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Asian Nose Job 3

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With most bone shaving it is never going to be 100% perfect. Even in the UK it isnt 100% but its good. In Asia they arent as experience with bone shaving in the nose so as to why they have more lumps and bumps plus the implant helps smooth it out so that it is completely smooth and straight rather than like a little straight with maybe a small tiny lump.
With bone surgery as well it takes a lot long to de swell so you are more likely to see tge bumps which again with an implant it will mask it so whilst de swellibg you wont see as many bumps etc...
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Hi have you decided where you will have your surgery?

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Wow Ive been a TPFer for many years but I never knew this thread existed! Awesome!

So has anyone here had the surgery done in Japan? I am currently in Japan so its easier for me to do it here. But I prefer the looks of Korean noses better. Flying to Korea is easy from Japan but staying 10 days post op could be painful. Besides I speak Japsnese but not Korean (although this is not a big deal since all those Koran clinics have staff who speak English). Anyway if anyone has any info on Japanese doctors or clinics please share! Thanks!
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oo yea pham was the alarplasty ur friend did at doctor suh... scarless and natural looking?
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you can look up dr fukuta from verite clinic. that is the only one that i know of
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Hm. So, I actually haven't told anyone....
Don't get me wrong, I'm very independent but from my cultural background, parents / elders still play a strong role in my life even at my age.

I'm not sure how they will react because every time they talk about "plastic surgery", they bring up about Michael Jackson's nose... I have my mother's features and to think that her own daughter would erase that nose... I can already hear the nagging. OH THE NAGGING!

I'm pretty sure I might be disowned after I get back (at an extreme, lol)
Well, doesn't matter anyway since I'm planning on moving out of my hometown, so I won't see them as much (note: this sounds terrible).

Anyway, today, I learned that one of my acquaintances had her nose shaved down (she's Persian). I'm glad to know I'm not the only person in the workplace that got her nose done. :graucho:

Don't worry, KKim and I will be your moral support!
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WOW! VIP photoshopped the pics? Omy~ Hopefully we could able to see more B&A pics from the members here, so that i could see if its really good!

Rounder tips look younger? Woo~ I didn't know that.. i should reseach more on it before i have mine!

I hope you could share with us your B&A, if you were to go ahead with Dr Kao. If he could think the bridge, i might re-consider him.

Also, I find that the noses that Dr Kao had did, the nose septum area is usually slightly larger too.. erm... the triangular part of the nose when you look at the side. I don't know if i think too much or whatever.. lol!
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Does anyone know if JoAnn still works at VIP? I haven't heard from her in so long and I feel the I have connected with her the most out of all the admin that works there. She was so nice and sweet.

Was really looking forward to seeing her. ):
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On my gosh the Michael Jackson card.... Yeah my parents have used it sooo many times!
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Hi thanks! Actually I met Fukuta before. I went to see him for a consultation for a scar removal procedure. He seemed very cocky and impatient when I asked him questions. Possibly because he was on tv a lot at that time, and the procedure was minor. I ended up not doing it with him because of his attitude. His specialty seems to be double eyelid though. He was on a tv show boasting that he can tell if any double eyelid is real or surgical.

How did you hear about him?
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someone posted a link to his website on these forums somewhere

i remember seeing a picture of one of his patients who had large forehead and brow augmentation, and a lot of other surgeries and she looked white aferwards (and she actually looked passable too) which was kinda creepy

# href="http://www.veriteclinic.com/voice/03.html" target="_blank" class="externalLink" rel="nofollow">http://www.veriteclinic.com/voice/03.html
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Thanks! From my research it seems that Fukutas reputation is that he make people look too much like westerner. He is definitely more dramatic rather than natural.
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I found some before and after pictures of one of the most popular doctors in Japan, dr Fukuta. I am still new at this but overall I'm not too impressed. What do you guys think? Does he seem any good?




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yes im praying that nothing like this will happen though. i would hate to go all the way back half way across the world by myself to get a revision, plus the time and money it would take.
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