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Here is why i am worried from fixation with Titanium screws in V-Line surgery!!!!!!!!

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Hi all,
As someone in the medical field and in the surgery field myself, I see lots of rods/pins/screws and plates used to put people back together. There is nothing inherently bad about using titanium screws etc but we often do see ppl come back after years to get the screws removed (especially from the foot) if the hardware becomes painful. There is more likely to be an inflammatory reaction to suture than steel (thats why getting stitches out soon rather than later is better). I am considering a mini V-line and will likely needs screws. I am willing to accept this with the knowledge that I may just need to get the screws removed in a few years if they become bothersome.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Damn - I still intend to have ALL my teeth extracted to have ALL ON 4 dental implants. Long story, bad teeth, crooked teeth, don't want to spend weeks and months in a dental chair etc. This is a miraculous solution to instant perfect white teeth, not dentures as they lot is anchored by titanium posts.
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me too. :sad: but I really want genioplasty and I don't want silicone implants.

does anyone know about absorbable screws? (do they even exist)
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believe me i've considered that too. artificial teeth would be so much easier. no root canals that kill the tooth and need a crown and many additional procedures afterwards and still might break when you chew on something hard. and implants would be as white as you want them, and perfectly straight too...
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they exist :smile: everM uses them and i think DAPRS might use them too. what were the other clinics that use absorbable screws? anyone?
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Good info I dont even know what screws i got. Im gonna ask soon i didnt even think about it stupid me, but i heard if you get titanium you can get them removed after around 6 months.
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  • 4 years later...
Did you have any issues with the titanium screws? I heard there's dissolvable screws as well but even those can have complications
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If anyone wants to know a clinic that is good that is metal free DM me. There's a clinic that is really popular with koreans right now and they don't advertise to foreigners but might be worth checking out with a translator. This clinic has one doctor, extremely thorough consultations, REALLY good post op care, and has really high ratings in babitalk and gangnam sister. I 'm planning to go here for my fc.
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I am a student nurse who has worked in acute care/surgery with previous experience about 7 years total. So many orthopedic have had titanium pins, plates, screws etc that I can't even estimate it. There's not much to fear with the titanium hardware.

And yes, now there are polymer type hardware that can dissolve over time! It's pretty cool. You should ask your clinic if they use this kind.
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  • 9 months later...
Hi touni i dm you but havent reveived any reply. Has anyone asked which is that clinic?
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