon is more specialized in primary surgery. I would highly recommend Dr Kang from IOU. Heis more understanding, patient, communicative and kind. As a side note, Dr Kwon left me a triple foldon my left eye after revision surgery but to be fair, I had revision 5 weeks after primarysurgery. This may have caused someimpact! He did give me big dolly eyes but unfortunately I regretted my decisionso I do not blame him for what happened to me. This entire 7 months had been a terribleand painful journey for me and I am glad I still have an opportunity to looklike my old self again. From this experience, I am not going to do anything tomy face ever again! This is the end of my plastic surgery journey! Thank youfor reading this long post! Best wishes to everybody in having beautiful eyesagain!

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Dr Kwon did my ptosis and epic... and they are nice. Another friend did hers there too... she looks amazing. ..

I do not know how to see but it seems you don need epic.. maybe very slight ptosis. Don trust my answer though as you see how I messed up earlier.
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thanks for the detail review! and congrats! =)
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Hi deepeyes, I am incredibly thankful for your share and nearly burst into tears to know that your surgery is a success ( so there is hope for me too) I will not ask for photos and repetitive questions, but I have a very selfish and greedy request- share more about your process of healing so we can know how did it turn out at the end please!! 😊😊😊😊
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