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Asian Nose Job 3

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i recently went to shimmian manila jan 2013 and had a consultation with dr levi lansangan after waiting for 2 hours. first, they told me to go to the other clinic and all of the sudden, he is at tomas morato. in the waiting area, there were two ladies that i was really scared because their eyes were like too close to each other because their noses were too high maybe and fake. i already got scared. i then also saw their manager that also looks done. the wife's nose of dr lansangan is also too small for her face and fake. not to mention their slogan says, natural looking. when i met him, i consulted for a rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty. my nose only needed bridge because it was already fine. he looked and said he plans to cut the sides and insides etc. i was already thinking i would not want that because i didn't want a small hole as i have friends who had nose jobs and their holes are really small already. i am only at my late 20's i didn't really have saggy eye bags but i wanted them removed because i saw some pictures in the internet before and after and they really looked nice. he also said he will do the co2 style and will not have scars. i paid 5000T for deposit. he already scheduled me after 2 days.
thinking about what i saw in there and i also read this lady's post, i decided to have my rhinoplasty at belo with dr ed yap. i had an appointment set for the next day after my scheduled surgery. i would tell shimmian i only would do the blepharoplasty.
on the day of my surgery they said the operation was at 4pm but they did not arrive until 8pm. i had to get a package of co2 fraxel for P50,000 for 3 sessions. while waiting, they tried to get the consent but i only signed for the bleph. the wife kept convincing me to also have the rhinoplasty. i said no. i was also being convinced by the manager a couple of times to have it done but i said no. when dr levi arrived, he also convinced me to do it. the biggest mistake of my life. it was like i was hypnotized and said okay fine. but i told him, i didn't want a small hole. i even showed him a picture of the lady in the magazine that her nose looks fake and the nose hole was too small. he said the surgeon who did it is just terrible. when i was in the OR, when the dr came in, i even told him, i wanted the most conservative he could possibly be and he said, of course.
when i woke up, i had too must sedation because i could not remember what happened after the surgery, i only woke up in my bed. when i first saw my nose hole, the first thing i noticed was it was so uneven. i have blood on my both eyes and purple to black eyes from check to eyelids. it was like i had purple makeup but i was okay with it. the only thing that bothered me was the uneven hole. the other was bigger and higher the other was smaller and lower. i texted dr levi the next day and told him i just noticed they were not even. but he did not reply. i didn't bother anymore because i trusted him. they also put some kind of ball plug on on ear and sewed it to stop the bleeding. it was already itching, my whole ear was dark and looked dead. i still did not bother because i thought it was just normal after being taken cartillage. i did not realize i was allergic. should have taken it out by myself. i couldn't go back to the clinic after looking purple, stitched and with a nose cast plus bloody eyes. had to wait 1 week.
when i came back to have the stitches and cast taken off, they nurse that did it was not experienced although she was nice. she kept asking the other experienced nurse to check again but she was busy, she forgot. since i didn't have a mirror and light at that time, i didn't check it my self too. it also requires some twizers to open up your nose to see what's inside.
i told the doctor who took off the cast that i was sad because i looked like an alien and it was not me anymore. he reassured me and said its only been a week and of course it's swollen. i was really sad but after what he said, i kind of got relaxed. my eyes were still bloody so they let my buy an ointment to lessen the redness. after trying it for 5 days, it did not work. my eye redness disappeared after 45 days. i was walking with red eyes. people were starring. i mentioned that my nostril holes were not even but what they just kept answering was it's still swollen, wait or no comment.
i came back again for my co2 fraxel, the wife was the one who did it, she did not even do all my face, there were some spaces she left out. the cost per session is P20,000, she should have done it thoroughly.
i was struggling for 2 weeks dealing with all the things they did to my nose and eyes, the doctor did alaplasty which made my nostrils smaller and with scars and thats what caused the uneven holes. he also kind of cauterized the outside of my nostrils that were also uneven, it looks like a scar now. i could not put on earphone anymore on one of my ears because after that ball that i was allergic to was taken out, it made a watery blister, hypergranulated or formed into a tissue that prevent earphones to be placed due to the bump. but it was the least of my concern. not to mention it looks like an intestine.
i am now dealing with uneven nostril holes and because of that, when i take a picture my nose also shows that the other side is small. if only i could turn back time, i should have said no. it was my body and money anyway. the only thing i could compliment was how the bridge was done which was supposed to be what i requested and told him to do only. i could not also put my pinky finger on my nostril because it's too small. i have a straight line scar below my eyes and the eye bags is still there on one side.
please don't go to shimmian manila. it's really true that the pics they show is not done by dr levi but dr jung in korea. you will see because, the faces are not filipino looking but koreans. i also met with one lady that complained that she could not breathe on one nostril. for me, the nostril that was small has a lesser breathing force.
if ever, you want to have rhinoplasty, make sure you discuss with your doctor what you want and if it's possible not to have alarplasty if you only need bridge job, don't. at least don't have it done outside where scars will show. i still have a lot of concerns but you might say i'm a complainer. i'm just a normal person who wanted a simple job done but there are some people who don't understand what conservative means. if the doctors can do, closed technique, i think its better so that you breathing wont be distorted and just go to belo maybe. just not shimmian. i also later found out, i was not recommended to have blepharoplasty because i was less than 40 years old. there is no skin to pull. i also had 6 sutures removed by an went doctor because they did not remove all sutures in my nose. maybe they were absorbable but seeing it there, i had to have it removed.
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I will be getting my revision rhino soon, most likely with Dr. Wang. I really don't know if I can wait any longer! been saving up for this tihng for such a long time now.

I absolutely promise to eveyrbody here that I will report back on my results especially if I go to Dr. Wang. I know how frustrating it is when people odn't tel us what is going on especially for a doctor that we all don't really know about. I don't understand why Artss never reported back on their result. Either sometihng really bad happened(god forbid) or they just flat out didn't care enough to tell us since they loved their result so much there was no sense of urgency to let anybody else know about it since they already had their great result. If it was the latter, I think it's messed up.

I will definitely track my progress here from day 1 so...if you see that I stop posting for a long time then you know something is wrong, just a heads up.
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Hi everyone
I had my rhino and fat graft Wednesday night and am 2 days post op now. I chose to go with Migo because i felt they were most professional, they did X-rays and the dr took time to show me what my nose would look like with cotton tips etc
So I could visualise it. The girls who all work there have nice noses and i really loved Dr Kang's before and after photos really perfect but natural still. I went to consultation at Oz, Jelimp and Navi and i do believe each dr has their own style of nose or what they believe to be aesthetically beautiful. Anyway I felt most comfortable wth Migo, apparently they have celebrity contracts too. I was recommended far graft on cheeks, forehead and chin by a couple of other clinics too and originally didn't want to be up sold into more procedures but from looking at b and a pictures realised that the results make The person look significantly better however it's so subtle you can't pin point what they've had done. The dr also said as my nose is really flat (low bridge, upturned, round tip and wide alar) I will look different with a more defined nose so I though might as well get far graft too if it will compliment the rhino and have an overall better result.
I ended up getting a 4.5mm silicon implant, septal and ear cartalidge tip and far graft whole face. I must say far graft eas a really scary experience as you are awak during it and although cant feel pain can see and feel them doing the procedure to e honest I was shaking on the table before my rhino.
My face was hardly swollen yesterday but today it's quite puffy and my eyes are a little bruised. I can't see what my nose looks like yet as its in cast but the shape of my face looks more defined from fat graft and I look a little different... Like me but not defined features which is what I wanted. Obviously the fat graft results will lower as a percentage of it dissolves into your body so might not be as significant later. Anyway will keep you girls posted on my results. Decided to post my recovery and experience as this forum has actually really helped me during my journey and I understand how stressful and life changing your choice in surgeries and clinics can be so would like to be of help too :smile:
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Glad you are okay!!!! You will look beautiful in time just rest for now. Migo is one of the clinics I want to consult with but when I email them with photos they never respond to me. Curious as to how much they quoted you for rhino and if they have any after care perks?? I will PM you my kakao/whatsapp!
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Good luck on your revision :smile: i've been researching for quite a long time to and i do rlly want to get this whole experience over with, so hopefully this can all be done by this year.

I rlly am happy that you promise that you will report back and let everyone know how it goes. i've had several people on this forum tell me they'll let me know how going to dr.wang was, whether it be a consult with him or actual surgery. and so far i have not heard back from any of them. i understand where your coming from, it can be really annoying and frustrated especially since hearing how their experience with him was is quite important since he is unknown in this forum.

I was rlly counting on Artss to reply back since she said she booked her flight and everything! i was thinking the same thing, like what they hell did something happen to her. i guess we'll never know unless she comes back to the forum. with all this said though i rlly do believe dr.wang is a very skilled
and reliable doctor. there are many b&a pics and reviews from patients that have gone to him in a chinese forum. definitely let me know how everything goes :smile: and if you disappear from this forum then i'll know something is up!! lol
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Hi roveralexa! I'm truly saddened with what you have gone through. =( I've heard of Shimmian but I don't trust Filipino plastic surgeons. I think that this just validates my reasons for seeking options elsewhere. I just don't get how doctors could do such a thing and get away with it. Have you tried seeking legal advice on your options? I know that doctors aren't supposed to harass you into doing some form of treatment that you wouldn't want.

Even if we get a procedure done out of the country isn't a guarantee that the results will be great. I know now that I have to be looking for experience and not some overly aggressive surgeon looking to make a quick buck or two. Would you mind sharing your photos?

I'm a Fil-Chi living in Novaliches btw.
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Hi all,
Just got back from seoul for my revision rhino. Was there for 16 days from jan22-feb07. i've gotten so much invaluable infos from here before so now i hope i can somehow give back by sharing my experience. so here goes...

First here are my nose issues:
1. Scar tissues, asymmetric nostrils, deviated columella. All these due to infection and silicon extrusion.
2. Hypertrophic and pitted scars, on the sides of my alar from previous alarplasty.
3. Warping of ear cartilage for bridge augmentation

I consulted with 3 clinics. VIP, SHIMMIAN and O & YOUNG

Consultations at shimmian n o&young felt hurried n the doctors seemed non committal in listening or answering prospective patients. I was bitterly disappointed. I can understand the clinics are busy bu still... Of the 3 tho, I felt VIP gave the most comprehensive consultation( idk if its bcoz it's the least busy at the time).

When it came to price negotiations, few things i learnt, clinics jack up their prices ridiculously high, are really tight-fisted and don't let up easily. but when they do, you'll be surprised how drastic the prices go down. Also, consultants can be pushy n bent on getting you to put down a deposit. They'll say plenty crap like without deposit yr surgery date is sketchy blah blah blah. Word of advice, stand firm and DON'T give in to the pressure unless yr positive yr having surgery with em.

I decided to go for o&young cuz it's the only clinic that offered stem cell treatment in conjunction with revision rhino for "problem" nose like mine. And the results on their B&As speak volumes. But it's also the most expensive for rhino.

besides revision rhino using autologous rib, I had stem cell treatment (on my nose) and fat transfer to forehead and cheeks. Costs:
- revision rhino using autologous rib = 11,000,000won
- stem cell treatment = 3,900,000 won
- fat transfer = 1,500,000 won

On stem cell treatment, a total of 16shots were administered to my nose. Twice a day.
On fat transfer, fat from my thigh was used. they said thigh fats are better than the fats from other areas. (had fat graft surgery on jan25)Till today, my thighs are still sore and bruised.

Today am at 12days rhino post op, had surgery on jan29, am about 85% satisfied. The 15% was cuz I feel my bridge could be made higher. But other than that and as yet, am plenty happy with the results. I can see drastic improvements on my nose. Though nostrils r still asymmetric they're improved, columella is straighter n no more ridges on my bridge. Hypertrophic scars on alar...he couldn't do anything bout em.

IMO, dr oh of o&young is a skilled and aesthetically sensitive surgeon and I highly recommend him albeit plenty pricey. Still, I love you dr oh, thank you for the improvements you made to my nose.

Accommodation wise, I stayed at highland hotel all 16days. Standard room w/ Double bed is 66,000. Superior room w/ twin/double bed is 77,000. This hotel is good enough IMO. its clean. but can get noisy depending on room position. Ask for rooms away from elevator. its also very convenient. Plenty eateries, convenience stores behind and around it. Stones throw away to Apgujeong plastic surgery street. I even walk to o&young everyday from here.

I hope these informations can be helpful in anyway

If anyone's got any questions, feel free.
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Hi April-May,

thanks for your sharing. Glad that ur ps is successful. which clinic u did ur primary ps? would u mind sharing ur B&A pics ?
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Hi april_may, great to hear you're happy with your results !!! I am considering going to Korea in dec and have VIP and o&y on my shortlist.

If you are comfortable, can I see ur b&a? &#9825; My email is [email protected] . Don't have pm yet >.<

Btw we would love to hear more of your updates!!!

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Hi, april_may! How are you feel? I'm also glad to hear that your surgery is successfull. Thank you for the detailed post. I'm looking for a surgeon who could fix my current nose. I had my surgery done with rib cartilage almost 3ye ago. So I'm not happy with the current result =_=
I would love to hear more about your experience and if you don't mind
I also would like to see your b/a pictures. Don't have PM yet too =(
If you're comfortable to share this is my email - [email protected]
Thanx in advance.

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Hi turningpoint,

Your most welcome. My primary rhino was done in Thailand using L-shape silicon. I've added you as a contact, you should be able to see the BAs.

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Hi Lemoniscate,

emailed you the BAs. VIP n O&Young are within walking distance to each other. VIP speaks English, O&Young speaks Chinese & Korean only.

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