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Where is the Best Clinics in Korea for our ''Revision Asian Eyelid Surgery''?

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Hi Girls!

I will go to Korea for my revision for my eyelid this summer. I don't know nothing about this country and also not speaking the language. It's very hard...

Can someone here suggest which is the best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea to do the revision for eyelid?

Thank you!
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Thanks Vera33! I will check them out! Can you put information about TL? I can't find it.
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Hi girls, I want to share some information! I don't have a good feeling about Dr. Kwon (TEUIM)... I received an reply about him but is was not him to responded my email. I email many PS in Korea and is was only the one who already talking about the cost and also is was so different what he is suggesting. His pictures on the website where good but for the revision is was not a lot of difference with the before picture. I don't think I would choose him for my revision... Just consult him but I think I'm pretty sure it will be a no for me!
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Thanks Vera33! You are so kind. :smile:
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Hi girls! In 2 weeks, I will travel to Philadelphia to just have an consultation with Dr. John Lee. I'm so scare because he has the same name from my previous PS in Beverly Hills but he is not advertising in shows like him. Dr. John Lee is specializing in eyelid and Oculoplastic Surgeon. We will see! If not, I will definitely go to Korea this summer because I want my life back!
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Hi Girls! I want to share a post from Logicalillusion! If you girls considered Asian eyelid surgery you should go with Dr. Edwin Choi in San Gabriel, CA. He seem good and the result is very natural!!! This girl is very lucky! Also I will ask her if he do revision and let you know!

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Hi Deepeyes! I chat with a PS on the website and I have to send pictures of my eyes and he give me this email: 2641120884@qq.com or try with this one: bandaoeye@126.com

It's better if you chat! When you are on the website, they pop a message if you want to chat.

Hope it help!
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