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Asian Nose Job 3

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omg your pictures look so good! Can you please continue to share your experiences and healing, etc.? I'm really curious to see if the rib nose will be hard or will eventually begin to soften. That's one of my biggest concern between choosing Dr. Wang or Dr. Lee. Please keep updating. Thank you!
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Hey still waiting in VIP clinic for my friend to finish her appointment, they have wifi :smile: I wanted Dr Wang but its soo hard to get in contact... I don't think my nose will go soft to be honest. I saw that video Dr Wang had-really impressive. You should ask dr lees if it's even possible. For me u just wanted a pretty nose I never really thought about the soft hard issue... But I will post more pics Tuesday if I find wifi on the island. Thanks for the encouragement.
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I am actually contact Dr. Wang pretty consistently, but probably because I speak chinese so it's easier. I also asked Dr. Lee about the soft-hard issue, and he did say that since it's autologous tissue it will soften over time, but I've heard so many ppl say that it doesn't, and that it is actually harder than regular silicone nose. But I hope your recovery goes well! I'm most likely going to go to Dr. Wang during the summer so I'll let everyone know how that goes.
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Great!! Unlucky me don't speak any Chinese at all, Please let us know if your nose is soft after, I'm sure it will turn out great!
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Thanks for sharing your experience and giving us a glimpse into rib rhinoplasty at VIP. I'm really interested in VIP. I don't remember you mention hiring a translator like Zoe/Chloe. Seems like it went fine without them. Is that true; do the consultations and Dr. Lee speak English? If tha'ts the case I'll bypass Zoe. Your after pictures look good despite the cast :smile:. Did they drive you back to the microtel after the surgery or did you have to arrange all that? Hopefully you didn't have to stagger the sidewalks going back to your microtel after the surgery by yourself. How much pain and difficulties with breath/sleeping did you experience? Thanks again.
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Just wondering, have you had prior rhinoplasty with silicon? Your before pictures look like you might have.
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I had aquamid injections to the bridge and para nasal area and a little bit in the tip.. But other than that this is my primary rhino never been under the knife :smile:
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No need to hire a translator they have it all there. There are a few girls that speak English to help you translate there's Chloe, Ellie, Jin and JoAnn. All of them are pretty good. For instance my friend and I were given Jin to show us around, she's as cute as a button we bombarded her with questions on shopping places and phrases to use here is what my friend wrote up. They have a driver that drives you straight back to the officetel after surgery. But if you walk it's for your own good. You definitely heal faster. 10 am every morning we have to see the dr to get dressings done, hair washed and facials- I know pretty cool way to start the day all inclusive for all patients. one of the pts in the waiting room kept asking why my friend and I healed faster, JoAnn joked that we were younger, but I think it's cause Myself and her came prepared. I brought blackmores meal replacements before i came its full of nutrients and protein, i have that everymorning instead of trying to find a seven eleven for breakfast with my meds (I still ate my baby food as a mid afternoon snack). I got myself walking by the next morning post op (I went under the knife Monday remember? so walking Tuesday morning) then long walks on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at least 5 hours slow walking like browsing through shops, markets, looking for food and walking to and from the station and VIP to get stitches removed and check up.

Pain and breathing difficulties- umm it was uncomfortable but not painful. I was very distracted most of the time trying to find clothes, contact lenses , and too busy bargaining lol so I forgot about the discomfort... . For me I slept like a log I would wake up once to go to the loo in the middle of the night and then go back to sleep, by the end if the day I was tired anyways.

You know what, I am planning to upload before and after videos on you tube and, for people who add me and tell me a little bit about themselves, like where your from what you want done just so I know your genuinely curious and not from my hometown- I wanna keep my privacy in this regard. I don't like people to know I've had work done from gossip I prefer to tell people if I meet them with my head held high :smile: if you get my drift. So feel free to add me if your interested!

Here are our bargaining phrases, my meal replacement, the meds they give you, and even a scoop of washing powder I brought from home >.< preparation to the extreme!
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Superfixial - ur too awesome lol !!!! You were super organised and prepared!! You honestly had facial and hair washed every day?! - maybe I should put VIP on my list for consult now.... :smile:

Thanks for the update!! I should take a leaf outta ur book with preparedness! Looking fwd to YouTube b&a. Will pm u when I can - need to w8 4 days after signed up b4 I can pm :sad:
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No problems Bella make sure you do thorough research so that when you do decide your choice will be based on the fact that you have seen and compared everything out there and thus are satisfied your choice. Add me whenever your ready hun.
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