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Asian Nose Job 3

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Waste of money. Light pressure on the sides of your nose will have no effect on its shape.
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That would be great! :smile: Do you have kaokao ID?
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Kcouture, thank you soo much! U r such an angel, always provide us sincere n straight to the point answers!
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Hey I'll be in Korea around Xmas time for nose revision and eyes! When are you planning to be in Korea?
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May you mind telling us which clinic you went to have your nose done?? and why you hate the result, still going back there to have your nose revision?
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Has anyone had a successful primary nose job? All of this is soo expensive ( surgery, airfare, accommodations ) I'd hate to go in for revisions over and over.

Also will the results be instantly noticable after surgery? Like....when the doctor takes off the bandages will that be the exact results or it takes time to really see it? My friend just had hers, she freaking out saying how it still looks the same.
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I'm almost a year post op, so right now it's still a successful primary nose job.

It definitely takes time before you see the final results. When I'd taken my cast off, I did notice it was different but also quite swollen. And over the months it's become thinner.

I'd say after 2 months, you're not going to see much difference in shape besides it slimming down.
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Yes, you can mention the clinic name in here, and plz do!!! As i want to have my primary nose job done in nov and i have saved up all my $$ to do plastic surgery too:sad:

I am planning to ask dr to use silicon for bridge and rib for tip, as i think ear cartilage is not a good support for nose tip, seems many people will sag down after a period of time, i really don't want to do revision.......
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AppleMango :biggrin:

I'm also planning to go to Korea and have secondary nose surgery in a couple of weeks. Please share the name, so I can shorten the list :panic:

I can't have failure result this time. It should be good :tup:
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I think most Korean doctors place implants the same way you mentioned -under the tissue, and creating a pocket to hold the implant- but you can/should always ask during the consultations anyway.

Most surgeons use soft/ultra soft silicon for nose implants, you can ask to see the implants to try out the size/width/flexibility.
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Is Dr. Tim Wang's website www.wangmd.cn down infinitely? I sent him an email in June, 2 weeks later I got a reply email from Brigitte, but since then I have not received any emails from him or Brigitte. Dalian, China from Seoul is about a 2 hour flight so I'm trying to figure out the logistics whether I should consult with him....has anyone had any success in communicating with Dr. Wang?
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Thanks Kcouture for your input. But im wondering if anyone has had a silicon implant and it turned out perfect? I meam, it dorsnt change or require a revision? Like it lasts 10+ years?? Because all ive seen is that after a few years, some take out their silicon because a change of shape etc etc?
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