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Asian Nose Job 3

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I didn't pay for anesthesiologist fee because it was already included in my omega lift and I pushed hard to keep the price as low as possible.

What facial region did you do your fat graft at? Forehead is fine tho. I'm quite a heavy smoker and even after resorption I retained a good deal. And after my top up it was even better. Fg survivability is dependant on the administration technique and the individual. Resorption rate varies but you can have some control of it with the right administration technique and by paralysing targeted muscles which may cause graft dispersion.

I'm very against the use of cartilage grafts to the bridge because me and many of my friends all had bad outcomes from it. Your method worked really well on my friend who had a humped/hooked nose. Dr Park injected the diced cartialge and fat graft into only the top portion of the bridge to fill out the gap to create a straight bridge. I guess the good thing about this method is that the cartilage is crushed into tiny particles then mixed with the fat graft into a putty form so it can essentially be molded and won't cause the common forms of asymmetry that tends to occur in rib rhino and other types of full cartilage grafts. But the resorption is questionable when used over the entire bridge as opposed to a small area like what my friend did. I do hope ure graft doesn't get resorped this time! Did you have PRP the last time with the fg + cartilage?
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Did you book your consultation or you're just gonna walk in? I'm planning to go mid august. Still scared though. Lol
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In answer to a question if anyone has had an implant removed, I have.

9 months ago, I had a rhinoplasty done in Korea at a well known cosmetic clinic in daejeon. I had a silicone implant and medpor for my tip, and also had alar reduction. I regret having all of it done. 2 weeks after I still couldn't smile without looking weird, because my nose wouldn't droop down. My nostrils are unnaturally small. Because of the shock, I went under a revision to have as much reversed as possible. I had the silicone implant, medpor, and a track (placed under my nostrils to keep my nostrils narrow) removed. Unfortunately once you remove skin for the alarplasty, it's impossible to be reversed.

The operation was successful, and I much prefer my nose without all that junk. My nose is still slightly upturned, and I'm hoping it will come down with time. Although, it doesn't seem like it will. I'm mostly regretful of my alarplasty, as it looks unnatural and I can't flare my nostrils anymore.

I was always handsome, and was driven by vanity and greed. To those considering a rhinoplasty, JUST DON'T DO IT. It will torment you! It will cause you to be depressed like you can't imagine, and there's nothing you can do about it.

For those considering a revision, don't be afraid to have things taken out, but do it early so that your nose doesn't form tissue around the unnatural elements. It will be okay, and will give you 70-80% of your original nose back. Good Luck, and may God forgive us all.
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sorry u had to go through all that. Why did they use medpor and not cartilage for the tip do u know?
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So i'm still looking for a good hospital for my revision. i'm really scared of doing this again. I had an I-shaped silicone implant with ear cartilage for my tip. I got a scan from April 31, and they said that my i-shaped silicone implant is all the way down to the tip. The previos dr. put the cartilage at the end of the silicone implant to prevent extrusion, but since my skin is thinning, I think i run the risk if extrusion if i don't get a revision soon since I can feel a bump on my tip!

April 31 told me I could get dermis removed from my behind and put it in my nose after they take the silicone implant out. They quoted me 5 million won! I went to some other hospitals and they only quoted me 3 million for it. However, I am very concerned that it will absorb completely so it'll be pointless doing it. (Basically what "dermis" is.... The dr takes out a chunk of skin and fat above your tailbone to use on your bridge... It's supposed to be a solution for thinning skin and gives 3mm of augmentation - but like fat, it absorbs. Ive read that it "fuses" with your skin to help with thinning skin)

Anyone ever have dermis put in their nose? Or just taken out their silicone implant without putting anything back in? Or has anyone done fat grafting on their nose with a silicone implant to minmize the silicone from showing through the skin?

For those who had revisions at dream, how did it go? I'd like to go back to a natural nose with all the risks silicone has or does their "soft silicone" prevent skin from thinning and getting that super shine that silicone implants have
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It sounds to be like your implant placement technique was not adequate if not this would not occur under normal circumstance.

My nose revision was done at Dream and done perfectly. I previously had extrusion from a full autologous rhinoplasty done in Los Angeles by Charles Lee, where the cartilage had tore and pushed out of my upper bridge. So you can imagine my tissue was very thin and much thinner than yours. As part of my consultation with Dr Park, we came up with 3 plans of treatment.

Plan a) ultra soft silicone placed under the periostiem. irradiated rib cartilage for the tip. Should my periostiem be damaged from the previous surgery we would then use scar tissue to seal and protect the implant.

Plan b) should my tissues be far too weak for the ultra soft silicone we would then use auto dermis as the replacement.

Plan c) this is what ended up happening. The ultra soft silicone i picked was too high for my thin skin to sustain and my periostiem was damaged. Auto dermis was also not a good fit for my nose. Hence the final method was discussed while i was awake on the operating table, feeling no pain and being walked through each step while dr park was working on my nose:

2.5mm Ultra soft silicone shielded and held down by scar tissue
0.5mm Tuto Fascia graft above the silicone and scar tissue to seal the hole from extrusion and grow into my damaged tissue. Thus protecting and strengthening it.
Irradiated rib strut in tip with a small piece of auto dermis in front of it to protect the tip tissue.
Shield Graft for added protection made with my own harvested ear cartilage
alloderm in collumela to lengthen the nose to reach the 3 point ratio.

Mine is considered reconstructive surgery as you can imagine how complex it is. If your tissues is really as thin as you say, then you should consider the use of tuto fascia to strengthen it like I did. The only side effect of tuto fascia is that it can, at irregular intervals increase blood circulation in the area and make the nose a little red. This comes and goes temporarily until the 6 months mark. It can also easily be covered with a thin layer of make up.

I was offered to try autologous dermis from Dr Park too. However he advised me that the resorption is unpredictable and depends on the patient's body. Plus i didn't want anything cuts to my booty region lol especially since I am very prone to keloids on the body. So i opted out of that method.

So anyways I hope sharing my method helps you consider what can be done for your situation. I wrote a review about what occured during my surgery if u want more detail. # good luck on your revision

I recently found out that I have a deviated septum and my ENT recommended surgery to correct. I never loved my nose in the first place but since I'm going to get surgery anyway why not have it improved right? I would like to get the deviated septum fixed and tiplasty to refine the tip of my nose. Do you know if DReam does medical work as well or just cosmetic? Thank you!
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Thank you Kcoture for your response! Since you have soft silicone implanted, do you find that it's less shiny than the regular silicone? My husband is really angry I got my nose done and he wants me to take it out so I never do it again hahahaha. But i'm just afraid if I do put silicone in, whether it be soft or not, I will need to do a revision down the road :sad:
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The shiny look only happens when the implant is too hard and/or is implanted too close to the superficial layers. If you use soft silicone and placement technique is adequate that won't happen. Like I said, if your skin is really as thin as you say, you could look into using tuto fascia to strengthen it

@Peachy - Any rhino specialist can correct a deviated septum, be it an ENT or plastic surgeon. Some correct the deviation for aesthetic reasons because it is visibly showing while others do it because the patient has problems breathing. Either way the end result should resolve your breathing problems.
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Thanks kcouture. I have my trip booked for October. I'm excited but at the same time also very nervous. May I ask how you handled the money issue? I imagine you didn't go to consultations carrying a huge amount of cash... Did you exchange to Ora in your home country or in seoul?
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Hi Peachy...

I had my rhino with Dream 3 months ago and it turned out my natural septum deviation is even more highlighted after the procedure . It is not a botched job but I am not completely satisfied . I am thinking of coming back and have my septum properly corrected . And I hope if Park agrees and able to do so, I will also ask him to refine my tip as I feel it not as pointy as I want it to be.

Anyway, do you have Kakao talk ? Do you mind if I contact you via Kakao Talk ? I just sent you a PM . Thanks a lot Peachy! Good luck on your October plan !
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Hi K! I am back ! How are you ? I have been away from TPF for a while since reading too much TPF makes me more nervous with my revision plan while I am stucked my nose for six months . Lol.

I am now 3 months post op from Dream , I hope you still remember me , and still plan to come back for revision at the end of this year.

Again your inputs here at TPF have always been the most useful for my research . Thanks for always sharing your experiences.

My questions to you are :
1. Why did Park decided to use irradiated rib strut on your columellar ? Is it because you wanted a higher columellar or you don't have enough septum ( septum is a good source for a strut isn't it ? anymore ?

2. You have alloderm in your collumelar to lengthen the nose tip or the bridge ? I thought alloderm does not give support but it's function is only as layering techniques .

3. Can you elaborate further on " 3 points ratio"?

As you probably may still remember , I have always wanted a pointer nose tip . Upon studying my new nose , I noticed my naso angle is still too high and , the tip is still a bit bulbous . If Park lengthen the columellar a tiny bit and adjust the angle down ( both will naturally lengthen my nose a few mm) and at the same time add some graft on the tip to sharpen it , I am hoping it will get the desire result. But then again I am not the doctor here . That's just what I understand from all the readings I did.

What do you advice ?
- what type of graft should I be discussing with Park if I want a sharper tip? Cap graft is not the answer for sure .
- i don't think suturing the tip of the domes will give a dramatic result either . Asian noses have think tissues all around the tip .

The bottom line is , i wish to adjust down my columellar angle and sharpen the tip.

Thanks a lot for always doling out your excellent advices and tips K!


Hi Myjeweler! I am good ! :smile: how are you ? I hope you are doing good also! I have been very busy with work and now I have more time to research and focusing on my revision plan . Thanks for sharing your schedule , I haven't booked anything yet but if I decided to go on February , I will definitely PM you so we can meet at Dream :smile: ... Keep in touch. Email me anytime if you have any concerns and good luck on your revision ! Xoxo
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