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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Aw thank you! I hope your appointment goes well. Please let us know if the prices they quote you are the same as the ones they quote locals. ^^ I've got my fingers crossed because I'd really like to go there myself when I go to Korea.
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that's good to know. umm weird question but out of all of the places you went to -teium, view, dream- who do you think had the prettiest post-op girls waiting in the lobby?
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Hey ana.dancer,

I'm so excited for you! Best of luck with your consultations! ^^ I think you're the first forumer from this thread to go to JW, so please do update us on your experience with them. I'm really curious about them. And whatever clinic(s) you decide on, we're all hoping your results will be beautiful! ^^
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Surgery day itself

Made my way down in the morning at 10am to pay the deposit because I spent too long deciding the previous night, all the clinics closed and I couldn't pay the deposit. Was previously told that surgery would be at 7.30pm (squeezed in, schedules were up to 9.30pm everyday). When I arrived at the clinic they said someone postponed their appointment so I can have surgery at 2pm. You can imagine how nervewrecking that was.. suddenly told unprepared that I would be having surgery in a few hours. Anyway, I took the slot and they moved me into a cosy recovery room to wait.

There was wifi so I spent about 3 hours chatting with my friends and napping on the bed. Half an hour before 2pm they called me out to wash my face and change into operating robe. At about 2.30pm then it was finally my turn. Nicole and I went to see the surgeon. He took some photos of me, constantly poked around my eye and made lotsa markings. I told Nicole to emphasize that I still want my round inner corners and not to be too aggressive on epi. Once he was happy with the final design I was brought into the operating room and lay down on the bed. I was mad nervous cause they said that they wouldn't be giving me the 5-minute IV and would just inject local anaesthesia into my eyes when awake lol. (They originally asked me if I ate anything yet, I said yes at 9.30am so I think thats why I couldnt be put under general anaesthesia). The nurse that was with me was so cute. She couldn't speak english and asked "Do you speak Korea?" lol. Then she took a teddy bear and put it into my hand and was like "ehh teddy bear ^^"

The surgeon could speak Chinese so most of the time he talked to me in Chinese. I remember kpop and xmas songs in the background 0.0 He started injecting the shots... honestly I think it wasn't as bad as I expected from what I heard. It was painful but was very quick. After the shots I started to relax and let him do his thing, I think I nearly dozed off so the nurse occasionally pat me hahaha. I could feel tugging, pulling and burning. I think he burned A LOT of skin and fat cause he used the laser thingy so often. For epi you can feel the inner corners being pulled. Ptosis hurt the most out of all 3 but it wasn't that bad cause I was numb. They basically flip your eyelid inside out, sew onto it and pull A LOT. It was funny cause when he started doing ptosis correction on just one side, I opened my eyes and on that eye my field of vision was sooo much more than the other. The entire surgery took about 3.5 hours. I walked out like a zombie cause I was so tired and sleepy.

When I looked into the mirror in the recovery room, I was sooo shocked cause I had these caucasian-like folds. The difference was huge. I was just shocked, like I wasn't used to it. Part of me was so happy cause my eyes look so biggish at that moment as opposed to the normal slit, droopy eyes I had. But another part of me felt a little depressed caused by just looking at my eyes, I felt like the cuteness of it -10000000000.

Right now I'm at day +2 from surgery. I'm bruising and swelling a lot (like I normally do when I'm injured sigh). I hope that by week 3 I can look at least normal cause I'm going back to school. I'm sure there will be many stares ._.

Heres a picture of my eyes before. The afters are still on my phone. I think I will wait while the bruising has gone down a little before posting them. I look as though I've been bashed up together with my heavy dark circles ><

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Sorry, i just downloaded the pf app on my ipad. Wish i didnt cuz now i dont know how to post wout quoting someone else post, but since ritch asked. Here u go!

First bfore i forget, theres no Wifi in the recovery room.

Well i did it! N i cudnt have done it wout the support from u guys! Thank u so much for ur words of encouragement, your insights, knowledge, n research. Now it is my turn to return the favor.

I dont really know where to bgin. Friday nite: i fasted about 10 hrs b4 my surgery. I hid all my water bottles so that i wudnt accidentally take a swig. I packed some extra clothes since past forumers said they woke up freezing. (U don't need to here tho cuz first, my extra bag is still down on the 10th floor n their beds r heated so i was never cold. Id say just bring ur purse n pack ur sinecch in ur purse cuz mine is still downstairs &#65533;&#65533;) as hard as i tried, it was a sleepless nite for me. O n like most surgeries, don't have any nail polish on.

Hospital: View-Dr Lee Sang Woo
Vline, sliding genio, chin implant removal n eyes-incisional dbl eyelid, ptosis w correction. Total 12.6mil

i checked in on the 10th floor, an hr before my surgery time. While in the lobby, i asked Ms Kim for a beauty consultants email address, but i think she thinks i keep asking for hers, so i still dont have one for u yet. The hard part is she's the only one I've heard speak English in the front, but she's an office worker, so her medical terminology in English is really really limited. I dont think she has too much direct contact w the doctors in her daily schedule, so if u do use her email from this forum, dont b worried if u that u mite not get recommendations on the type of surgery u will need or even pricing. Make it simple for her, just give her a cpl of dates u may want to visit. And know they do take walk-ins as i did the 2nd time i went there.

During this time, they had me change into their clothes, pack my stuff in a suitcase , wash my face n took more pictures. They went over medical consent forms n i met w the doctor again n this time asked btr questions. I know either in a pm, email or posting, i mentioned somewhere that i did alright wout translation services, but remember i left most if my medical questions in the lobby the first time, so i say bcuz of medical terminolgy n post op care, a translator wud b helpful, but i somehow managed wout one.

Dr Lee explained what he was going to do, how much he wud take off my sides n then explained while he wud make my eyes bigger, bcuz of my need for ptosis correction, my crease wud b smaller than id like. It made sense since i had read about ptosis revisions primarily for that reason.
Then we were off to the 11th floor. I got onto the gurney n they strapped me in. No catheter for my procedures, but i think they do for 2jaw. Never did find the nurse who spoke english &#65533;&#65533;. Then it began. Dr Lee marked my eyes. Cud smell the burning of my flesh from the laser. Ms Kim held my hand. I luv this lady. They told me to open n close my eyes several times. Then it was over. Next, the anesthesiologist came in said "bye bye c u later" n i was out cold. I liked that she added the "c u later" n not just said bye bye.&#9786;total time 4 hrs.

i woke up in the recovery room. Ms Kim brought up my purse. Yay! my iPod! We chatted n laughed a bit. She said i looked younger cuz of the swelling. I look like that old lady on real housewives-miami! Dr Lee came by n said it went well. i asked him if he performed the surgery, but only bcuz there was another junior doctor in the operating room. He said yes. In my head I'm thinking, o no u didn't just ask him that. Ugh..so embarrassed.&#65533;&#65533; he told me it'd b safe to sleep it off, but of course i cudnt. In the last 6 days i've slept a total of 14 hrs.

i had to wait 7 hrs for my first sip of water. Im a total water whore, but i did it! Wudda been easier if i cud fall asleep. It is now 6am n my throat n lips r still dry. Bring ur lip balm-not that it has helped me much. Your throat will feel like u have a mild sore throat. A cpl of hrs after my surgery it felt as though my throat was tightening-closing up, like i was being choked, but the really sweet nurse said it was okay. I hope there was no translation issue there cuz that wudda been scary. We tried to communicate using her iPhone translation, but gave up. She even tried calling her boyfriend to help me. O how pathetic i m sometimes &#65533;&#65533;

For the next few hrs, if i laid down, i was fine, but if i got up i felt so nauseous. I did try n walk around throughout the nite, The nausea has finally subsided, as i can sit up to type this.
You will have this call button, but it rings through this entire floor. i didn't use it too much cuz i felt bad for the older man next door. I wanted him to get his rest. So id wait til the nurse made her rounds draining the blood from my pouch n asked her for things-mostly water. i still have an iv in me, but I'm not getting any fluids from it. i think it is just easier wen she pumps in the anti-swelling meds-which makes me nauseous. Pain-i opted out for any pain pump n pain meds cuz it makes me feel terribly wnauseous. Id rather b functional w pain, then miserably sick wout pain. On a scale of 1-10, id say my pain was a 6 but for only about 5 min after i initially woke up from surgery then quickly subsided to a 3, but if i breathe through n relax that area, it goes down to a 0. This is only in my chin area cuz of either the implant removal or the sliding genio. There was never any pain in my jawline nor eyes. I cud have a high tolerance for pain tho. Man, even the iv hurt more than my jaw n eyes. I havent eaten yet, not hungry tho.

My results: from what i can tell right now, my eyes look even, cudnt achieve the dolly look, but i think i will b happy w it.&#65533;&#65533; But, the entire nite i kept thinking i shudda done something w my cheekbones. I realized yesterday morning as i waited to have surgery, most of the b/a pics, the girls whether they had prominent cheekbones or not, got it done n even the pretty girls that i mentioned i saw in the lobby. For me, thats what i liked bout the b/a pics, but wen Dr Lee said i didn't need it, i thought i cud achieve that look wout it. But i looked in the mirror, nope, i cant &#65533;&#65533; In other clinics, i didn't really think that the zygoma operation made much of a difference, but Dr. Lee seems really good at it. He has done studies on zygoma operations n revisions which to me is more difficult. O well, now was not the time i guess.

Well as i was writing this, the nurse came n took out the iv n drains. K that was the most painful part n Just made me cringe for a sec. pulling out the drains was fine, but the stitches afterwards. Luckily it was quick. For me, it was more sore than my tongue piercing n tattoos. But like i said at least it was quick!

K, in all honesty my biggest fear was the GA. I even msgd snowstream w my husbands info just in case. They never asked me for an emergency contact at View. Guess they r that sure of their services &#65533;&#65533;

Made it back to my bnb. Got a free taxi ride home! Well started to get a slight headache n i think i got nauseous from the taxi ride or from no food, just had a protein shake tho. Hopefully that helps.

O they sent me home w a few cans of protein shake. 2 bottles of saline since i cant brush my teeth for a week. O n no washing my face either. not sure how to clean the eye guck now. Yuck! Sorry for the halitosis n my eye junk to all the ppl i will come in contact w. 2 ice packs, antibiotics, green pills n pain pills which i will just skip. This is y ud need a translator, i have no idea if the green pills r for my stomach bcuz of the painkillers or if i really need to take them.

Things to bring: lip balm, sunglasses, n scarf if u r doing facial contouring. O n im a big music fan so my ipod helped.

Cant wait to meet the other gals that ive been emailing n pming!

Sorry so long, but i think i covered everything &#65533;&#65533; plus marir said the longer the better lol
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Imo, I liked views the best, but it was mostly facial contouring. Didnt see any post ops at teuim cuz i went early morning. Dream only 1 n view had plenty of post ops, but i was there for 5 hrs &#55357;&#56836;
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Hey looks good!
Have a question. Did u get some green pills w the white pain pills. Whats the green pills for?

N how did u clean ur eyes, they told me not to wash my face n just tap my face w a cloth til day 6 when i remove my stitches.
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Hey was wondering how u were doing, still 50% swollen? What wud u say the % was when u posted ur after pics? Cuz i thought u looked good.
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O u r soo cute! sounds like u r gonna luv it! Its interesting how everyones account of the surgery is different. I guess just different methods. Happy healing girlie!

How r u cleaning ur eyes?
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Hey thiefcat
Howz ur swelling? U wanna meet up for dinner later? Gonna meet ana-dancer around 6 or 7 at hotel highland. Wud luv to meet ya too if u feel up to it :smile:
Where d u get the gingseng chix soup from? I remember reading it on the forum b4.

Ugh, teuim quoted u much better, but im kinda pissed off at myself cuz i shudda brought out the email w the price they quoted me which was the same as what u got quoted.

Also, how r u cleaning ur eyes?

Lemme know if u r up for some company. I m swelling more n more each minute. Aghhhh
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what are you planning to do?
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I think you Can get some treatment in 2 weeks.
depends on wat surgery you had. :smile:
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lol take good care:smile:
It is good to do ice pack often!!
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