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Asian Nose Job 3

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did he use open rhino? If so its best to hope that its due to internal scarring and u can alleviate some of it by stretching the scar tissue GENTLY by using cotton bud into your nostrils and pushing it downwards. do this a couple of times each day to try and loosen the internal scarring even by a little. if its still very bad then i guess a revision is ure only option :sad: im so sorry that u had to go through this
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Yes, he only did open rhinoplasty. I think close rhinoplasty is better. Do you think if I remove the gortex and tip cartilage inside my nose, will my tip comes down like my old nose or the doctor would have to de-project my tip?
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it will return to his original form albeit some slight internal scarring remaining. That may give you some minimal projection which may turn out good. Chances are you may only need to remove the septum inside your nose and not the goretex. from what ure describing it seems that the bridge is fine but the tip was just over projected.
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I have to remove the gortex too because he put the bridge too high up where my eyebrown is. It looks very funny. It is like my bridge starts at my eyebrown
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Does anyone know what bad news face line actually have?? I see plenty of good pictures from them! Somebody said "Face-line (Apgujeong) - plenty big victim, a man for all that you can not Post Your facial surgery, facial deformities mandeum gwonhaeseo. Especially famous for making hapjukyi side effects, never! Do not tell. That the shock and became unconditional. Really expensive surgery. Not reoperation" Does that mean face line = Apgujeong? and what is hapjukyi??
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Hi K Couture,

I just started researching and don't know much about rhino. But I don't understand, if cartilage is so bad, why does Dr Charles Lee ONLY use it on patients? I got a consulation from him last week and that surprised me. I mean, if it's THAT bad, wouldn't all his patients be unsatisfied/spread bad words about him? How come he is still so popular and rated 5-star on yelp...
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I am in awe of your expertise! Do you think that ultra-soft silicone for the bridge and septal cartilage for the tip is ideal for someone with a very flat bridge, very bulbous/round tip and very wide alars? I'm going to Korea in June for my primary rhino and I am really interested in what you think. The tip of my nose is VERY round, like, round as a ball with very thick skin.
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There are rumors that Yelp extorts businesses in exchange for positive reviews. I'm sure Dr. Charles Lee pays them a monthly fee. I would seriously recommend avoiding him, I've read sooooo many horror stories!

Source: Yelp offered to "filter" the reviews of my parent's business after we received a bad review for a monthly fee.
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agreed. Funny enough, Charles Lee was the one who botched my nose to the point where the cartilage is protruding through the skin. If you do a proper search you will find alot of his patients having terrible results. I went to him because i was dumb enough to select him solely because he was on tv. But now ive learnt its all marketing and no skill.

so in regards to your question about as to why he only uses it on patients. Answer is he shouldn't be. Cartilage is by no means a method he should be using. In fact its a method most surgeons should not be using because they are simply not skilled enough to pull it off. Its an incredible intricate technique. So again, why risk those side effects when silicone does not have any such side effects of bumps or unevenesss and is a lot simplier to remove if need be. Cartilage is more difficult when it comes to removal, especially the diced method.

Also, ill add that charles lee also altered my hair line. Right after the surgery i noticed my hairline recede. He told me that harvesting the scalp tissue will pose no change to my hair. Instead i later find out that he made a bad messy V shaped incision and then later sewed it upwards to try to conceal it, pulling one portion of my hairline backwards. So no, charles lee is by no means a top surgeon or a skilled one. Far from that.
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OMG I can't believe a big company like yelp would do this!!! I trusted their review almost on everything before =-= guess i was stupid... Well thanks so much for letting me know! This is definitely a good lesson.
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Thanks for all these useful informations! I will definitely avoid him. I just started doing research last week and wanted to get a consolation from him. But now my mind is pretty set on Korea. I guess I just thought it would be weird to have sth unnatural in my body. But if it's proved to be safe then I'm fine.
In terms of hair line, I altered my hair line too because I had such a small forehead. I just went to a salon and told them to do laser hair removal on my hair lol it turned out to be fine. I have an ok forehead now ppl didn't even notice the change haha. But i was doing it on purpose so just saying :smile:
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Thank you for the feedback.

If I may ask, have you gotten rhinoplasty done, and if you can recommend any doctors?

I'm in the process of reading the threads. There's just so much information it's taking me time to take in.

Charles Lee was actually one of the surgeons I was considering until I read your post. My other one is Dr. Sam Rizk (his Asian results are far too thin for my liking, but his work on some African American patients is really astounding).
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i have gotten rhinoplasty twice. My primary was using silicone. Results were simply amazing. However i foolishly did it in thailand at then yanhee and they actually cut out a shape from a block of raw silicone rather than using a manufactured implant for me. The implant was jagged at the side and caused me discomfort so i had to remove it despite the aesthetic success.

My 2nd rhino was in la with charles lee using diced cartilage...well u already read what happened there.

My 2nd revision will be in Seoul with Dr Park at Dream using ultra soft silicone.

I am not familiar with Dr Rizk unfortunately. However all i can say is avoid cartilage like the plague. The only person who i would even remotely consider advising you to CONSULT with is Roland K Daniel in new port should you feel strongly about cartilage. I have consulted with him before but i know the common aesthetic risks to cartilage so i didn't end up going with him. However, it should be noted that if anyone is skilled enough to pull of cartilage (and extremely few surgeons are good enough), it MIGHT be him. I say this because he is the one who pioneered the diced cartilage method. Again i can only advise you to consult with him as that is as far as my interactions with him went.
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From what I've read of Dr. Rizk, he uses nasal septum or ear cartilage, or, as an alternative, Medpor (which I heard is very hard to take out, because the tissue and muscle attaches and wraps around it).

In contrast, I've seen some pretty amazing results with silicone but I get the impression that they often require revision or readjusting.

If anybody else has had experience with these doctors, please, PM me or reply on this thread.
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BTW, for those who may be interested, here is a photo of a before and after rhinoplasty done on an Asian woman by Dr. Rizk:


and here's video of a male patient who's had it done:


I think the latter is too pointy. It doesn't match his face but that's just my personal opinion.

This one done on an African American woman is (to me at least) astounding:

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