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Fat Grafting In Korea

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I'm going to ask them to do mine when I get it done. I'll let you know if it works!
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the actual time is not long at all. Because fat graft does not require as many post operative check ups the way that other surgeries do. Its just a matter of removing the small stitches at the incision site. The time frame clinics suggest to you usually is due to post operative check up and not swelling period. Swelling depends on how much is grafted. My first fg i was NOTICEABLY swollen for about 6 days or so. My top up i was only noticeably swollen for 3 days. Hope that helps xx
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Hey sodium, did you lose the fat after losing an additional 13 pounds of weight from your starting weight? Or did you lose the fat grafts after losing the extra 13 pounds of weight that was gained after the fat graft? LOL sorry if it sounds confusing. In other words, did you lose all the grafted fat after going back to your original weight (if you gained after the graft) or did you lose the fat graft due to an additional loss of 13 pounds from your starting weight.

Also, are you going to try with qo fill?
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I'm done with my consultations! Finally! =)

JW—This was the first clinic I had an appointment with. The quoted me 5 million for prp and jaw botox, then down to 4 million. The consultant was perfectly nice but for some reason, I didn’t like the clinic. Even though I wasn’t there for a nose job, the weird noses just turned me off, lol. I left.

Item—This clinic had the cheapest prices. But price isn’t too much of an issue for me as long as I love their work. It’s my face, I better be able to afford the absolute best. For me, there is no sense in bargaining for something that I may have to live with for the rest of my life. The doctor at item was very nice and patient with me, but I didn’t really like their before and afters. I felt they were quite dramatic looking.

Dream—I really liked this clinic’s results. They showed me pictures of girls who had bone structure similar to mine and their fat grafting results. It was what I had in mind. However, their prices were higher than I was prepared to pay, but I was thinking, “ I WILL GET THE CASH TO DO THIS!” (That is, after I check my bank account, lol.) I walked out with a good feeling but I decided to finish all my consultations in the following days and then decide.

TLPS—Okay, the consultant was very nice here. TLPS quoted me 4 million for jaw botox and stemcell fat graft and said it had a 90% survival rate for fat. I thought, omg, that’s great—why isn’t everyone using stemcell fat graft?! Really sounds too good to be true. So I asked if it’s a new procedures…and is it safe? She said it’s safe and it’s been around for a long time but not used for plastic surgery. And then I got suspicious because if it’s so great and has been around for a while, why not use it for plastic surgery? She responded that the technology is expensive and it’s difficult to process the fats—a lot of clinics are just starting to use it. Still, something felt fishy to me and my friend said that stemcell fatgrafting isn’t effective…it’s just a good marketing tacticßshe was told this by her doctor who is very reknown.

Banobagi—They were initially one of my top choices…before I visited their clinic that is. They were soooo busy and everyone was scrambling around. I understand this is a bigger clinic that deals with a ton of patients, but I wanted somewhere less hectic. Their regular fat graft price was reasonable, but the consultant tried to quote me 8 million+ for stemcell fat graft and I was internally like lololol. I have a bit of a poker face so I didn’t laugh. I wonder if the reason she quoted me so high was because in our initial email, I said I wasn’t sure what procedures I wanted. Maybe she thought I didn’t know any better. Anyways, that consultation was the shortest and I crossed them off my list.

Regen – I ended up not visiting this clinic because I needed to go back to dream for a second consultation and check out the photos again. Also, I don’t really like the aesthetic from Regen’s website but I had initially wanted to go for price comparison purposes. However, after my second consultation at Dream, I booked my surgery there and obviously did not visit regen.

Going to Dream to get PRP fat graft+jaw botox+transconjunctival bletheroplasty next week! They are more expensive, but seriously, they’re the only ones who came close to the natural aesthetic I was looking for. I don’t mind paying more if they can deliver, which I trust they will.

I’ll update you guys later after my surgery. =)
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Hi Cakemonster !

Good timing ! I just had my eyes and nose done a month ago. But I am coming back for facial FG at the end of the year . Great clinic indeed . Sleek corporate style like iPhone store . Lol

Anyway , may I ask who will be doing your facial FG? Dr. Park or Dr.Cho ( Jo) ?

Do you have Kakaotalk ? I'll PM you . Thanks and good luck for the procedure ! You picked the right one girl!
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Fat graft will be by Dr. Park. Dr. Jo will do my transconjunctival blepharoplasty. ^_^ I'm so excited.

Hehehe, I'm guessing you liked your eyes and nose by them?
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Hey girls,

For those of you who were wondering about fat grafting your acne scars - bad news. Apparently the fat for FG is injected deep within the layers of the skin so it can't be used for superficial scarring on the surface :sad:

Best option is subsision using collagen from behind your ears.
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subcision n injecting collagen taken from ears? is this something suggested by the doctors in seoul?
or if we tell the doc straight, would they understand what we're referring to?
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Who was your consultant at TLPS?
I plan to go there

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ironically, fat graft can cause some mild acne. It happens to me and a few of my friends! Lasts around 2 months with bumpyness which u can only see if u stand real close but then it disappears after
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