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ID Hospital Korea Experiences

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I thought I was the only one who smelt something suspicious. That person's acc was created just today and the only two posts they have are literally the same thing praising ID in a short sentence or two..
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^ yeah that wasn't the only reason why I suspected it. The main reason is that it is posted HERE. Why would a patient who had a success story post it here if they don't care about reviving the clinics reputation? They would post it somewhere else where it's more appropriate. The whole point of posting it here is to make the clinic look good again.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm sorry to hear that, truly. I know it's very easy for me to say but I hope that you take care of yourself, eat right, sleep right, move about a bit and do things you enjoy. Talking to people, even friends or family may be hard but you need to make people close to you understand your pain. Don't neglect yourself. I'm going through depression as a result of traumatic a experience that disfigured my body and some days I just don't bother looking after myself but when I do put in an effort to feel better, I find that every little effort moves you away from falling into despair.
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good point
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hello, I heard that id is one of the best when it comes to facial contouring, I'm considering to do v line surgery & zygoma reduction next year, any advice or review? or maybe recommendation for the other hospital? I'm afraid the surgery will go wrong :sad: since I'm still in college and I don't have much budget to do revision surgery, or file lawsuits, and I also don't want to ruin my face
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hi glorygc..i'm planning go for a ps....debating on which clinic does best for nose and eyes? and i heard pitangui has good reviews, wud you mind send me your b&a pics to this email [email protected]
my list is jw clinic or pitangui... if anyone of you have any reviews from this 2 clinics, mind share with first time ps lady pls? deeply appreciate and tq! :smile:
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Hey girl I want to do facial contouring at ID hospital too
im going next year! we can go together maybe and have a deal with them
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not sure if ID is a great hospital or not for jawline. Please read comments on ID hospital thread above. From what I've heard there were some complaints. I just know that Grand is horrible. The doctor doesn't speak English so basically you are playing roulette hoping your translator translated all your request/concerns. You only get to see the doctor for 10-15 mins before surgery because they are all busy. Even post op you don't even get to see the doctor to see if you are healing right. Also, if you have any complications or concerns after returning to your country, you will need to go through the translator to reach the doc for answers. In addition I had jaw surgery and was given an eye ice mask and not a jaw mask or ice pack. That clearly tells me that they don't know what they are doing. Icing is really important the first few days because it'll help with the swollen face, which I didn't get to do. I also read after coming back to the states that a girl died early this year or dec last year at Grand.

I would suggest doing more research and visiting the hospital first before making an appt for surgery. Most importantly if you speak English like me, find a doctor who you can speak with. That way you don't put your faith all in the hands of your translator. After all this your face.
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Thanks Sunray for the comments. It was very hard for me at first. Not wanting to do eat, sleep or look at my face. It's still swollen. My advice to others is to be careful when choosing hospital and doctors. Find one that will speak and understand what you would like them to understand. Everyone who gets the procedure wants to improve their appearance not make them uglier than before. If the doctor messes up
not only it will take more time, money, but all the anxiety, stress, self pity, depression and denial.
Hope you are doing ok Sunray and hope things will get better for you too. I wish you the best.
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I sent an email to Pitangui but no reply from them though...
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  • 1 month later...
Hi everyone. We recently signed up with Seoul touch up for my brothers eye revision surgery. I thought they would be a trustworthy company but now I am having second thoughts. Has anyone gone through them before for ps? The reason I'm having second thoughts is because they actually recommended ID clinic as one of the top three choices for his eyelid revision surgery. They must be getting some kind of compensation for the recommendation as they can't be looking out for my brothers best interest can they? Through my research I found a few good doctors in seoul that specialize in revision eye surgery and none of these doctors popped up on the list of three hospitals that they sent me. Now I am having second thoughts about them... Is there even an eye revision specialist at ID?
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