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Asian Nose Job 3

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never use silicone or goretex. its always best to use your own tissue. usually, problems with noses are the tip. if you only correct that, you will have less healing time, lesser complications, better results. if you badly need dorsal augmentation, try to ask the doctor if he can use cartilage to connect the tip to the bridge but not actually make your bridge high because it will make you look fake. i hope i am making sense on this. if you look at some celebrities, their noses are not high but their tips are just narrow or not bulbous. i have read this from a doctor who is an expert in asian rhinoplasty in the US. he said, if there is no need for dorsal augmentation then don't have it done.
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hi cheon,

well at least, more business, more money for PS :smile:

yeah for two jaw, I am quite scared but think this has become a more mainstream procedure so it should be fine... :cool:
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I'd be scare, too! It sounds and look like a procedure that can go badly wrong in the wrong hands. However, Seoul PS seems to do this so often they can do it their sleep; well, hopefully not. :graucho:
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well lexethan,

yeah quite scary, hence the importance of choosing an appropriate clinic and consult with the doc....yeah I count on the fact that korean surgeons do it regularly...:sweatdrop:
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Sounds like Silitex. It's like half-silicone, half-goretex. Some of the newer clinics are using them.
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Thanks for your opinion! I do need a tip plasty but I don't think that that will make my nose look better because I have a flat nose. Come to think of it, you are right but being caucasian, most celebs already have a high nose bridge and bringing it higher will definitely make it look too fake.
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Lol. I'm almost meeting my expected procedural expenses, just gotta earn some more for lodging and shopping and more shopping.

You should, but be careful who you go to. I think that this only applies to wannabe plastic surgeons with a plain medical degree who are just dipping their toes in to test the waters.
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Exactly. In the wrong hands, even a standard bandage removal or stitch removal can lead to infection or can cause damage to our healing tissues.
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hi cheon,

so modfication: more business, more shopping !!! :graucho:

yeah research , research... and check credentials.... :smile:
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There is not much which I can find on the Silitex of the pros and cons. There are some talks about it but not much substantial info I am looking for.
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Hi May I know how much did your doctor charge for revision using rib cartilage? Is he better than Dr Toriumi?
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Hi lovelola31,

I'm not sure if it was my first consultation, but it felt really rushed. He actually came in mid-surgery and just told me what he wanted to do for my nose. That part was fine, but when I asked for digital imaging, he tried to talk me out of it and said just trust him, which added to my misgivings about choosing him for my ps. Also, their website seems unfinished and I can't find any reviews on him.

I actually have a consultation with Dr. Kenneth Kim tomorrow, but most likely I'll be going to Seoul in mid-April for a wider range of choices.

Good luck on your procedure! If you don't mind me asking, what is Dr. Bang going to for your rhinoplasty??
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I know it's better to augment the tip (tip plasty) using septal cartilage since its stronger. But since I have a bit if a bridge already, is it possible to augment my bridge a little using ear cartilage if you take a huge chunk out out just cut lengths and later it in top of my bridge?

Layer* not later
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How do we check a doctor's credentials to see if they are authentic or not?

They're listed on the clinic's website most of the time but I would like some reassurance.

I tried googling a few times and it didn't yield much results. Not the ones I am looking for anyway.
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