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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi turningpoint and babycakes1234,

I am planning 3rd week of July, this is my second time in Seoul well I hate to be alone what do you say we can have fun together:biggrin:!!!!!
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Hello Nami,

Thank you for your photos.

Based on the photos, you would need bulbous nose tip correction with nose tip lengthening and defining with ear cartilage. For the bulbous nose tip correction, overgrown cartilage or excessive soft tissues will be removed to slim your nose tip. At the same time, we will harvest a dice of your ear cartilage and place inside of the nose tip skin to lengthen your short nose tip.

Additionally, if you think that your nostril wings are wide, then you could consider to reduce your alar base.

For the three procedures, the approximate price is 2,500,000 KRW (2300 USD) to 3,000,000 KRW (2800 USD).
So here is the online consultation rseults tht I got from pitangui.do anyone know if there's risk for tht procedure? Like how many percent would it be likely to fail?(pardon me for my english.not really good wth grammar)
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Using ear cartilage is completely common. For alar, it's irreversible so make sure you want it.
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Yes, the first one made me so depressed..... I didn't go out for 2 months because it totally changed my face. I couldn't believe I paid so much $$ to learn a lesson that I can never undo! I had 2 rhino and luckily it corrected some of the issue that the first one created. But I still miss my natural face.... I miss that sweetness and baby face I had! It's been almost 1 year from revision but I still look myself in the mirror wishing I can take back this bad decision.

I am saying this to make some people think twice... I really wish I knew about this forum before I started this never ending road......

Good luck in whatever you decide but choose wisely!
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I'm gonna get rhino done early next year and i was certain on getting rib cartilage but i'm not so sure anymore. Does anyone have any good stories about silicone and/or goretex implants for the nasal bridge? please discuss :smile:

If placed & performed well, how long do silicone and goretex implants usually last? Is it impossible for them to last a life time?

Also, i've seen people mentioning clinics such as VIP, JW, Regen, Grand etc....are these really the best clinics to go to hence why everyone keeps on mentioning it?

What about other clinics such as MVP, Real cosmetic clinic, BeautyLine4u etc? I heard they are pretty good too but can't really find reviews on them :sad: Anyone have any stories from these clinics or others?
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Hi babycakes
Im going next week. 5-16 june
Pm me if u want to meet up or kakao ke
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Hi Scind
I went to wonjin on last sept for my rhino and double eye lid. Both looks very natural. Im pretty happy with the result. Everyones I knows said my overall face changed in a good way. Looks more preetier. So i'm quite satisfied. Next week im going back to seoul to take my sister and her friends to wonjin. Im going to hv an epicantoplastry at wonjin.
I didnt do it then bcoz i was too scared of the big change to my face. So i think now since its only a small surgery people won't noticed it.

Good luck with ur choice of clinic.
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did u do the surgery with dr park wonjin himself?
and um, what kind of implant is used to augment your nasal bridge(if u did this procedure)? thanks... =D
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Aww thank, it's so amazing when people compliment me on my nose now, still doesn't really sink in >.< !! They're was so many cute guys at shinmian with nose cast on
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Thank you, it all happened so fast, it def was meant to be.
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What is your first choice, i didn't hear anything from locals about V.I.P, i actually read something scary on NAVER(translated in english), and I didn't even consider trying them out. Dr.jung made me good, he was so humbled and was passionate about noses. Although everything was very rushed. I'm going back for more ps aswell, i will get jaw,zygoma shaping and fat transfer to my forehead. I'm probably going to banobagi, i felt good with Dr. Oh.
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