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Fat Grafting In Korea

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I'm not sure if they would know. There are some dermatologists in Australia and the US who are practicing this technique though
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so did you get any treatment done for your scarring? I'd love to hear the outcome 😆
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I didn't but My BF went to CNP clinic in Gangnam to get their acne scar treatment yesterday.

They seem to know of the subscion technique (breaking up the scar tissue in deep acne scars, using collagen taken from behind the ear and inserted into the old acne scar) because he mentioned he had it done before and the doctor know what he's talking about.

Right now he's only 1 day post laser and raising his deeper scars. He goes back on Thursday for another laser to take away redness.
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I lost most of my fat graft after the first month or two, and my weight would go sometimes down and and sometimes up but always eventually went back to my original weight where I started. However when I ended up losing 13 pounds and keeping it off, it was clear that all of the fat graft was gone and my face was even more sunken than before.

Yes I'm going to do Q.O fill because I don't want my flat forehead, flat cheeks, paranasal lines or short chin to reappear just by losing a bit of weight. I can't afford to do fat grafting multiple times a year just to maintain my look, and I don't like the idea of my chin, forehead and cheeks disappearing without warning. :sad:
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Hi Sodium,
Do you mean Q.O fill is cheaper than fat graft? I have also tried fat graft but didnt last. Can you share which clinic you going for this? Thanks.
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I'll be going to Oracle Clinic in Chungdam, they're the only english speaking clinic that offer this

It can be. I mean it depends on how many CC you need. Plus it depends if you compare the price of fat graft to those English-targeted clinics vs what locals pay. English-targeted clinics could charge about W2,500,000 ~ W4,000,000 for a full face fat graft and local ones are about W2,000,000 ~ W3,000,000

Here is a rough idea of how much cc for each part:

- Chin 2cc
- Under eye hollow 1cc
- Forehead 3cc
- Cheeks 4cc
- Paranasal lines 2cc

This is only an approximate estimation (from what I've been told on kakao by various clinics), the amount could vary depending on what your face needs or your desired look.

They told me their event price is:
6cc is W900,000
12cc is W1,500,000
and I'm not too sure how much is an extra 1 cc

I probably need about 10cc so I don't know how much I'm supposed to pay yet cuz I didn't have a consultation yet, they said on their online consultation that I should come in so they can see how much cc I need and the price

서울시 강남구 봉은사로 333 세홍빌딩 1,2층
분당선 선정릉역 1번출구

Their address and phone number.
333 Sehong building Floor 1,2
Bongeunsaro Gangnam Seoul

Subway: Bundangsun line SeonJeongNeun Station Exit #1
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In my experience locals can pay a lot less than that (W2,000,000 - W3,000,000) for fat grafting.

I've seen it for as cheap as ~W840,000. Regular price seems to hover between W1,000,000 - W2,000,000 for full face.

I myself recently paid W1,500,000 for full face FG. This includes a top up down the track.
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W840,000 could be for only 1 area or without a touchup. I live in Korea and have visited/talked to more clinics than you could imagine
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No that's for full face. It's a special, I'll give you that. I live in Korea too:smile:
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I PM'd you their telephone and line. They don't have a kakao yet

I'll be doing mine within the next 2 weeks :biggrin:

I found some reviews of Q.O fill.


Also here are the areas you can put Q.O fill:
- under eyes
- nose
- upper and lower cheeks
- chin
- forehead
- breasts
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