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ID Hospital Korea Experiences

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I really like how you look! are your eyes really that big or did you edit your pictures? haha if those are really your eyes now (looks like they are) then you are so lucky... I wish I get results like that ^^ what is SMPS? can you write it in Korean please?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Im so sorry to hear of the bad surgeries some of you here have experienced. I'd like to share my personal experience maybe it might be useful to you. Ive had just over $100 000 worth of plastic surgery, all facial work. Ive had jaw reduction, concentric malar lift (mid cheek lift), hydroxyappatite granule implants(later removed), 2 chin implants (one removal), buccle fat removal, 2 rhinoplasties, one alar reduction and double eyelid surgery. Im quite lucky that my face still looks natural but some results are unsatisfactory so i plan to go to seoul to get some revision work done next year. The surgeries ive had were performed in Australia, Thailand and Los Angeles. Last month i was in Seoul and went to multiple clinics and hospital, finally i have picked my most likely choice.

From my experience, my first advice is this. NEVER EVER fall prey to marketting. I had a bad revision nose job in LA because the surgeon, Dr Charles Lee had pumped alot of money into his marketing and he was on the Tyra Banks Show too. I quickly learnt that he is extremely unskilled.

2nd, when you hear of new procedures, always do your research and attempt to find bad post op results because data on these new procedures are not readily available. My revision rhinoplasty was performed using scalp tissue and ear cartilage craft thats been diced into pieces. Pros: very low rejection rate from implant as it is from your body. Cons, unable to get a good shape as the shape cannot be manipulated like an artificial implant.

3rd, always ask trick questions during your consultations. Question your surgeons on the rate of infections using said implants etc. Always show that you have firm knowledge of cosmetic surgery. When i was in seoul i had asked a surgeon on the infection rate of Gortex implants. He basically said slim to none at 0.5 percent and i know those statistics are not true. I also asked him on difficulty removing gortex and he lied to me on that too.

Finally, be wary as surgical clinics tend to have marketing and pr staff lurking in forums posting good reviews about said hospital. Make sure your source is legit. Also, those of you who go to consultations with an agent, never ever do that because these agents get paid commission with each patient who has surgery performed at the clinic. A good gauge is to speak to post op patients while u are at the clinic if possible as i have done.

I will make a post later in a seperate thread on my consultations in Seoul and why i chose the clinic that i did, and why i didnt choose the other clinics i visited.

Hope this helps xx
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Oh and i forgot to mention this. Ive read quite alot of patients complaining of asymmetry to the face after surgery, especially when the intention is to make their face more symmetrical. I have had this problem too as i had tampered with my cheeks to obtain a more symmetrical face. One thing we all have to remember is that if your face has asymmetry that is only noticeable to you and no one else, do not attempt to make it symmetrical. It has an extremly high chance of going wrong. Especially in asian faces where facial fats, thicker skin and more soft facial tissue conceals most asymmetry present in majority of people (no one's face is fully symmetrical), if you tamper with it like i did, results won't be satisfactory and might end up worse.

My advice is to do a 3d facial scan to really see your bone structure. Its because of the 3d facial scan i did that both me and my potential surgeon ive selected in seoul agreed that a cheekbone reduction would not be suitable for me.
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K couture, thanks for sharing your experience and I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this, I can just imagine how distressing that must have been like. I have an obvious asymmetry problem myself that I plan on getting fixed and have written about it in my first post here:

# I've seen quite a few results where asymmetry issues were fixed or at least improved, was your cheekbone surgery done with ID? Would appreciate more details on this if you don't mind.
For me I have learnt to live without it truly bothering me but i do want to get it fixed. I looked at your post and from my interpretation you should not get buccal fat removal. That procedure should only be done on patients with somewhat symmetrical faces. If you have asymmetry avoid it like the plague. Reason is you buccal fat removal is performed by teasing the fat pocket out. You cannot pull out any amount you want as it may rip the nerve tissue and cause paralysis. Therefore it is not a procedure where the surgeon and manipulate how much fat pads is removed. It depends on how much you have and how much is teased out of the face. Due to this, it is highly likely you have more buccal fat pads on one side than the other and it will make the asymmetry more obvious. That is what happened to me. Ive had to have several facial liposuction using a small micro needle to make the problems less visible as a result of my buccal fat removal.

Also you only want to do a cheekbone reduction if you have wide PROTRUDING cheekbones. If not the rate of sagging is alot higher. I have never gotten a cheekbone reduction and i was advised against it from my surgeon in Korea who i will be have procedures done with in Seoul next year. My cheek work was a concentric malar lift, with dr brian mendelson, president of the ASAPS. He performed the surgery well and is extremely skilled. Unfortunately, that procedure i later found out through opinions of the korean surgeons, is not suitable for asians at all.In case you are wondering, a concentric malar lift is a mid face lift by taking the soft tissue from the sides of your cheeks and pulling it to the front of your face. It made my face very slim from the sides but very full from the front. Ive had to use facial liposuction to lessen the results. This is why i mentioned in a previous post, to always remember no matter how skilled or famous a surgeon is, they will always try to sell you a procedure if they believe it MIGHT be good for you. The concentric malar lift i did is not good for asians because we have alot more soft tissue and thicker skin and caucasians.

So my advice is this. If you have asymmetry in the face

1) DO NOT GET BUCCAL FAT REMOVAL, facial liposuction is much more effective at targeting problem areas.

2) Try acculift. Its a new procedure which is like shrink wrapping the face from the inside using a laser needle. Im actually going to do it in Seoul. Its minimally invasive

3) If possible try not to do too many procedures at once. I understand recovery time, and cost is an issue for alot of us but if you do it slowly and tweak as you go, you will more than likely find better results

4) do not go to id clinic. While i have never has procedures done there before and my friend had a really nice nose job done, the moment you read multiple bad reviews always avoid the place like the plague. This is especially so if your case is complicated like both mine and yours. Simple cases like my friend's who has a symmetrical face and an untouched (surgically) nose is easy to improve. Cases like ours requires alot more skill and dedication which i believe id is lacking from doing my research.

I hope this helps! Anyways i will post a seperate thread to help out more ppl here with my surgical experience with various procedures and also my consultations ive just had in korea. Ill link it here after.
K Couture, I can't thank you enough for shedding more light on some of the risks and adverse effects that may come with the procedures I was considering, I had my mind 100% set on getting the buccal fat removal because I had a larger right cheek but now I'm starting to see why it may not be a good idea after all, despite the large cheek I actually look a little gaunt in other areas of my face and I believe that will only get worse if I had it removed.

The cheekbone issue I was very wary of due to some of the bad results I've seen and I do not have large protruding cheeks, even when feeling the bone I notice that the roundness is a result of the fat and muscle below rather than the bone itself and I wonder if there's a way to slim down the width a little without having to go through that procedure as I expect the face will appear wider after having the jaws slimmed down.

Anyhow, after your advise and mwol's information I'm currently looking into the following:
- Jaw/chin reduction
- Acculift & V-lift
- PRP treatment

I hope that would be efficient enough to give a satisfactory result, I don't expect things to be perfect but hope to at least be comfortable enough to stand in front of a camera since my problem is mostly evident in front-view shots.

As for ID, I was seriously considering them after watching their videos on youtube especially that they showed the transformation of two of their male patients and I thought the results were incredible but reading the horror stories of switching surgeons during surgery was enough for me to scratch them off my list - I have now replaced their consultation with DAPRS and TL PS.

I look forward to reading your thread K Couture and I truly appreciate that you gave your time to explain everything thoroughly, this has been very helpful so thank you again :smile:
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Im glad my experiences was of help to you. Also im not sure the condition of your jaw but pls remember that jaw reduction doesn't actually change the width of your jaw. I had a jaw reduction thinking it would make my jaw more narrow. That is not the case at all. It merely changes the shape from a masculine looking squared/angular shape to a curved shape. Might be something to think about as you are a male. There are only 2 ways to narrow out your jaw, 1) if the jaw reduction includes muscle removal (which is really not recommended as it will affect ure jaw power long term.

2) botox

After my jaw reduction the shape changed but the width didnt. I actually wanted to keep my angular jaw but just reduce the width. What i ended up doing is using the botox, 30 units in each side and amazingly, it shrank my jaw so much. If i had just gone the botox route to begin with I would be alot happier. So i suggest you try that first, its cheap, none invasive and extremely effective and no long term side effects. Once you get it done results will start to show in 2 weeks. Full results appeared after a month and a half for me. I get it done once every 4 months.

With the width of your cheekbone, I think acculift can help. Theres 3 kinds of cheekbone projection and many people assume its the outer cheekbone that is making their face look wide. There's the outer side cheekbone, corner 3/4 projection part and the mid cheek. In my case, i had always thought it was the outer side cheekbone but after my 3d facial scan, i realized it was actually my 3/4 projection that was giving me the width. It wasnt even my bone per se, it was the amount of soft tissue i had in that area. So yeh, if ever a surgeon tells you a 3d facial scan in not necessarily, do not get the procedure done with them. There's alot of unnecessary cheekbone reduction performed and alot of patients experience sagging because they haven't gotten a detailed analysis of their facial structure.
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I've actually tried botox twice over a period of 8 months and there was definite improvement but the main problem remained the same in my case, that's what got me to see other surgeons where I've had x-rays done and was told the lower edge was bone and the puffy side of my cheek was mostly soft tissue which is why I was fixated on buccal fat pad removal but I'm happy to know that acculift would be a better alternative.

My jaws have a heavy appearance and are set low which increases my cheek area and makes the head appear larger. I believe reducing them would improve my profile at least and I definitely want to retain an angle to them instead of having a straight line that extends from my chin to the ears as that wouldn't suit me. I have photo simulations showing the exact result I'm after to help clarify what I want during consultations, I'd send them to you if the PM option was enabled but sadly it still isn't!

Also thank you so much for bringing up the 3d scan, I'll make sure I request that when I'm there although would it be safe getting a new scan done with each consultation? I'm visiting 4 clinics in a span of two days so I'd love to know and thanks again K Couture!
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yeh i just made this account so in 3 more days i will post a new thread on my consultations to the 5 clinics i visited in seoul and the procedures i selected and why. Feel free to send me ure photos as i may be able to direct you somewhere :smile:.

Also i should mention that the only way at the moment to safely tweak soft issue is with acculift. The only other method is to cut it but thats dangerous as it may alter how your facial tissues sit, cause internal scarring which can lead to bumps in the face etc. Lipo only removes facial fats and not the soft tissue. Im quite excited to use acculift. Lol the thought of shrink wrapping my face from the inside seems like a great alternative to the cutting.

i dont know of any jaw reduction methods that retain the bone structure of the original jaw but changes the width. Maybe they have new procedures now? My jaw reduction was performed 6 years ago so im hoping there has been improvements which may aid you.

With the 3d facial scan, tell them to make you a cd. They will charge you a bit of money for it, nothing significant. Then pass on your cd to the other surgeons in your consultations. The staff tend to be a little incompetent as those at reception and the translators are only trained in directing you to the right departments and convincing you to have your procedures done there. So if you raise concerns of multiple xrays, cts scans they will just say its safe and not to worry. Absolute rubbish. Its not healthy to have multiple scans within a short period of time. So yeah, request a cd so you can show the other surgeons. Thats what i did.
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  • 2 weeks later...
yeah.. that sounds like advertising... i know a korean friend of mine who got double eyelid at pitangui. they did her eyes through incision method when she didn't even needed to do so she had to go get a revision. so that's my two cents.
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sounds like ur advertising for life... life does http://eng.mylifeps.com/natural-adhesion-method/ but i think non-incision is a scam... it will be undone after some time...
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi K Couture,

Thank you for your insightful posts.

I was actually wanting to PM you, but given I'm a new member this is not possible.

I'm a guy. Have a wide face and chubby cheeks (am not fat in general). I had buccal fat removal few years back and am not happy with the results. The fat came back and now there is a minor asymmetry on one side. I've also had botox treatment, but it can add up here (3 treatments per year at >1K each time).

So I was thinking about going to south korea, having my wisdom teeth removed. Jaw muscles and bone shaved down. Im interested in your thoughts on this?

Ill be keeping a keen eye on your thread. Good luck with your surgery.
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