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Asian Nose Job 3

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That's funny, I had the same experience with my wisdom tooth extraction too. After the procedure, I was convinced that I had a high tolerance for pain and superhuman healing powers. Not so- I had double eyelid surgery under local anesthesia a year later and it hurt like hell + I had the most unusual swelling. I'm hoping that I'll do okay under IV sedation, lol.
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that seems to be the case with most people who have the double eyelid. I think its got to do with us having to be conscious to the point of opening our eyes during the procedure with all the fresh incisions and looking directly at the surgeon to check for symmetry. And there's alot more nerves and thus sensitivity in that area. I remember when the anesthesia wore off i was like "i can feel freaking freaking needles against my eyeball" and started to panick until they gave me painkillers thru the iv.
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That was the only surgery I had, I think the stuff the give me through IV kicked off my dopamine reward system, now I get high every-time I think of getting surgeries, if they don't involve any risk of me looking worse post op that is. But jokes aside, I'm really nervous about my coming visit to Korea. I suddenly got more acnes, errr, think I may not be able to have my surgery done after all even if I do decide on a doctor, now that the mouth area is attacked by acnes, errr.
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Yup, it's just not possible to have double eyelid under GA. But it seems like most clinics in Korea sedate through IV for a few minutes while local anesthesia is injected in the eye area. When I had my double eyelid surgery in another country, they offered me extra-strength tylenol (which did not work) before my procedure so I wouldn't feel the shots as much. I actually remember before the doctor started, I kept saying "I don't feel the tylenol!" and the doctor, who looked hungover btw, said he'd wait for it to kick in and just sat there for about 10 minutes before digging in. Hoping my experience in Korea is more memorable!
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I've had a slight increase in acne because I'm more stress now, since it's a week before my trip and I'm also a student with final exams in a few days. I'm thinking about getting a facial before I go to address my skin issue. Not sure if this is a good idea though..
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About the sedation, I remember someone said that his surgeon was humming to the classical music playing in the background, my biggest fear is that I I'll be strapped down, in a plastic covered room, with the surgeon dancing to Hip to be Square, hope you've watched that movie to see my point, hehe
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Hi sea2sea,

Go for the consultations and decide. You'll have a better sense of judgement (:
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Hello, so happy to know your op did great. Did you do alar reduction? Because I am thinking do alar reduction and tip reduction in dream, would you mind to share you before and after?
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hi wsm,

i'm still in a cast / bandaged up. I will perhaps in a week or two so do keep a lookout. And no, I only had tip plasty and bridge augmentation.
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Hi. I'm looking for advice on medpor implant removal (placed in septum to "uplift" tip). I have thick skin, had a medpor implant in my tip and the nose looked great till I hurt myself. Now it's the old nose plus a big tube of scar tissue due to the injury changing shape/causing prolonged swelling.

Did anyone here have a similar experience--medpor implant removal, replacement, and an attractive, feminine outcome after open rhino?

I am looking at Dr. Edmund Kwan based on great Real Self reviews, Thomas Romo, Anthony Sclafani and Stephen Pearlman, but there some HORRIBLE reviews of all these doctors, or worse--no reviews at all.
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