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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hi Mwol,
Thank you so much, you've done a fantastic job here! Your posts has been realy2 helpful, esp for people like me who is going to have a PS for the first time. Cant thank you enough! Maybe i'll cook for you if we happen to meet up one day. ;)
OMG Mwol, those images that you sent me were so amazzzziiiiiing!!! i kept staring at all the pictures till my eyes dried out. I put some eye drops and went back to stare at them some more! hahaha... They looks sooooo beautifully changed! it made me want to go to sleep early tonite and have a dream of my face coming out from Samsung PS to look like any of them, only older! haha.. Btw, do you happen to know if all of them has had Full face fat grafts done at samsung or their other procedures were done at samsung too? I like most of their eyes! Looks dramatically changed yet natural!

About Teium, yes i did email them on the 4th of nov 2013 for some inquiries. And yes, they did reply quite promptly. This is their reply (i copy paste it from my mail):

Thank you for your interest and inquiries of Teuim Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Clinic.

I have checked your pictures.
I think, you need
1. Double eyelid surgery including Ptosis correction : 2.5—3.0m KRW
2. fat graft on upper eyelid : 1.0m KRW
Both procedure at the same time would be better.

It's difficult to provide confirmed prices without seeing you in real and above prices are just approximate estimate.
We suggest you to visit Teuim clinic to receive precise information regarding surgical methods and the cost.
We recommend you to stay in Korea at least for 7days after the surgery, so that you can get post-operative treatments including stitch removal and wound cleansing.

* You'd better book the schedule for consultation & surgery at least 2 weeks before.
* If you want to get surgery on same day after consultation, we make an effort to do surgery at same or next day.(if possible for foreign convenience)

Teuim clinic and AT clinic joined as one clinic in name of AT aesthetic plastic surgery clinic.
Dr. Bongsik Kwon and Dr. Heungsik Park will collaborate in plastic surgeries for better medical services.

Dr. BongsikKwon : Eyelid surgery. Fat graft, liposuction
Dr. HeungsikPark : Maxillofacial bone surgery, Rhinoplasty

Email : paris85@ naver.com
Tel : +82-2-511-5345

Homepage of TeuimClinic :http://teuimps.co.kr/english/main/main.html
Blog of Dr. Kwon: http://blog.naver.com/paris85
You can see the many cases of Dr. Kwon in blog or homepage.
All the photos of cases are by Dr. Kwon.

Homepage of AT Clinic :http://www.atro.co.kr
The integrated English homepage of AT aesthetic plastic surgery clinic is under construction.

<Clinic Address>
5F, Daeseung building,1318, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea
(subway line 2, Gangnam Station, exit 10)
AT Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Clinic / AT Orthodontic Dental clinic

That's why i raised the question about whether or not Dr Kwon will be coming back to operate on eyelids again, Because what i understand from their reply, it sounded like Dr Kwon will be the one doing the eyelids for me? Or maybe i misinterpreted it, i dont know.. confused! :sad:

Simmian any good for ptosis correction, fat graft, and v lift tho?
Anyway, i will be going to korea on april 2014, so still have few more months to do my search tho. And getting some useful info from you, have just helped me heaps!

Thank you Mwol.. :smile:
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no worries~ a lot of this information is actually regurgitated from the other threads! :smile: don't worry, it is also my first time! they don't say specifically, they just say "fat graft", i am bad to pin point out people who have done fat grafts, let alone where they put it.

do you mean shimmian? i have not heard of simmian and when i tried to search them it directed me to shimmian. shimmian is only good for noses but even then i have heard many negative reviews about dr jung/shimmian. i think with him it is either a hit and a miss, some people really love his work and really thankful for revisions but some of them are really unhappy and depressed about the results. i would rather someone more consistent.

i am not sure about the teuim situation, maybe reply with something like "i have heard around about dr kwons health, is he better now? is able to still do surgeries?" just to confirm it is him. kwon is a very common last name in korea so it could be another doctor named kwon. this is one of the pf members blog and her mum went to teuim to get ptosis correction (her entire blog actually is pretty helpful and detailed): http://livelovedream.ca/ptosis-surgery-in-korea/#more-244

rex's fat graft b&a: http://www.rexclinic.com/community/community_03en.php?category=8

i saw a full fat graft by tlps and it was really amazing: http://tlplasticsurgery.com/?p=2592

more 'real stories' from tlps: http://tlplasticsurgery.com/?cat=5

tlps also has this thing called power v lifting and it looks really promising. just navigate around the site~
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Pres30 I agrees the Seoul touchups is the most expensive one they generally target upper class group that is naive and willing to pay . The train for that is because of their high commission , they probably get 20/30% but the plus point is , if you hired their service you got someone to accompany you . However the last round I quoted the price is more than double if I compared the cost of surgery pay by the local and all the expenses eg hotel and air ticket .
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Rosyng17, pres30 did not give people wrong information . I am the proof because I earlier engaged Seoul touch up and the price quoted me is very expensive at least 30% or more. Since you have defended Seoul touch up are you the marketing manager ? Seoul touch up probably recommended a few clinics that have business contract with them . It is a different market segment they are targeting upper class society that is willing to pay and lazy yo do research . It doesn't means that without Seoul touch up we can't find a good plastic surgeon and clinic . I am the proof that when I engages the Seoul touch up my surgery cost is more expensive at least usd 3-5k than I walk in without the company like Seoul touch up
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be careful, I read someone went to REX because their translator "pursuaded" them and is now all depressed because of bad surgeries...
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i contacted them in korean some weeks ago, they replied with stupidly high prices (in korean) so ignored them
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32000 usd is what... 34M krw???!?!? that's crazy... ID will destroy your face and they want to charge you a double price for it? wow...
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i think the last time i emailed view i only asked about 1-2 procedures and i have no idea what the prices are or if they even replied because i checked my notes and i don't have view prices for myself anywhere... now i'd like to ask about more procedures and i didn't i check my emails like once a month... i don't like email compared to checking a forum haha. what procedures are you interested in? if you tell me that i can write you the question in korean if you also ask for me about the procedures i'm interested in and let me know when they reply... i will write it so that they will say the prices for you and for me separately in their reply. that way i won't have to check my emails all the time :biggrin: just remember to quote me or send me a PM so i get notified so it's easy to find. let me know if this is okay with you :graucho: thank you
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After close to a year of searching for the BA clinic in Korea which is not easy as most of the forum is discussing on the face enhancement surgery. And this are the list of clinics that I have visited so far :-

In June visited the following clinic for teardrop

A) WonJin Clinic Price quoted KRW11mil exclude medication
1) Larger clinic and systematic in a handling customers.
2) Busy clinic due to summer holidays
3) English speaking staffs convenient for foreigner.

1) Waited for 2 hours despite appointment was made earlier.
2) Don't get to see the doctors only speak to the marketing manager and nurses who takes the bust measurement.
3) First visit quoted KRW11mil and second visit quoted KRW 25mil on the same surgery.
4) Met with DR Park on 2nd visit however he is not interested to see me and kicked me out of the room in less than 5 minutes instead asked me to refer to his marketing manager. Did not answer any of my questions except for what surgery I want to do.

B) JW Clinic Price quoted KRW11mil bra exclude medication.
Pro :
1) Popular among foreigners because they have strong marketing team and Seoul Touch UP is one of the medical coordinator promoting on behalf of the clinic
2) Have own in house translators for English and mandarin speaking staffs.
3) Dr Seul speaks English able to understand and patient in explaining, have more than 10 years of experience.
4) Able to see doctor to discuss on the procedure and asked questions instead marketing manager who is not medically trained.
5) Dr Seul is the only one can identify which side of my breast is larger whereby most Plastic surgeon FAILLED , he is smart to asked me and confirmed with me whereas all plastic surgeon has their own opinion instead of asking me.

Cons :
1) Have a very unskilled of anesthesia team of doctors
2) Not professional in preparing the me in the operation room, eg some staffs is not in uniforms , the head of anesthesia is not wearing uniform or gloves. Myself is not given a cap to cover my hair. They tends to take things lightly in the operation room.
3 ) I ALMOST DIED IN JW OPERATION ROOM however in my home country I have been twice under general anesthesia for surgery. JW blamed me for my narrow airway but later I found out that it is not the size of the airway but is more of the doctor's skills. Dr Lee Hye Kyoung proves that she is unskilled and not professional despite having more than 20 years of experience.
4) Dr Seul is too aggressive in selling and proposed dual method of surgery fat grafting and implant which is double pain not only on physical but financially. The dual method also increased the risk of post operation complication.
5) Did not keep promised to let me stay for 1 night free in the clinic instead expected me to go back after surgery. For minor surgery eg eyes and nose which is under local anesthesia one can easily managed. However, general anesthesia is a more in deep sedation and I can't regain my conscious or strength to go back within a few hours. And BA is a major surgery.
6) Different email quoted different amount for deposit payment. It is as high as 30% of surgery cost.
7) Dr Seul takes longer time to do the operation it will increased the higher risk for the patient. Reason being is he is using a sizer to determined the size which I suspect it is recycled from one customer to another as sizer is very expensive. Sizer cost more than USD500 for 1 piece. He drew my whole breast on the measurement and took multiple angle of photos.

C) BK hospital price quoted USD10,000-USD11,000 exclude medication and pain control injection.

1) Dr Kim replied emails very efficiently and professionally able to communicate with the Dr directly.
2) Free 5 days stay in guest house.
3) Dr Kim very patient in communicating with me for more than 6 months.
4) Foreign friendly as some staffs can speak English and mandarin.
5) I can stay in the hospital for a day .
6) Dr Kim has more than 20 years of experience .

Cons :
1) Expensive due to USD payment instead of KRW.
2) Only provide oral pain control for additional pain control have to paid separately
3) Dr Kim performs 8 surgeries a day and my concern is no time for follow up visit and he travels very frequently to overseas to promote BK.

D) JK Clinic. Price quoted USD10,000 but round implant is USD6000.

Pros :
1) In house English translator and Dr Choi speaks the most perfect English among all.
2) I am able to see a doctor and discussed the procedure.
3) JK have their own hotels for convenience but expensive around USD130-150 a night
4) Each doctor is specialized in his own field

Cons :
1) Average clinic with only 1 anesthesia doctor.
2) Did not use blood bag post surgery.
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In NOV I visited the following clinic without translator or medical coordinator and the price quoted is cheaper as compared to June whereby I hired a medical coordinator and translator. And the clinics that I visited so far, :-

A) The Plastic Surgery Clinic price quoted KRW8.8mil
Pros :
1) the clinic is generous enough to hired an external translator even if I didn't promised that I will book a surgery with them
2) See the doctors directly instead of the marketing manager.

Cons :
1) Dr Ock is not professional when taking bust measurement, basically he is pressing on my breast so hard that I felt some pain and force to wear the tight t shirts to check the implant size. I can't breath under the two layer of dirty tight t shirts.
2) Dr Ock do most of the talking.
3) Small clinic that don't provide over night stay.
4) The clinic is quite empty and a model who came in and took photo and went off.

B) TLPS quoted KRW 12.3mil exclude medication.
1) In house English translator
2) Larger clinic and more facilities perhaps over night stay if requested.

Cons ,:
1) The chief Dr. Yim has the least experience only 6 years specializing in BA but charges the highest price.
2) TLPS advertised the aqua technique in BA which is something I haven't hear before. When I asked during the face to face consultation Dr Yim is not aware of it. When I asked The marketing manager she told me is a medical terms I wouldn't be able to understand and is a new technique discovered only by DR YIM. It is a completely bull **** explanation.
3) I hate the way he takes my bust measurement as it is painful. Dr Yim thinks that by pulling my nipple and check the elasticity can determined the Implant size which is ridiculous .
4) The clinic is quite empty, more staffs than customers.
5) Dr Yim is not interested to do the consultation and answer my questions, instead refer me back to the translator and marketing manager.

C) MD hospital quoted KRW 8.8 mil, given medication, complimentary gift eg nipple cover, warm pack, no bra is required for first 3 months. I am 10 days post ops and still swelling and bruising I can't see the result yet except for my breast is different in size .

Pros :
1) Very professional in preparing me for the operation, so far this is the only hospital that do a very detail check up which includes digital x ray scan, ultrasound for breast, mammogram, blood test and heart beat chart. They are very careful and make sure every surgery is well prepared for. JW only do normal x-ray and blood test.
2) Only medically trained staffs eg nurses and doctors is allowed in the operation room. Which is on average 5/6 exclude Dr Lee. Unlike JW which allow other staffs eg translators, receptionist which is about 10 staffs in the operation room and not wearing proper attire in the operation room.
3) Very professionally to secure my belonging before operations and so far I didn't lost anything despite the nurse forget to lock my belonging in my room.
4) Given free medication except for capsular contractual preventive medication which is optional. The cost is KRW86k.
5) Given free 2 nights hospital stay but I paid for additional 2 more nights for KRW100,000 a night. It is worth the price because the 4 nights stay is the most comfortable one. Meals are delivered to my room although I need to pay for it.
6) I am basically given 3 times injections a day for 4 days in the hospital stay. All clinics don't provide this service. The injection is important to prevent capsular contractual, anti swelling, anti bleeding, pain control and also I am on drips all the time , one of it is vitamin and the others I didn't asked I suspect it must be prevention from infection. The reasoned why I didn't asked is because all the staffs can't speak English and no point asking. As for the others injection I knew because one of the nurse can speak very limited English and told me.
During my 4 night stays is the most peaceful one as I don't feel any discomfort or pain except I need some help to get out of the bed. However that is solved by the adjustable hospital bed which comes with thermal.
7) The agreement that I signed before the operation is the most simpler and shortest unlike JW which is a few pages T&C and disclamair. Dr Lee himself explained to me instead of a marketing manager.
8) Able to see DR Lee when requested, so far 6 appointments to see Dr LEE for follow up.
9) No need to takes tons of photos or draw on my chest and breast. Dr lee only mark two point on my breast and under arm.
10) Free hair shampoo by the nurses although not professional and not comfortable.
11) Trainee doctor do my dressing and took out the stitches and blood bag.
12) Given free treatment to prevent capsular contractual and breast mask.
13) Despite communication breakdown the whole team takes every effort to make sure I am comfortable.
14) Given a room by myself and with additional bed besides , TV with hundreds of channels .

Cons :
1)The hospital is cater for local instead of foreigner, only one marketing manager speak limited English so is the Dr Lee. I will suggest that you bring a translator but I survived without one by using some sign language , drawing, and iPhone.
2) I THINK DR LEE might get the wrong judgement on placing the bigger implant on the wrong side of my breast. His opinion is different from DR Seul from JW . But one things he got it right is I have to go for a bigger implant above 335&310 CC and cannot go lower due to wide chest and all doctors including JW told me to take 250 CC on average.
3) Dr lee is a very impatient and get frustrated easily. I asked him the same question twice because he didn't answer my questions well . Perhaps due to communication breakdown he must have thought he already answer my questions.
4) During my 4 nights stay in the hospital they didn't give me a new hospital gown every day and I have to insist that I need to change. Bed sheets and pillow case did not change every day unlike my own country.
5) Nurses is not attentive to make sure I take my medicine on time and basically the medication is left on my table until I asked when should I take it .
6) Although I am given injection 3 times a day but I notice it is not based on my timing but on majority eg if one patient needs it everyone in the hospital ward will get the same injection despite the time and sometimes the nurses missed my injection time and forget to change a new drip bag.
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Omg thanks so much!! I was gonna go to a Korean market today in K-town and ask someone there to translate for me lol!! Thanks a bunch, I'll submit the form!
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I want to get Rhinoplasty as main concern and possibly eyelid (not a priority but ill consider if good price)
Thanks to Shinyglittery I just submitted a consultation on their website. I think they would need to see my photos if you contact them through email- if you want I can give email you my photos to forward to them. Mainly the procedure is to enhance the bridge, lengthen tip and narrow base.
I've gotten quotes back from TL, Item, Rex, and now waiting for view.
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