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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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I have just had all the stitches removed yesterday, yes, three and a half weeks after the operation! The top of my left ear doesn't heal properly and the nurse had to nipped the rotten flesh away but thank god that did not require any stitching up, I now have to go to the hospital to get my wound disinfected everyday for five to seven days.

Swelling has subsided painfully slow but just took up the speed in the past three days. I look like myself now but there are still hills and valleys along the outline of the face and some of the fat grafted areas have disappointingly come down from the preferred curves, especially in the forehead. But I think fat grafting helps harmonise the features. I wish I had done it sooner as my face looks a lot softer and more feminine.

In a week time I should be able to tell if I like the results or not. It has been less than four weeks post op and it is too soon to say anything. My eyes are natural but the whites of the eyes are still red but are being treated with ointment and anti-inflammatory eye drop.

Results so far are good but come with a few small issues ie incision not healing, jelly eyes, red eyes, severe swelling etc. I would feel so free to recommend this clinic if the doctor has an attitude adjustment. I feel as though it is too tough to get through to him, so I haven't even tried. Most post op questions I have, I googled. This is their main weakness.

However, doc is highly skilled and price is competitive and negotiable. Although Nicole is knowledgable with extensive experience in the field, she did not operate on me or was she in the operating room observing everything. One must weigh if the frustration of not having a caring doctor post op is worth the savings.
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I supposed u go pitangui & operated by the main surgeon.hope the results r great bcos i wanna go over as well but then i dun really like the way they handle clients.competitive prices i shld say & rather affordable.up til nw i prefer smps result but a high price 2 pay
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Pitangui hunting the cheap and the poor now... sad :sad: "it's cheap, who cares how they treat customers" should care, shows a lot about attitude, if screw up talk, honesty, treatment, everything, what makes you think they don't screw up surgery? think about it...
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I must say I do like what I'm looking at despite having been through a major swelling. I have checked out many more websites, forums, and blogs, post-op and realized that all doctors are saying downtime is two weeks. That is a generic soft sell term, fact is, set aside one month for the major swelling to go down if you have a major operation that requires a general anesthesia. I have not gone out to see friends as I have not told anyone about the surgery and there is some swelling still around my cheeks and eyes. Keep in mind that I'm in my 40's and if you are younger and healthy, you may recover much sooner.
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Am so excited. Now at the airport typing these out using the free internet.

In less than 24 hrs time, I'll be reaching Seoul. So looking forward to my wonderful solo trip.

Yesterday I iterarily brought out all the KRW from the money changer. That woman behind me must be like so pissed off with me!! Hahahhaa...

Thanks God & God blessed.:love:
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I did full stomach, love handles and full back liposuction at pitangui a little over a week ago. I don't really got any complains. All the staff were kind to me and I always felt welcomed (went there 6 times total, 2 times before surgery, surgeryday and 3 times after surgery). I want to go back and fix my boobs later, but right now I'm a poor student after I spent all my money on lipo. And maybe I were lucky, my operation room was big, not small :smile:
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How much did you pay for liposuction? Did you go for a big change or was it small? Thanks :smile:
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If I could turn back time, I won't do it again.
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I paid 5 million won for the lipo. I went for a big change! :smile: The doctor is good at lipo, been doing lipo in brazil etc so he told me its what he is best at. Not sure about the final result yet because its still swollen, but right after surgey I was suprised how great it looked :smile:
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Please keep me updated on you recovery and results! Do you happen to have before pictures that you can send me? If you do mind, what was your body type pre-op?

Sorry for all these questions. >.< There doesn't seem to be as much (active) talk about liposuction in Korea.
Good luck on your recovery!
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Hey again :smile:
I got before photoes I can send. But I cannot send private messages because under 10 posts. If you got kakotalk or email I can show you :smile:
My body pre-op : quite flabby belly, but I weight only 55 kg. But I lost alot of weight, 20-30 kg but my stomach would not get flat.

Yeah, when I looked online I could not find any reviews about plastic surgery either. So I blogged about it myself. You can take a look if your are curious. I wrote about it because I could not find myself before my operation.
Thank you! (you an add a comment on my blog with your contact info if you dont wanna add it here)
Before surgery entry (no pictures but info) http://maritainseoul.blogspot.kr/2014/01/plastic-surgery-part-1.html

Surgery day: http://maritainseoul.blogspot.kr/2014/02/plastic-surgery-part-2.html

Lipo update 1 day after: http://maritainseoul.blogspot.kr/2014/02/lipo-update.html

Hope it help you :smile:
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Wow! You're body looks amazing after the weight loss! I too struggled with weight as a kid and I've tried my best to shed off the extra weight.

Congrats on your procedure! I wish you a speedy recovery and a hot body for the summer ;P
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