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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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May i know how was your nose job with Dr.Suh at JW and how much they charged you?

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I am a male and I'm planning to get rhino and chin augmentation done. I have a Caucasian face.


I need to correct a deviated septum, raise my hanging columella and droopy tip smooth a tiny bump. All clinics with the exception of Man & Nature had a similar operation plan for my nose.

I have a class II overbite, so my chin recedes back and is a little short vertically.

These are all the clinics I've been to for consults and what they recommended:

VIP - Dr Lee.

Nose - Rhino
Chin - Fat Injection

Smart, skilled and very nice doctor and facility, but a little pricey. If money wasn't an issue I'd go with him, but I feel his chin recommendation wasn't good.

Shimian - Dr Jung

Nose - Rhino
Chin - Implant

Thoughts: He is a nose guru, and can't go wrong with him, but also pricey. I don't feel confident in his chin augmentation ability.

Man & Nature *The main Dr forgot his name*

Nose - Tiplasty - Ear Cartilage
Chin - Implant

You need to know some basic Korean, and doctors English is OK. This is a fancy apugujeong clinic only for men, and it is super cheap! Now I know that the big clinics love to rip off foreigners after visiting this place. I didn't feel confident in his deviated septum skills and he's better with Asian noses. Featured in Wall Street Journal. If you are going to have non-complex and implant based procedures and are an Asian dude on a budget this place might be good fit.

ITEM - Dr Kim

Nose - Rhino
Chin - Genioplasty

Pretty fair price, especially for genioplasty, very nice facility and very organized. But they seem kind of mysterious, not a lot of info about them on the web. (The consultant is super hot and had some nice PS work done herself). The doctor kind of seemed a little annoyed, but warmed up slightly later. His claim to fame is that he used to work at BK. Not sure if that's a good thing. He's the only one that recommended genioplasty, and I've sent xrays and pics to top plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills and maxiofacial specialists who concurred. Also their previous marketing tactics on this forum seemed shady.

BK - Dr. Hong

Nose - Rhino
Chin - Implant

Dr. Hong was super nice, warm, empathetic and he knew his stuff. I know he's a specialist in Jaw and Chin, but he recommended a small augmentation via an implant. He said my face is pretty ideal, but the rhino and and small chin aug would enhance my looks. He was very clear and caring, but he communicates through an interpreter. He refused to do genioplasty even if I demanded it, he said he won't do it, and said I'd save money with an implant procedure as well. That impressed me even more. Something in my gut is telling I need a genioplasty though based on my research and what American doctors have suggested as well.

Regen - Dr Oh (Chin) & Dr. Kim (Nose)

Nose - Rhino
Chin - Implant

This place is brand new (Gangnam) super clean and organized, price is negotiable, but Dr. Oh made an interesting observation that others had not. He did say genioplasty is a way to go, but complex, and expensive and an implant might yield a improved result. He pointed out my stong lebiomental crease the fold between your lower lip and chin. Upon further research on my own, I learned that my unique anatomy might not yield an ideal result with an implant alone, and this fold could be accentuated even more.

ID Hospital - Dr Park (chin) Dr. Kim (nose)

Nose - Rhino
Chin - Dr. Park's custom mini-vline

Dr. Park is like the V-Line Guru of Korea, inventing new procedures that are not even in western medical journals. He recommended a custom 'mini vline' (very expensive). That would lengthen my chin without any screw and implants using some special cutting technique that will create spaces and naturally lengthen bones overtime.

Dr. Kim - Great English skills and really sounded like he knows the nose.

This place is like a factory though, super long wait times for consults and expensive. Also, I don't know about doing Dr. Park's own invented procedures.


I am an over analyzer by nature. I have done so much research, and now I'm even questioning the whole idea of surgery. God what a roller coaster.

Something in my gut is telling me to go with Item (maybe overall value). But all these other Doctors with exception of Man & Nature and Item all went to top tier Korean medical schools. Jung is an exception, I think with so many nose jobs under his belt - he's earned his stripes.

If time and money were not an issue. I would probably go with Jung, VIP or ID for my nose and do the chin back in the states with a maxiofacial guru.

Chin - hmmm I feel genioplasty is the way to go, so I'm on my search for a proven genioplasty pro who concurs.
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It's still early days so i'll wait a bit before I send them to you :smile:
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Oh yea I spent about 8 days but they say they like to remove stitches at earliest day 7 - I had to do day 5-6 because I had to leave - but yea give some time i'd say 10 days is good if you can get your consult and surgery done in the first few days.
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I guess so, but 500 is actually not a lot to pay for a spot in the busy period, especially since changing your airfares, leave and other stuff will cost you more in the long run.

Also some clinics ask for more than that like 10-20% of surgery cost which can add up if you are doing multiple surgeries.

If you are really keen on JW i'd say cut your loses and put dow nthe $500 :smile: if you don't end up going with them maybe you can ask to use it on some filler botox or something non -surgical?
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Wow, you recovered so fast (more so on your right eye :smile:) I guess uneven swelling is very common eh?

Ok my eyes..to be honest, I hate them right now...the crease is way too high and looks fake but after the swellings goes away i know I'll love them. I just hate this waiting period :sad:

Thanks for your update!
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Could anybody recommend a very well-renowned clinic or doctor for zygoma reduction surgery? I am fairly new to the scene so I am overwhelmed by the vast number of clinics available.

I can speak both Korean and English fluently, if that helps.

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Hey ID often switch surgeons while you're knocked out...They get the juniors to operate on you I think. I'veread some horror stories. Makes you wonder why their results turned out so horribly? I'd go to Regen if I were you.
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Hey ritchallthetime,

Jus saw ur reply. Thanks man, cuz after reading it (especially the last part ), I somewhat feel that a burden bout what my family would think got shoved off. Hahaha...
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No problem dude, glad i can help!

Theres no reason that anyone should feel like a burden to there family, over anything. That right there is emotional blackmail and it runs rife in Asian families (sorry, i'm assuming your asian :P). Think of it like this, if you were fat and you wanted to lose weight, would your family stop you? Its not as drastic as plastic surgery but i feel it still carries the same point.
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Hi chloegirly, may i know how much were u quote at JW?
Thanks :smile:
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1 day left to Korea...Super Duper excited.
Been corresponding alot with forumers through PMs and KKtalks and I must say everyone have been really really helpful!
Appreciate all the advise that has been given to me as well.

Pretty sure I will be meeting some of you over in Seoul.
And I wil continue to update when I'm over there. :yahoo:
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Another question to all forumers who have already gotten their surgeries done.

Were there any differences between the prices you all get quoted through email and the prices that was quoted when you all were there?

Example quote you Rhinoplasty as 4mil won over email, but when you were there they say its 6mil won.
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