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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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Hi everyone and those who had V-line,
I have a question. Normally after we had v-line, mandible jaw , there's a tube coming out from the mouth right? The tube suppose to take the blood out of the cheek if I'm not wrong. But I found a girl who had mandible jaw reduction but the tube come out from her neck.
Does anyone know why?
Thank in advance
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It seems to be coming more from just under the ear than her neck. Sometimes, especially with procedures like body long curve reduction, the surgeon cuts from the back of the jaw to the chin area. Or at least that's how I think they do it? There are lots of different methods to enter the jawbone area: most surgeons do it from inside the mouth these days because the scar is not so obvious then but some still use this way.
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Thank u ngalaxiee :smile:
Somehow I just found the tube method come from that under ear look so scary.
Hope my jaw reduction won't be liked this. I preferred from my inner mouth
Finger cross
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I chose to go with Kimberly Lee, because she specializes in procedures on asians. Having a unique face contour, I appreciated that she knows how to work with my face symmetry. I don't think you'll have a big problem finding specialized experience in Korea, but make sure the clinic has had patients with similar features.
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That's alright, glad I could help. You should speak in detail with your surgeon before the procedure gets under way. Go over with him/her how much they're going to cut, where from, using what method and especially how they plan to avoid your nerves! It's good to maybe let them draw on the X-ray and let you visualise it for yourself. That's what I'm going to do at my consultations ^^
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey girls, I booked a flight on 25th August. I will have a conlultation in Wonjin on the next day, 26th, and the surgery probably not long after. Anyone who will be in Seoul at that time? I found a pretty cheap hotel in Gangnam :smile:
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Does anybody planning to do both rhinoplasty and v line together?
I was thinking of doing each one a few days separately... But worried if it gonna be safe or not by being under that deep anesthesia 2 times in just few days... :/
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Hallo Dreamii, I am also thinking of having my Vline and revisional rhino done in Seoul. In the beginning I didnt know either if i should combine both in one operation, since it would be rather time-and money- consuming otherwise. But after an intensive research I d rather seperate them in 2 times with 6 months in between. Becos 1)I couldnt find a trustworthy clinic which seems to be good in both... (EverM, DAPS and banobagi receive many good reviews in facial coutouring but their nose sections sound quite lame.. and Dream, O-n-Young vice versa) 2)Many said the healing process is TOUGH, esp. the first 3 days post were like hell... totally intimidated :sad: 3) you want your new nose to match perfectly your new face shape, for that you ll have to give it at least 2-3M to let the swelling go down a bit after the Vline surgery, until your rhino surgeon can make a proper judgement. 4) it is not very safe to receive twice major aneasthesia operations in such a short period. Hope it helps!
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Hi Wauwau,
Thank a lot for ur replied :smile:
Yes your are right... Everybody said the first few days is hell...
1) I agree that DA is good with facial contouring, but not nose.
2) also agree that vline n rhino together is a disaster...
For 3 & 4, I will discuss again with the doctor and wil make final decision... Hopefully it will be okay but if not, I won't go through those 2 at once. Finger cross.
Thank again for d help :smile:
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