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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hey marir
Glad 2 know u still check in! Was wondering if u were all done n had ur surgeries.
Thanks for ur friends update! I'm planning on checking out view in December. Totally picking clinics that no one on this forum have had surgery at. Still trying to find the logic to that.
Anyways, welcome back! Good luck on ur studies.
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Off the top of my head , think at the end of the first forum, a girl went to get her nose there. Can't recall right now who got their eyes there.
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Well since ID is responsible of this i am hoping that they can fix this for me for free and I will find another doc in ID to do it for me
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Hey Karime and others, thanks for the kind words and support, its what keep pushing me through as well :smile:

Yes she did, and its only because the rate in australia to KRW is really bad, so I had to exchange it in korea, which is lots lots better, in korea, AUD is apparently still higher than USD so its really great to exchange here for me.
Anyone who's interested in nicole email feel free to PM me. She's been such an angel, bringing me around and all that stuff, I couldnt see myself without her here truly .Its always better to have someone around guiding you afterall.

I went for consultation this morning for skin clinic , the doctor recommends ultheraphy which is sort of overalls type of laser skin, felt it was too invasive, I did have a brief check on whats the process on realself.com and apparently most people who did it are on 40yo and up. Im in my 20, so I dont think I need it just yet, some doctor in realself also dont recommend it on young skin as it may destruct collagen natural flow. Doctor keep saying how it could really help me look better and stuff (almost sold) but I was only looking for V chin lift and simple facial. So I didnt go ahead today, gonna do mine tmrw. Remember doctor here sell themselves soo soo well, and you're especially easy to get 'sold' if you're by yourself. They'll keep selling it. So try to endure and reflect back what you really need to do, dont be greedy ><

Thats all for me :smile:
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Hello Lylolly,

I had mini-V and double eyelid surgery in Korea about 3.5 weeks ago. Initially, I contemplated on chin implant as well, but based on my research, this is not a good option to go with. i suggest you to research more about it. According to the readings that I have done, chin implant will over time cause bone erosion and may shift/ move, causing many patients to go for revision or ultimately removal of the implant. Please take note of that.

Hope this helps!
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I think Grand has tear drop implants. Breast implants costs about 8k-10k i believe. It's a lot more expensive than I thought!
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Hey Itsumobaby,
I am so sorry to hear about your experience - I am really worried about my slight dimple situation too. The good thing is my friend said its not very noticable, however, the doctor did not warn me of this at all before hand or the risk of getting it. I did e-mail Zoe and ask them about it, they claim is the swelling... which I am a little hesistant to believe, but I will give it a benefit of the doubt and wait a few more weeks. I think for mini-V, everything should settle in about 1-2 months, so I will give it another month.
Have you emailed them about it? Did Dr. Park do your surgery? I think nyou were also unhappy with your eyes correct? Where did you get that done and by whom?
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Hello pppmmm,
The doctors in Korea do not really explain to you the side effects of anything (unlike in the US). In Korea, typically you just tell them the type of surgery you want and how you want to look like. That's what my experience has been - so I would urge you to do A LOT of research before you decide on them.

Like you, i have extremely straight natural teeth too. I did mini-V line. I dont think my teeth was deviated (or at least not yet ... I am at 3.5 weeks post surgery now). However, I have noticed that when I sleep, i can't seem to close my mouth shut. I also noticed that my bite is slightly different than before. I dont know what changed, but I feel its slightly different. The sleepign with mouth a little open is kind of annoying, but its been getting a little better. So hopefully with time I can sleep with my mouth close again. For teeth, becuase you can't brush your teeth for 1 week and no tooth paste for 2 weeks, your teeth will naturally turn more yellow after 2 weeks. But after you go back to brushing normally, I think its fine.
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Hi Turning point,

Thanks for your well wishes! I will definitely update you, anyway Nicole was the one who recommended me Dream, I never heard any review but she say her client did revisional rhinoplasty and the results turned out really well . :smile:
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Hi Via,

How much does nicole charge? I emailed Zoe, and she told me she would be revising her charges starting 2013, and I thought I should contact someone else and compare first :biggrin:

Does Nicole accompany you the whole day or does she shuffle between you and another client?

Sorry, I couldnt PM you since I'm still quite new here. If it is not too much of a trouble, could you email me Nicole's contact? my email is crazydodobird(AT) hotmail(dot)com.

Thank you! Wishing you a speedy recovery!! :smile:
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I was gonna say check your PM but just realised you're 2 short of that privilege!

You're the third person to ask for their website in the space of a week or so, and its actually the most basic site name ever. Just type "viewclinic" into googles search bar and its the first search suggestion that gets offered up.

EDIT: To clarify, just in case the above doesn't make sense, don't search for "viewclinic" as it pops up with half a dozen American clinics. Just type "viewclinic" into google and wait for the drop box to open which has alternate search suggestions and viewclinic is the first suggestion.
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Yeah I did see the photos on the sites, but you see, tear drop implants are just the shape of the implant (there are two kinds, the round ones and the tear drop ones) and allergan 410 is actually the material itself, so I was hoping the Korean sites were more specific on what they actually used. I wonder what's the best breast augmentation surgeon in Seoul anyway? I want it done well, so I don't mind paying abit more for quality.
I wish I lived in the States though, I would have gone to a good surgeon and just had the boob job there.
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