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Fat Grafting In Korea

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Hi Miss Orange, If FG is not recommended for young people what could be an option for cheek augmentation then? I'm 21 and my face is very flat and the leack of cheekbone make the space under my eyes hollow and overall its gives a sleepier look to my eyes, I also wanted to get fat transfer to get rid of my nasolabial folds.
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1370 USD includes 2nd top up is not bad. Is PRP also included? never heard about MEGA though..
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi Chansy, do u mind to share how is your result now?
I am looking to do my DES surgery + Epi + FG too. Am worried that Epi + FG will affect one another.
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Thank you so much! @koreanpsadvisor
Will do check em up :smile:
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi everyone,

I'm considering fat graft. Those of you who have done it, please tell me, is it worth it?

I won't be able to come back to Korea for a touch up, so I'm not sure, if I should do it. But you know, Im going to Korea for DES beginning of November and I keep saying to myself it would be a pity just to get DES. I don't want anything dramatic, invasive though.

I'm 29 btw.

Thanks for your opinion.
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Fat transfer/grafting is appropriate for anybody of all ages depending on the individuals situation. Believe it or not, children with hereditary or traumatic deficiency and defects are eligible. Young adults, people in their 20's, can have fat grafting for abnormality asymmetry.

Many have different opinions on fat grafting and at what age is appropriate to get the procedure done. The person you should really listen to is the surgeon however. Have a detailed discussion with an EXPERIENCED fat grafting surgeon will aid you into understanding this procedure and suitability for your personal circumstance.

I emphasize on experienced fat grating surgeon because you do not want a surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty alone to perform fat grafting on you.

Im 23 years old and I recently had fat grafting done at View. I had different experienced doctors working on my face.
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I am considering fat graft for my undereyes but reviews about this procedure are very mixed. Also, some clinics say that they don't do it as it will make the areas bumpy, not smooth but some doctors really recommend it. I think it probably depends on the skills ...
I wondered if anyone had this procedure done successfully and could share their experience?
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Hi All, Been a silent reader for the past week.

I am 2 weeks post-op FG (forehead, cheeks, under eyes and laugh lines), did it at MVP by Dr.Seo (I didnt bother going to other clinics because I had such a great experience at MVP 1.5 years ago for EPI and full incision DES). Fats were drawn out from inner-thighs as I was told quality fat cells are mostly there. Tbh I did not plan to do FG, I went there with the intention to just get dermal fillers to fill up my sunken mid-face areas and nasolabial folds as I recently lost 5kg in the past 3 months and been told by many people I look older :sad: But after consultation, I was convinced by Ellen (main consultant) to get FG instead. She broke it down in how many filler injections I need to fill up my face as compared to my own fats taken out (comparable in Ccs needed for each areas) It makes more sense to do FG as it will last longer and technically more economical than getting dermal fillers every 3-6 months.

Made the decision to go ahead with FG the next day. I went in with very little research on FG unlike my first trip where I did tons of research on eye procedures. The whole procedure was quite fast and straight forward, was scheduled for preps at 3.30 PM and back in the room by 5PM, went out to look for dinner by 6 PM. The only discomfort after surgery was my sore bums (felt like I was sitting too long), surprisingly little to no pain on my thighs. My friend who went with me on the other hand, felt sores on her thighs as though she just did heavy squats / deadlifts ( we were both pretty active in the gym) so I guess different ppl have different tolerance and healing process.

My thighs were heavily bruised on the first few days but now it is almost 80% back to normal, I can wear shorts and noone would notice. Face was quite big and swollen on the first 5 days, I was pretty depressed on day 4-5 after the tape was removed as I felt like my eyes and eyelids were squished and they looked 50% smaller. Plus I did eyebrow embroidery on day 6, it made it even more swollen around the eyes. I hated my face on the first week, but the swelling goes down by week 2 ( I also limit myself to 1 bottle of beer/cocktail and smoke 1 stick a day even though Ellen told me no alcohol and smoking for at least 2 months T_T with Seoul's weather now it's impossible for me to endure) - So Im not sure whether the swelling went down now or the fact that I lost fats because I was being rebellious with alcohol and smoking lol. But Im pretty happy with the result now esp around the eyes & laughing lines - forehead wasnt my main concern but it looked so much better now too, supposedly full results can only be seen 2 months and above.

Fats were drawn out around 60cc , used up 40cc for whole face (except for chin), left 20cc for topup and was told to come back after 3 months. Doubt I will go back for top up but I'll see how much fats I retain after 3 months. I was told not to workout for at least 3 months and I tend not to eat alot too, doubt my fats will stay for long but we'll see.

Not sure if my experience will help anyone but feel free to ask me anything!
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Forgot to mention I also did botox for jaw and PRP stemcell hyrdoboost treatment during the whole FG process. Update on botox jaw, visually I can tell a smaller and V shaped jaw esp on my sides, but weird muscles popping out from upper jaw when I chew food! Does anyone have the same problem?

My friend took a video of me chewing and I showed Ellen, she said she have never seen that before and told me it was not from botox. Though Im pretty sure it is from the botox, noone seems to be able to explain what caused it, wasnt so bothered by it as it can only be seen when I chew and clench my jaw. But curious to know if anyone has the same problem??
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Thanks for the review! I agree that if you need a lot of volume added to your face, FG makes more sense than filler, but FG is more unpredictable. I have a few questions if you don't mind. How much did it cost you and is the top up included in that fee? Did you ask for PRP stemcell hydroboost treatment separately? I know some clinics do PRP+FG to increase survival rate so I thought maybe they recommended it to do together. Did they give you compression garments for thighs? Please update us in a few months to let us know how the fat is surviving. :smile:

Regarding your muscle popping out when eating, is it on both sides and did you get FG to those areas?
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I had exactly the same problem before and freaked out for a while but it did go away after a month or so. I usually go the same doctor for botox injections but that time, I decided to try a different one who is closer to where I live and his price is a bit cheaper. I was so excited to see that my jaw seemed to get smaller compared to the previous times but then I noticed that when I chew, the muscles on my upper jaw popped out and it was really obvious. I was so stressed out but he did not know why it was like that. Fortunately, everything was back to normal after some time. I think it's because they injected botox into the wrong areas? When I go back to my regular injector, I don't have that problem anymore.
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Yes the PRP was added in and was recommended. The only thing I requested was the Stem-hydro skinbooster treatment for deep skin hydration and they included that into my FG process. So both me and my friend did Full face PRP Fat Graft, with top up (within 5 months) and Stem-hydro skinbooster treatment, each of us paid about 1,2 mil KRW + tax.

No compression garments were given but I also dont see the need for it. After the surgery our thighs were wrapped in bandages but because I was wearing short skirt that day, the moment I walked out of the clinic the bandages got loose and it rolled down to my ankles and made them looked like leg warmers lol.. They recommend us to wear loose bottoms for surgery day but next day onwards we were asked to wear tights / skinny pants. The only thing we were asked to get was waterproof 3M plasters for the 2 stitches and that was it.

Hope that answers your questions :smile:
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Oh so glad to know that Im not the only one! This is my first time with botox and I thought it's a weird muscle reaction to it. Hopefully mine will go away soon too!
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Thanks! 1,2 mil KRW + tax for all that including top up seems like a very good price. Is that special price for Korean or can foreigners get it? Did you have to negotiate for that price?

I forgot to ask if MVP overfills your face a lot for FG since they know all the fat will not survive? I am afraid of them overstretching my skin as I don't want it to sag later. Also if they overfill you and your face is swollen, I think I would be embarrassed to go outside for a week!
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