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Fat Grafting In Korea

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Thanks, K :heart: whew can't wait to be able to smile again and move my face! (And look normal enough to go out in public)

How are you doing after your surgeries last time? Are you happy with current results?

Hope you're doing well! :smile:
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Hi girls

Just thought Id update on the results of my FG.

I had my first one done almost 2 months ago to nasolabial folds, forehead and under my cheeks to fill in some hollowness

I went back for my top up and saw my pre op photos too this week

OMG I cannot believe a procedure like this (relatively minor) can make such a huge difference. Especially the forehead. That roundness in the forehead honestly changes your face for the better because it just makes everything look more 3D.

I seriously could pass for a freshman hahah:P I look a lot younger I think and have a bit of baby face going on.

The good news is, according to the doctor I had a really high rate of survival from the first graft. So much so that he didn't want to really touch my forehead again too much because it might make it uneven.

The top up mainly concentrated on the ridge above my eyebrows, laugh lines and cheeks again.

Will update again once the swelling etc goes down but so far I'm super happy with my results.
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One girl in our group chat did it récently. Looks so nice. She did it with Dr koo from Da.
I dont know her Nickname on purse but you can find her in my thread about my expérience. She posted sthg. She shared with us her pic. You can ask her too I think she is very nice
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Hi lolipop32swiss
You had fat graft on your forehead two years ago and it now all fat gone. Can you let me know how to make it gone or just absorbed by time. I had fat graft on forehead and template but I am not happy the result. It's 3 weeks pos- op now. Can you share your experience. Thank you very much.
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I had fg on forehead 7 years ago with Dr kim from Bk.
It looked weird from béginning and I look funny.
I used to go to sauna, use hot packs to apply on it anything that you shouldnt do after having fg haha I did facial using warm towel to apply on it...I dont recommend doing like me but im pretty sûre It will go away

My friend Did fg and all gone after 1 month. Usually they said that survival rate after 4 months is very low. Average is 20 pct. But it really dépends on thé person.
Why dont you like it?
My fg this time made me look like à hamster so when de Hung out with thé girls we all look like à hamster team ^^
But after 1 month we were normal looking again Maybe you should just wait ? It will go éventually away
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Thank you Lolipop32Swiss. my face looks very big now. I did fat graft in Ulsan not Seoul. I am depressed about big face, not me anymore. I wish I were your friend that all fat gone after one month. Now is 3 weeks post op my face is still big and fake. how long your face looks natural in your first FG.
Anyone had experience about full face FG please share with me that how long the face will be smaller and look natural. How many year all fat gone. I made a big mistake and really miss my original face. Thank you all.
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It took about 1 month for me to look natural after FG but it keeps setting for a while after that. I wouldn't worry yet - it is really soon after your surgery
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Yup I had fg done at DA and Dr Lee said he would inject a little more than normal since I cant come back for a top off in 3 months. I am 3 weeks post op and still have this wired look. Wondering if it'll go down so I can look like myself again. I have noticed my forehead has gone done some what. I still cant smile or talk normally because I can feel the hard fg in my laugh lines.
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Thank you HJ88 and Numi, you said that after 1 month will look better but how long the face go back to normal no hard . I'm very worried that my face still will look big after few months later. Do you how to make fat all gone. I don't want fat stay and I hope all will be absorbed . Again thank you for sharing the experience.
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Hi lolipop32Swiss, I wonder you were not happy your first FG why you had to redo it after all fat gone. Does your forehead not look smoothly after you tried to make fat go away? Please share with me, I appreciate it.
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Dr kim made my forehead look weird like someone Hit me and I have Big protruded forehead. Thats why I was scared to do it again this time. But this time I saw many friends of mine did full face and it looks Nice. Especially the girls who did it at braun. Dream also made good fg but gone so fast on my 3 friends who went there.
And at that time had uneveness all over my forehead but I forgot to mention that the first time dr kim took fat from my belly button Maybe that's why It Didnt have a Nice effect but also because dr kim was mad I had local price lol ? This time fat was taken from thé thighs which dr said it is the best for face fg
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I had full face FG. It took me around 1 month to look less swollen. I am still getting used to this new look haha. As i looked really different
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Hi hellokk, how long have you had full face FG. Your forehead is still big or look ok? How long your face feel soft, no hard. Thank you.
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Hi lolipop32swiss, if you don't mind me asking, can you tell me more detail about your unhappy first forehead FG . After you had FG, you tried to do facial warm massage or sauna right away or you wait after a few month. As you mention above your forehead looked uneven just because your ps inject a lot of fat and also because of belly fat or because you massage, sauna, apply warm towel to forehead and make it's worse. Did your friend also tried something to make fat go away or it just went away by itself. I really concern about how to make my fat forehead reabdored without get uneven shape or lumps. Thank you very much.
Also if other people had same problem with me and now get back to normal. Please share with me how long will fat all gone. Thank you.
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