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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi sugeryaddict, do you mean dr charan from bumrungrad? Am not sure if i'm the right candidate for genioplasty, as my chin is really short and receding. Is the downtime for genioplasty shorter than a chin implant? With no not much swelling? Am pretty curious on that, as it cuts the bone, which sounded like a more complicated surgery than just an implant. Really hope to learn more about the genioplasty procedure you went through, as i'm looking at fixing my short chin. How much did it cost btw? Thanks!
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Oops, I meant "Wish my looked like that".

Yup, she also got rib rhino. Since it is a revision, I believe that is why my cast was taken off much earlier than last time. They took it off 4 days after the surgery as compared to last time, which was 7 days. Hopefully that means faster healing too.
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Did you go over there by yourself? Did you stay in their microtel? How much did you pay all together for your rib rhino? Are you from the US and did you bring all that in cash? Apologies if you've answered those questions elsewhere. Thanks.
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Hey, i am interested. But i haven't decided the day... Let me know:smile:
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Yes, I traveled there by myself from the states. I did it last year so the price was much lower. I was surprised to know that rib rhino has now changed to $11k or so. Last year it was $8500 and I sent them the payment through bank transfer. They offer free accommodation during my stay in Korea, so I lived in their officetel, which is roughly a 7~10 min walk from the clinic.
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Yeah, the price has gone up significantly. Increased demand? They quoted me $9500 earlier this year. At this point, they are honoring their quote even though I'll be doing mine next June. :smile:. I'll be staying in their officetel but apparently they're only allowing 7 days now. Thanks.
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That's good that they are keeping that price for you. Is this your first nose job if you don't mind me asking. And I guess it's because it is vacation time, so there would be more patients.
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It is my first nose job.
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Hi all,
Just an update of my status. I am currently in Seoul and had have my primary nose job last friday :smile:
The entire experience was pleasant so far.
Just to share some of my experience here: Like most of the forumers, I started research on Seoul clinics via websites and forums. And had shortlisted the clinics based on some reviews and recommendations. At the very last few weeks before Seoul trip, we (and two other friends) had decided to get translators which have turned out to be a very right decision :smile: Of course, it is highly dependent on the quality translators. Hence, be extra cautious when hiring a translator.
I was struggled to get a trustworthy translator: how can you trust someone without knowing her in person? I was searching through the website and found my translator via Baidu (luckily I can communicate well in mandarin). After a few conversations with her, she had completely changed my favorite clinics to what she recommended. Very scary...because most people would suspect she might mislead me to her clinics (this was what I felt at first). Hahaha...make the story short, I eventually decided to take risk and follow her recommendations.
The first day arrived in Seoul, we met in the rented apartment near Sinsa Station (5-10 minutes walking distance), and started consultations immediately. Had consultation with four clinics in the first day from Dream, Cinderella, Nano and Migo. In general, all clinics except Cinderella which doctor was not available to see me during consultation, all other three doctors gave similar recommendations. I felt good with Nano as the doctor asked me whose nose I would like to have and I showed him some pictures, he looked at my picture and the celebrity's picture and said OK. Actually Nano is a small clinic and all koreans not in-house translators like those big clinics. If not because of my translator, for sure, I would be visiting this clinic. Until now, I also felt I was quite daring to choose this clinic :P

So far, I am happy with my nose (not too high not too low, hehehe my original nose was flat and bulbous). Tomorrow I will have a follow up check up and remove the cast. Hopefully, I will love it :smile:
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Congrats !! thanks for ur sharing .. u r the first forumers to choose Nano. How much they charge u? and what kind of surgery u had it for ur nose?
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Yes, I did not even hear about Nano before my translator introduced it to me. I asked for the clinic website and all in Korean. The before and after pictures gave a general idea of the type of nose the doctor specialized - Natural not drastic. Without strong feeling, I just included it in the list of clinic to visit.

My nose is to many a 'difficult' nose to do, as low bridge and weak septum cartilage. Even though it was my primary nj but doctors suggested to use rib.
Among all four clinics, Cinderella was the cheapest (4.5 mil) but I knew this was because I had no chance to see the doctor and the consultant quoted based on a typical nose job.
Nano quoted 6.5 mil initially and reduced to 5.5 mil after 'bargaining'. I found the price is indeed low as I read most nose job using rib will be much more pricey. Oh...one thing to highlight, I did not use rib for bridge but just tip.
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oh okay, well hopefully tht means faster healing. do u think there was anything that contributed to your sister getting a more pointier or sharper nose then you?
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wow that is a pretty good price for rib, considering what other clinics charge. i have been looking into getting a tiplasty with rib, and just some narrowing of my nasal bones. i thought rib was used for a more drastic result tho. i would love to know how your nose ends up turning out, has there been a significant change in the shape or sharpness of ure tip? thanks in advance :smile:
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Yes, agree the price for rib is considered good, even my translator was surprised when given this price.
I still have not removed the cast, but I can see my nose tip is really pretty (exactly the way I like :biggrin:). My friends said it looks so nice and cute. Drastic change...Yes compared to my original bulbous tip. I just can't tell how much I love my nose tip (the most worrying part). I like the front view and hope it will stay the same even after the swell subsided, because I was told the tip will normally move downward a bit with time.

Nano is famous in nose job but only amongst the Korean community. The facility in the clinic is simple but complete. I went back for post-surgical treatment every two days and was pleased with their service. Actually, Nano is specialised in creating nature type of nose. It may not suitable for those people who like otherwise. My advise is you should find a clinic (most importantly the in-charged doctor) specialised in the type of nose of your favorite, because every doctor has their own style. Find a trustworthy local friend or translator, and your surgery will be more assured. Ultimately, the decision is on you ;).
If you can communicate in mandarin, I can recommend my translator to you. She is very lovely girl in her mid-20s - Honest, straigthforward and responsible. Some people worried about the translators take commission. For my case, I just hope she will get some, because for what I will pay her and the service I have received from her. I feel underpay her (I have not paid her yet. I actually offered to pay her at least half, but she refused.because she said only pay her the day I leave Seoul - unbelievable).
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Two things to add:
Rib tip is stiff and refined. Unless your other primary cartilage sources are not available (septum, ear), only then considers rib. Harvesting rib will create a 2-3 cm long scar on your body, and trust me, it was pain like hell for the first few days - every steps/moves.
I did two procedures in Nano :P. Hence, when I decided to include nasal bone narrowing (which was not included in the first consultation-when the quotation given). You know how nice, the consultant did not take advantage to charge more but gave it for free, since I would do two operations with them. That is something I was very pleased.
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