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Fat Grafting In Korea

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The thing I like about MVP has always been their honesty in price. Never have I negotiated with them and Im a foreigner. They seemed to charge everyone the same. But I can only speak for myself, I always approach Ellen and she's simply the best person to consult with.

I don't think they overfill my face, it's only 2.5 weeks in and I'm already loving my result. Supposedly the amount of fats from FG that will retain permanently can only be seen after 3 months and everyone have different metabolic rate so the top-up they recommend after 3 months is to balance out the fats we lose. I even requested to do lip fillers and they declined so intensely because they can only see how much fillers I need after 3 months of FG so that i don't overdo my lips (thankful for their honesty even though I wanna get it so desperately) So in my case, I dont think I worry about sagging at all.

my face was super swollen from day 2-6 and i still went out everyday, walked alot and it's especially faster to deswell in the cold. Generally people in Seoul don't really care, I went shopping day 2 with my face all taped up & noone bats an eye. I wore hanbok and walked around the palace on day 4 with my dumpling cheeks and forehead. :biggrin: So please go out and explore Seoul!
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I backread looking for your previous message/s to know why you said don't go to DA (My current first choice for vline and forehead, temples, smile lines fat graft) but can't find any. May I ask why you recommend to not go for DA? What were your procedures/experience with them like?
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I did mine at VIP, I love the result. The doctor doesn't over do it and will say no if it is not necessary.
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My friend's friend did it and the result are really natural, however I heard it won't last long as the fat as usual will reabsorb by time. The positive side is there is no scar.
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Wow you look great.
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I cannot view the blog. I am also from Melbourne.
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I did the FG at Regen with Dr. Lee, honestly I think he overdo the fat graft, my cheeks were full but in a not so good way although not that terrible as well. However I love how he shaped my chin. It became pointy and very natural, sadly it only last for a month as that area moves a lot when we talk, eat, etc. But the fat on my cheeks gradually receded after a month and stay for about 1 year. Still love the FG at VIP, however the Dr is a bit difficult to convince with lol.
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I was quoted 2mil + 10% tax by Elizabeth and free top up with 3months (not 5months) and nothing else.
So I guess still need abit of bargaining.
Just sharing :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
I arrived in Seoul last week and started doing consultations to have my surgery next week. I'll be doing a few things, including fat graft to cheeks and undereyes.
Fresh is most well known for fat graft and I got quoted 1.5M since I'm only doing those two areas and not forehead or anything else.
MVP was about 2M.
Has anyone here done fat graft at TLPS?
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I have dark eyes circles due to hollow sunken eyes. Some clinics I consulted has recommended under eyes fat reposition and/ or fat graft procedure. I read about under eyes fat reposition and it doesn't seem to help with my issues (I thought fat graft will help instead)

Any knowledge soul can help explain the differences between the two?
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Thank you for sharing.
The 2mil that MVP quoted me is for full face thou.
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Hi, i would like to ask how long did the doctor say that the fat would survive? Like how long would the FG results stay after 3 months?
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