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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Great!!! I was about to ask as well. my hubby decided not to tag along and I will be all alone. Are u from Spore?

I am thinking of doing eye and nose surgery. U doing just Vline and zygoma? I may want to add in other surgery based on doc's recommendation.

I'm thinking of engaging Zoe's service as well cos I am damn scared... lolx.

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Are u from S'pore or another country? Let me know if u decide to do PS in Dec. We can meet up in Seoul if u like. Think doing PS needs lotsa moral support and only those who went thru will understand.:smile:

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oh dear... I also dnt want to pay too much for my surgeries. I dnt read a lot of posts on forumers about their PS experience in cinderella tho.

oopss... then how to get the stitches out cos I calculated the dates and it will hit eve or xmas on the day i need to remove stitches. Can i keep the stitches in for a few more days? Maybe it will give better results?...lolx

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This is what they quoted me:
vline 15,000,000-16,000,000
xygoma reduction 7,500,000-8,000,000 korea won
fat graft 4,500,000-5,000,000

I think one extra day is okay to keep the stitches in. I guess it would have been a nice Christmas gift to have the stitches out.
In re: to other post, I'm from LA, so not looking forward to the long flight and being away from home during the holidays :sad: but yes, if i am there at the same time, I'd love to meet up for morale support. I am nervous having to recover, in a country where i don't know the language.
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Update: sorry for making everyone wait, but today is the first day that i could really open my eyes >.<
So on the 15th, I made consultation appointments at Dream dr Park, Regen dr Kim and Dreamlotte dr Kim (in this order). I decided on Regen so i didn't want to go to Dreamlotte.

Dr Park: Made my apt at 10am but i still had to wait for 2 hours till i can see dr park. There were alottt of people waiting and i saw some really pretty girls there. My consultation with dr park was quite short, maybe less than 10 mins. I thought he was nice but not very talkative. For eyes, he recommened downward epi because the distance between my eyes are quite close, parcial incision and eyebrow lifting (make 4 holes on my head and lift the whole forehead). I did not expect to have this procedure done and the cost for eyebrow lift is 5 mil won!
For nose, he recommended humpectomy, osteotomy, tip plasty with 2.5mm silicone implant. 4.2 mil won, i thought this was very reasonable.
Although i really wanted Dr Park for my nose, i wasn't sure of the whole eyebrow lift thing so i passed..

Regen: made an apt at 1pm and still had to wait for like 3.5 hours till i can see dr Kim. Regen is reallllly nice and rich looking. They offered me free drinks including coffee, water, latte,etc... When i met Dr.Kim, he stood up and shook my hands, he also thanked me for choosing to have a consultation with him. I totally did not expect him to be soo respectful and genuine since he is the chief doctor at Regen. For eyes, he recommended partial incision with ptosis, epi, lateral, pretty much the whole thing bcause my eyes are small and short lol! For nose: same thing as dr Park. At first, They quoted me 9.7mil won without lateral. If i want lateral, it's 1.5 mil won. Honestly, i reallly liked Dr Kim and was set to have it done at Regen but i didn't bring enough money because i thought it was only gonna be about 7500 usd. Later, used my bargain skill to bring it down to 9.5 mil won including lateral. I paid 7500 usd in cash and 2000 usd on my card and they did not charge me tax :smile:
Btw, the nose alone costed 6 mil won, compared to 4.2 mil won at dream
The down side of Regen is that they don't have any after care service, besides some pumpkin juice, i expected to have more since the price is so much more higher than other
places. I paid them in full right after my consultation because i did not feel safe to bring around alot of cash.

My surgery was scheduled at 1pm the next day. I arrived at 12pm to get my pictures taken and the nurses cleaned my nose and got me changed and ready for surgery.
They tied me up and i thought it was so scary and uncomfortable... Then they give me IV shot. I think it's sedation because i was dreaming of wonderland and i was laughing the whole time. The nurses told me this when i woke up lol. I didnt even know it when they gave me shots in the eyes. Then dr Kim came in and drew on my eyes, i knew and felt pretty much everything. The most painful part was lateral, omg hurtssss so bad! I said pain pain and dr kim was comforting me. I also smelled the fat being burned, not very pleasant... My eyes took about 1.5 hours in total.
After the eyes, the nurses asked me if im ready to go to sleep. I was like yeahhh and i dont remember anything after that. My nose surgery was pleasant as i couldnt feel or remember anything.
I woke up like 15 mins later, at around 6pm. Nicole and forum member beefsoup were also there when i woke up, which was really comforting. Nicole then took my back to my hotel.
Today is the 5th day since my surgery, the swelling is still there but it has gotten better. I used alot of icepacks and took vit c, bromelain, pumpkin juice. However, now im noticing asymetry in my eyes. The right eye is a lil higher than the left side. Regen said that it's due to uneven swelling and that i have to wait till the swelling is gone to see the results. Im still very worried... And theres stiches inside of my eyes, where the lateral is. Honestly, it is sooo uncomfortable because it hurts when i open my eyes. I have to wait 10 days to get lateral stiches removed. I dont recommened lateral to anyone unless your eyes are very short like me. I don't know if the pain and having stiches INSIDE of your eyes for 10 days is worth it.
They put a cast and bandages on my nose so i cant really see yet but yesterday when i went back for cleaning and disinfecting, i took a peek at my nose and it looks good.. I think.. At least the tip is not upturned lol

Btw, purseforum members beefsoup and wellna came to my hotel to visit me. They are soo nice and im so happy to have some amazing people around me in another country.

Ok that is it for now, sorry for the long post and any confusion i have caused you. I'm
typing on my ipad with my eyes half opened so please excuse my grammar.
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wishing you the best! Just have your questions ready and trust your instincts! happy travels!
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Hey Congratulations and thanks for updating! I was thinking about getting the lateral eye surgery too, but recovery sounds worse than the nj surgeries people post on here.
Hope your swelling goes down fast, so you can see how great you will really look :smile:
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Hello guys...
I decided to join after reading hundreds of pages on this thread...this thread used to be slower in pace and just picked up (REALLY picked up the pace) within the last 1 yr.

Unlike many of you, I've actually undergone 3-D zygoma + Vline (revision, I'd had mandible reduction in Bangkok before, but results were minimal) so I went to Seoul last year. In two-three weeks, it will have been 1 yr since my surgeries. I had it @ Regen (I'm surprised it's not mentioned that often, I mean, real actual patients from Regen didn't post at all here).
My experiences are posted on Cozycot forum.

The reason I join this forum is because in March I'll be in Seoul for 2 days...I am wondering what procedures I can get done in 2 days? Fat graft? Or maybe non incisional suture method for eyes? Anyway my top candidates are JW and Teuimp if I want to get my eyes done.

I'm surprised so many of you stay at Highland Hotel. I stayed there for 3 night and couldn't take it anymore, so I moved. But I didn't take the Grand/Suite there...maybe if I had, it would have been better. The hallways there smelled bad (cigarette smokes) and it wafted into my room's bathroom. In 10 days, I stayed at 3 different hotels.

Reading all postings from folks who had VLine + zygoma within the past year, I felt like a fool. I didn't bargain at all...stupid me...should have bargained. Cozycot does not have too many forumers who posted about bargaining..and I'm always bad at bargaining. The consultant said the translator I brought already knew the prices, so the clinic couldn't overcharge me. So I believed the consultant. Paid 15M for zygoma + revision Vline. The prices was just average I guess (it was a revision mandible work, remember so it's supposed to be more expensive), but I should have bargained. Never hurt to ask, right?
Considering what some of you have been quoted, 5M for zygoma, 8M for Vline, plus 2M for revision work, that comes to 15M. If I had bargained, I probably could have knock off 2-3M ....oh well, life goes on.

I won't answer too many questions here, if you want to read my experiences, just go to that other forum. One year post-op, my lower right chin and lip are still partially numb. I notice slight asymmetry between my left and right jaw (people probably won't notice it - Myself is the best critic of my body). The result? I still don't have a sharp Vline, but it's something in between a U and V (more oval shape) after I got Botox shot 3 months ago. I definitely look better now than 6 months ago. Considering I had a box as my face before though, this is already a major improvement.

In the past, I'd always focused on my boxy face and getting it reduced to an oval shape. Now, even with the zygoma reduced, I still have a wide face; my skull is wide. Thank God I decided to do my zygoma at the sametime as my Vline, both procedures in one go!
I can't post my pics here...I am still too far from the pretty girls on this forum like Dan4me (is that her name? the girl who went to ID).

Ok, that's all...I'm looking forward to interact with you all.
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As much as I want to get the zygoma and vline, I don't think 10 days is long enough for me to do everything (including eyelid surgery) because I arrive there on Sat nov 17, in the evening and I saw that Banobagi is closed on Sunday... so I will be doing all my plastic surgery clinic hopping on monday and hope to have the surgery same day or the day after. sucks not being a local :sad:

I will definately share all my experiences with you guys! As there will be some time when I'll want to stay in and heal :smile:

My mom was also mentioning a clinic where the korean celebrities get their surgery. I'm going to ask her tomorrow and find out the name and dr's name for u guys. Apparently, the main Dr is a woman! Not sure how I feel about that yet, as most of the dr's seem to be men.... will update!

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I actually wanted to go in Dec, but isn't it more expensive to fly during that time? I'm only going for 10 days... which actually isn't long at all :sad:
I noticed too on Banobagi that the eyes aren't as dramatic! I want a more noticable fold with possibly some cutting on inner corners. Eye surgery is SO important because I noticed that if they eye folds are too big, it can make you look sleepy all the time!

Are you getting nose surgery too??

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Really? But my rhinoplasty was a little more complex than the normal, they had to push the bones in and make a narrow nose, tip implant and bridge implant.

Banobagi wanted 5.5mil for my nosre alone.

i didn't have any blood tubes, it wasn't necessary. Stitches will be removed back in Australia where I am from. They have a Doctor there they told me to visit who can remove them for me. For me, price was second to peace of mind, I know even bigger clinics could have problems, but it somehow makes me feel a little better. :smile:

I will post results in a week, when I am less swollen.
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Thanks for sharing may i know whats your username for cozycot?
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Hey egg starlet is there any particular reason why you didnt choose banobagi in the end? When you went banobagi are there many people/locals etc?
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I am a newbie & this is my 1st post so I hope I am doing it correctly.
Does anyone have Zoe's email. I am thinking of going for a facelift & necklift. Not sure which one to go to...Grand, Regen, Banobagi, VIP, BK? Any info will be appreciated. Thanks.
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Thanks so much for sharing ur experience! At least i know what I am in for. Currently I am interested with Regen and Teium so at least I know how they operate. Thanks again and do keep us updated with ur latest development.

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